Grissom & Sara #31 : Yes. Let's Do It.

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um... did I miss something? Who is suppose to be Grissom's new love interest? *scratching head in confusion* :confused: He seems like he is throwing himself into his work, and he looked uncomfortable when Warrick mentioned Sara. Like he's trying to hold it together, and then someone mentions her and you can almost see his veneer crack. :( Hang in there Griss, she will be back for you!

I read Eklie's Office, yesterday. It rocks! Someone needs to tell Eklie that resistance is futile. He will be GSR assimilated. :lol:
The Mob Chick on the lam was, acording to Aussidumbo and others, suposed to be a new love interest for Grissom. Before the writers strike she was going to be a recurring guest star. Hopefully TPTB will have a chance to rethink that one now.
There is only one love for Grissom!
First...Desertwind I love the happy kiss picture and I love your lucky lady.

Second...episode was ok just different. 75% of CSI is the same and it's the 25% (Rashomama, Ending Happy, etc) that get the fans talking. I really like the angry emotional Gil. I liked he wasn't in the office this episode.

The mob chick is Aunt Zelda from "Sabrina the Teenage Witch." I think she looked stranged and had a very weird accent. I kept waiting for her to use her magic. I've now joined the Ausiello guy is dumb group. Why did he think that would be a love interest? I can totally see her with Brass...Gil no way.

Thankfully we got a Sara reference. Yeah for us.

My favorite scene was "Daddy Grissom" catching his son at the strip club and sending him home. How embarassing is that? Of course, when I worked (in Dallas, TX Big Strip Club City) with guys who'd go to the strip clubs for the "free buffet." They'd run it through the expense account b/c the clubs would put some other restaurant name on the receipt. For example it might say "Tom's Bar-B-Que Pit" instead of "The Lodge."I guess they don't do that in Vegas.

Here's hoping next week wraps this episode up, more GSR, and an end to the strike.
i don't know if this has been mentioned already but i want to say that apparently David Rambo sent an email to one of the fans that in his opinion ...
Grissom and Sara already got married in private.

i squeed.
Okay episode. Grissom's definitely bitter now that Sara's gone. But holy S**t!!!!

Adzix said:
i don't know if this has been mentioned already but i want to say that apparently David Rambo sent an email to one of the fans that in his opinion ...
Grissom and Sara already got married in private.

i squeed.

What the....? Adz, you're lying! :eek: OMG Site your source!

where's the damn ring? lol. I guess it's just an opinion. But still.
OMG OMG OMG!!! *JUMPING FOR JOY* OMG OMG OMG!!! Do you realize that this is the highlight of my very crappy week? I suspected, I hoped... WOW!!! Just, WOW!!! Grissom and Sara rae so private, I don't think they would care about rings. They know in their hearts that they belong to each other. They don't need a ring to prove it to the rest of the world. She loves him and she will be back for him. He loves her, and he will wait for her. OK, I'm off to do cart happy cart wheels. Now I want a GSR geek baby. Yes, I'm greedy. I want it all!


The Mob Chick on the lam was, acording to Aussidumbo and others, suposed to be a new love interest for Grissom. Before the writers strike she was going to be a recurring guest star. Hopefully TPTB will have a chance to rethink that one now.
There is only one love for Grissom!

Are you kidding me? That actress was horrible. What the hell would she have in common with Grissom, aside form being old? He's a geek. Sara's a geek. Do the writers really think the fans would accept proposing to Sara one minute, and announcing that she is the only woman that he has ever loved, and then jumping at some mob widow? Please! :rolleyes: I think Grissom is barely keeping himself to gether, and is opting to immerse himself in work as a distraction from his pain. Angelina Jolie could hit on him, and he would be oblivious. He loves Sara! GAAAH! :lol:

:eek: OMG!!! I just red the geek fiction story "Watch It", where Hodges is watching Grissom and Sara. :eek: I laughed, I cringed, at one point I wanted to vomit. That was the most disturbing, funny thing I think I have ever read. It was sooooooooooooooooooooo wrong, and sooooooooooooo in character for Hodges. I could visualize it! :p
Thank's idahomom I appreciate you appreciation ;)my aim is to please with the photos, and your too dirtylabrat and I absoutely LOVED last night ep. and Warrick is the only one who mentioned Sara, how he missed her, and felt "disconnected" I never knew Warrick cared that much about Sara, but apparently he did, he holds his feelings deep inside.. and how Grissom was back to is old grumpy, serious pissed off side, and when he told Warrick, 'you've got your work" as I posted on the "COCKROACHES" thread, was he speaking for himself? his work has always been his backbone, of his existence. and he's a private guy and refuses to talk about Sara to anyone, the only thing he shared was with Brass, on her 'calling him'. Cath's had her turn, waking up drugged in a sleazy motel, Greg got the crap beat out of him, Nick was buried alive, and Brass got shot, & of course our Sara the wrath of pyscho Natalie, so it was Warricks turn, I love his intesnse acting, he rocks, so frothing and so angry, and you could see him spinning out of control,[great acting] just like Sara was. they just choose a different paths :(she split, he got high. That Candy SIZZLED and beautiful. Grissom acting so cranky :mad: telling a grown man to 'go home" and he didn't anyway :( so were going into ep. 9 and so far I've liked 5, last years was so much better.. to me.. the MCSK intriguing, but this season, the Sara based episodes 'DD' and "GBAGL" and the "CROSSOVER" and the "CARP" and this one "COCKROACHES" the rest stunk or were below par, for me :( are all you fans happy with this season, as far as a comparsion to previous ones?


I'm watching Goodbye And Good Luck right now, and I noticed something. I kinda tilted my head when I saw it, and now I keep thinking about it and wonder if it was just lack of time in the episode, or maybe it really means something.

Anyways, so Sara takes SIDLE off her CSI vest, and puts her vest in Ronnie's locker. She then looks in her own locker, and glances at a picture of her and Grissom from TOYD. She closes her locker and walks away. What is interesting is, she didn't clean out her locker. She took her name tag off her vest, but she didn't clean out her locker. I think about it, and yeah, it could just be that they didn't want to take time to watch it, but could it be a sign that she'll be back?

I mean, she gave her vest to Ronnie, but didn't clean her locker out so there would be room for someone else?

Yeah. That's it.

Oh, my thoughts on Cockroaches,

It seems like Grissom has turned to his work to cope with Sara going away. But it was nice to see him not moping around the lab.

I like that they still bring up Sara leaving. I'd rather that than not having her mentioned at all.
Not sure about the locker... I'm hoping that she retruns with "Grissom" on her new vest. I'm sure that she will return for Grissom, but maybe not as a CSI. I recently read the fanfiction "December", and it had this beautiful cocoon/butterfly analogy. I'm ok with her not returning as a CSI. As long as she returns to Grissom, and she's happy and healthy, and they are still GSR, I'm cool with that.

Have you guys seen this?
Just Stepping Out For a Minute or Two
Squeel! :lol:
Desertwind - thanks for that happy kiss pic...definitely a mood lifter :D

I watched Cockroaches tonight. I really like what William Friedkin did with the ep. The open was great and set such a gritty film style. From a production standpoint I absolutely loved this episode. Storywise - I enjoy seeing Warrick again (seriously he has been MIA), but it feels a bit heavy right after everything with Sara. It was good to see Grissom not taking any crap and setting his foot down. If you think of it from a work-only standpoint, he has lost his protege in Sara and now his next favorite is screwing things up big time.

I also watched ABRTI 1&2 today. Having that fresh in my mind I liked seeing Greg get the choice between trash truck and running crime scene since he just got stuck with the running crime scene the other time.

A couple pages ago people were talking about favorite GSR moments. One of my favorite 'minor' GSR moments is when Gris asks Sara to come check out the alley with him in ABRTI. I especially like how he says "Well this is per me". Hodges is really great during the explanation too.

Speaking of it just me or is he popping up in a lot of GSR moments. He was there for the gray hair comment and the kiss. Are there more? I wonder who is present for the most GSR moments.
Onlyvegas, if you think Hodges has been popping up a lot In GSR moments you should read the afore mentioned Watch It. It is a little scary, though.

Dirtylabrat, didn't you know what my signature thingy was about? "Just stepping out ..."

I watched Table Stakes tonight and that was a much better shirtless Warrick scene. Hot instead of perverse.

Also just published a new fic with some major smut. GSR smut of course.
You know Jorja keeps saying she did eight episodes but so far she has only been in seven. I do wonder if they filmed one out of order. May Sara comes back to help with Warricks defence. I could see him asking her to go over the evidence.
I think I was so in mourning for GSR, I over looked your signature. It wasn't until I heard her speak the words did it hit me and I jumped for joy.

Do you think this entire Sara departure is a ratings stunt, to make people tune in to see how Grissom is dealing without her, and then to hit us with a GSR whammy near the end of the season? We're all pretty miserable without her. The writers have to know that. And they have mentioned her in the episodes since she left. Even Warrick (who knew that he cared) is unhappy without her. I'm still waiting for the Greg/ Grissom confrontation. He has been too quiet.

"Watch It" is a little scary??? :lol: IT'S ALOT SCARY!!! :lol: But oh how I laughed my head off! :lol: And then I was speaking the words "OMG! Sick! EWW! OH THAT IS JUST WRONG!" out loud. The really scary thing is that it didn't seem out of character. Not like an alternate universe fan fiction. I'll never be able to look at Hodges the same again. :eek:
"Watch It" freaked me out!!! ICK!!!!
I saw Jorja say "Just stepped out for a minute or two" and I have heard David Rambo say that "Sara Sidle could walk into the lab at anytime!"

It sounds positive to me!!!
I hope her walk is more of a waddle, when she comes back, because she's pregnant with geek babies. :lol:

That's me being and SO! :D
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