Grissom & Sara #31 : Yes. Let's Do It.

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i believe no one should be sad. We should all just wait a month and ill bet Jorja will be back on (that is if the strike ends soon). If anyone didnt see the video where a fan met David Rambo, I highly suggest it. It will brighten your spirits, i know it did mine. I think the link is on pg. 13 of this board.

BTW, what is PLG?
"The sun will come out, tomorrow..."

Oh yes, I have faith of children my friends that it's not the end. Follow seattlegsrfan's link. Happiness.

There's hope because she lives. She's not dead. She will be back. On it says the writers are meeting after Thanksgiving to work on ending the strike.

I have more happy pills for anyone who needs them.

One last thing. I love the pictures of WP at the strike. That shirt cracks me up and I love his shoes too. Reminds me of the hubby who won't give up a shirt. In one it looks like he is giving directions. My own capiton is "I'm just a writer. I think around the corner you can see the Grey's Anatomy cast."
ok, thx... wow, I feel like an idiot. lol but, i cant wait to see if there is impact on Grissom next or on the team next week.
Me too.
I would also like to point out that while a boycott is a great idea in theory, it wouldn't really work for tv unless you have a Nielsen box in your home. That is all they look at anyway. I am hoping their ratings will drop some, maybe that would light their fire to get Jorja back, but I think she wants some time off and she'll come back when SHE'S good and ready, and not before. Sorry, but that's what I get from what I read.

I wish they had played it a little differently, however as far as the episode goes, I think she played it brilliantly. I agree that there were some weak plot points, however, I thought the acting (even Hodges not knowing what to do during the kiss) was exceptional. I truly believe that she will be back, that this isn't the end of GSR. I believe that because one, I want to have it back, but more than that, I know that TPTB know how popular GSR is and they want viewers which bring in money, plain and simple. I think they tried to give us what they could in the time that they had left before JF departed. That's why we got the proposal, that's why we got the kiss. JF was leaving, I cannot blame the writers for Sara's departure, no matter what and at least they sent her with a valid excuse for leaving (somehow I think the older of us on this board understand more than the younger set), and gave her a huge in to come back realistically. I think they did well. I'm very sad that she is gone, but JF left, so Sara HAD to leave Grissom. It's not really the writer's fault.

I will wait and see where they go from here before I get mad at them. If he is fine or he turns to Cath or LH then I'd stop watching just because that would make no sense to me and I can see forensics on about twenty other shows now.
I love your passion dirtylabrat I'm so disturbed about all of this, it's hard to fathom, what's going on. I took a drive today up to the mountains, to get a fresh perpesctive, it helped a bit, but this will take time to process. and that hasn't happened yet :(

part of her 'goodbye' letter'

Know that your are my one and only. I wll miss you with every beat of my heart. Our life together was the only home I've ever really had. I wouldn't trade it for anything. I love you. I always will

and thank's seattle for the YTDAW article, that's so cool, she's such a romantic, isn't she?

*sob* she wrote the letter herself!? *sob* That's just *sob* BEAUTIFUL! Maybe it's a bad analogy but it reminds me of when Burt Reynolds made Sally Fields write her break up speech in Smokey and the Bandit 2 since she was breaking up with him in real life too. Ok, happy reference over, back to sobbing again!
bengali if he turned to those other 'women' I'd have to hunt him down and shake him badly :mad:.. he'd never do that.. Cath and him are co-workers/friends, and have absoutley nothing in common socially.. and the also have different approaches on cases.. and LH gag me.. she's gone, and hope she stays gone forever,, they never had a romantic relationship they really never had anything but 'tea' once in S/3.. and it never went anywhere , becaue he loved Sara :p I just hope Jorja changes her mind, and realizes how much she misses her buddies and this show, and will pick up where we left off!
the next eppy called "You Kill Me" might be partially from grissoms perspective, but its because hodes is staging murders around the lab for the lab technitions, so they get a chance to play csi, and cause he LOVES WENDY! lol wedges is our new romance :(
NOT.. on Hodges and Wendy :( she can't stand him.. I hope your kidding.. but it's hard to think this is supposed to be a funny ep. with all the grief, that we're all feeling right now.. I hope Cath or Brass or the others do comfort him..I can't bring myself to post on there, not interested, how they can just blow her off, with no regret, boy I'll bet if it was one of their favs. they'd be singing another tune :rolleyes:
I am very likely to permanently tune out of CSI altogether and either take up Thursday evening classes or sports programs. It's not that I'm upset with the breakup, I'm angry at how it was handled especially after all these years we've enjoyed the GSR without it compromising CSI's original intent.

Maybe CSI can survive Sara's departure but like someone who suffered an ugly gash or burn, the scars remain and that's how I feel with CSI now. It's like losing a finger or toe. If Grissom self-destructs, then that will deliver the coup de grace for CSI.
When I saw the promo for next week, my sis and I went "WTF??? How can they have a HAPPY episode right after this one? There better be more to it than what was in the promo or someone will probably end up dead....

Somehow I've stayed on team SO even after Thursday night. I go around telling everyone in my house and at school that Sara's coming back and they aren't broken up. Yeah, I'm really, really sad and depressed that she left, but I know she'll be back. CM, Naren Shanker and hell, Jorja herself said so. And Jorja's ultimately the one who decides.

It's so sweet that Jorja wrote the letter herself, I'm happy that she put so many "I love you"s in there. My favourite line of the whole episode "I feel like I've loved you forever" and "I love you, I always will." and "I'll miss you with every beat of my heart." Even though that last one was a bit cheesy, I still LOVED it. I only wish she had put something other than "Goodbye" at the end. But I can deal with that.

My least favourite scene was when Sara was with Hannah that last time, when Hannah was crying and screaming. The look on Sara's face, it was so blank. She was just standing/kneeling there while Hannah was hitting her and everything. It was like a stab to the heart for me. I had two tears gathering in my eyes for most of the episode and at that scene, one of them ran all the way down my face. I cried so much Thursday night, it was insane.

Actually this whole episode really did almost kill me. The way that Sara was all emotionless about the domestic abuse case, she didn't try to help the wife. That's how bad it's got. One of the things I always loved about her was that no matter how long she'd been doing it, and how much Grissom lectured her about getting emotionally involved, she never lost her empathy for the victims. And now she has.

Someone said on the last page that probably the older people on this board understand why she left better than the younger ones. Well, I'm definitely one of the younger ones, but I understand why she had to go. I hate it, but I understand.

I want to take one of those kiss icons and put it as my display picture on MSN, but I think that counts as a weird thing to do. I loved the kiss. Even though it was a goodbye kiss, I still loved it.
Axatullux said:
I am very likely to permanently tune out of CSI altogether and either take up Thursday evening classes or sports programs. It's not that I'm upset with the breakup, I'm angry at how it was handled especially after all these years we've enjoyed the GSR without it compromising CSI's original intent.

Maybe CSI can survive Sara's departure but like someone who suffered an ugly gash or burn, the scars remain and that's how I feel with CSI now. It's like losing a finger or toe. If Grissom self-destructs, then that will deliver the coup de grace for CSI.

So, your jumping the "ship" that's sad, because what will you do when she returns? read todays news, she even stated on "THE VIEW" that Sara will return ;) it's your choice, but I'm hanging in here, and hoping for the best.. I refuse to give this up, and hopefully Grissom will feel the here are grief stricken right now and wounded and suffering..KEEP THE FAITH
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