Grissom & Sara #31 : Yes. Let's Do It.

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Ok, REALLY stupid question (I blame it on my lingering hysteria)- where have I heard/seen Sara say, "I can't be Sara Grissom until I find Sara Sidle." Did I dream it? It's entirely possible. Sad, but possible. HELP!
So i guess since Grissom and Sara had such a super relationship, they just shared everything! They were so distant you could fit the great wall of china between them.

:devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:
That's an example of why I can no longer visit the other threads.

It's been 24 hours, and I still feel like I was kicked in the stomach, last night. :(

Fanfiction isn't cheering me up either. :(

I was enjoying the GSR bird flu story... but no updates. You know, where the world is ending because of bird flu and Grissom and Sara are trying to survive together. *sniffle*

Can we organize a boycott? Are we out numbered? I like Hodges, but I feel betrayed by tptb and have no desire to tune in. :(
AHH, go visit them with your finise, you can drown them out, with your views, opinions and theories :D..I feel like a black cloud is hanging over me, I can't shake it, I'm so bummed out, and in disbelief :( we've got to be OPTIMISTIC, and back up Sara and Grissom, and hope and pray she'll return, after she gets her s... together :confused: KEEP THE FAITH

notice how she's cupping his head
Ok, this is embarrassing but I am so much on the Team SO bandwagon that I actually wondered for a moment during the show if she was going to write Grissom on the tape on her vest. I know, I'm silly, but I was just hoping so bad for something happy.

The consolation in all this is that Jorja seemed amenable to coming back to the show so hopefully we'll get something down the road to HAPPILY resolve everything.

P.S. Apologies upfront for not knowing the author (maybe Kristin Elizabeth) but there is a fic over on geekfiction about Griss and Sara that is totally smutty but involves Hodges as an observer. Great little off-beat fic. Anyway, it amused the heck out of me after reading that fic that Hodges is right there when they kiss. :lol:
Hey guys, I just read the coolest thing over on YTDaW. A couple of the girls over there set up to meet David Rambo today on the picket line to ask some questions & he told them Jorja wrote the goodbye letter. The writers asked her to do it because she would know what Sara would say to Grissom. That just makes me so happy. It was beautiful & Jorja wrote it.
Edited to add aLink to YTDaW I hope.
seattlegsrfan said:
Hey guys, I just read the coolest thing over on YTDaW. A couple of the girls over there set up to meet David Rambo today on the picket line to ask some questions & he told them Jorja wrote the goodbye letter. The writers asked her to do it because she would know what Sara would say to Grissom. That just makes me so happy. It was beautiful & Jorja wrote it.
Edited to add aLink to YTDaW I hope.

That's AWESOME! That's loving your character right there. Ahh and that letter was so amazing. Geez. I love Jorja right now.

I made a sad but fast gsr vid Here if anyone is interested.

I have watched the kiss so many times that i'm pretty sure I have it memorized. Omg. I'm still a fan.

The title of the next episode is "You Kill Me." If that's coming from Grissom's perspective, then that is a pretty deep feeling.
I'm sorry to say that bat the truth must be told: HOW CAN SOMEONE THINK tHAT ONLY BECAUSE SARA WENT AWAY FOR A WHILE GRISSOM CAN HAVE A ROMANCE WITH CATHERINE?? I do not know if theese people have watched CSI and have actually understand the caracher's psycology! WTF!!they LOVE EACH OTHER!! they don't see that? are they blind at all?? :devil:
I just had a horrible thought... because we all know that tptb are evil... what if the next time we see her, she's on the slab? :(

The way I'm going to deal with this is to 1) boycott the show until she returns ans it has been established that GSR has been reunited. 2) My warped little mind is hoping that just maybe she took a little piece of Grissom with her, that will take about 9 months to hatch. Yeah, I know that maybe she's in no mental state to have a baby at the moment, but she has 9 months to pull her shit together and snap out of this self pitty party. She needs to figure out what's important in life and have an OMG I just walked away from the only home I have ever had realization. Babies = Life! So yeah, I'm still team geek baby. The haters be damned. :(

*sigh* She said GOODBYE to him. :(

Do you think tptb underestimated how much this would anger GSR fans? Or are we in the minority? :(
Im still in shock, i just cant get over it!!!!!!!!!!!! im in such a bad mood i think my boyfriend may dump me lol!!!!!!!!!! i cant believe they did that to us after all these years, i honestly hope the ratings plummet and they have to bring her back as i am only going to watch an ep now if there is a part of GSR in it, thats my decision!!! i just cant get over the fact that even in real life you would stay with the one person you have a home with, why would you run away from the one person you love and who loves you, the one person who knows everythin about you to go and run off! i mean i know jorja wanted to leave but from saras point of view i dont see it as being a plausible exit i dont think it was realistic!!! i have watched that kiss so much and it doesnt make me feel better as i wish when we eventually got a kiss it would be a happy one not a goodbye one where she just left him there in shock!! GRRRRRRRR.....i so hope she comes back and we have an amazin finale where she surprises him at work and jumps him or somethin! oh well i can be SO in my dreams.
*goes off to vent some more to poor boyfriend*
I told my husband that I'm in mourning for GSR. He thought the show jumped the shark back when K-fed had a guest spot as Pig. Now we can both stop watching, and find a more productive way to spend a Thursday night. I will only tune in for GSR, and if tptb stop jerking our chain with them. I know angst makes for great tv, but what happened the other night was just illogical and cruel. I can't believe that Sara would ever leave Grissom. She fought too hard to win his love. :(
Haven't been here for months! But I just had to pop on.

Watched Good luck and Goodbye last night wi poppylvsgriss and a crate of lager... It was needed.

We are divided Yorkshire Ladies. PLG ranted for at least 40 minutes and three cans of Carling Black Label about what a cow Sara was, leaving our little Griss all broken hearted etc. My ears bled. :lol: :lol: :lol:

But I can see potential... Allow me to elaborate.

JF has said she is coming back. I think she is. It's all to do with pain and pleasure. We need pain to enjoy the sweeter things in GSR. We needed to see Sara repair herself. To beocome Sara Grissom, she has to sort out Sara Sidle. Confront the past to work out her future. That future DEFINITELY is Grissom im my opinion. I strongly, utterly and totally believe that the last scene of this series will be a close up of Grissom (preferably in a suit but I am a total slapper for WP in a suit!) and we'll hear JF say, 'Hi,' and take his hand and marry him. There. Said it. That's my prediction. It will come true!

Drama is made up from conflict. This is our conflict. Grissom left by Sara, the writers against the GSR fans leading us down the garden path with this ending... It builds anger and conflict in us and the writers do it everytime! Because they know we love it! Why else did Grissom stand there with his mouth wide open after that kiss instead of charging down the corridor like a mentalist after her? Because there is more... and the writers know it!

And despite PLG's ale fuelled rants, she loves it too!

Let us bless GSR. It will not be gone. It will never be forgotten.

BTW - did anyone else say, 'ahhhhh,' when Grissom waved at Sara through his office window? Uber cute!
Re: Grissom & Sara #31 : Yes. Let's Do It.

Awww, dirtylabrat. Big Hugs! You should talk to PLG. She understands your pain! :lol: (but she may still be drunk and unconscious in a bus stop somewhere...:lol:)

I do think some of the show was clumsy - Hannah West's 'You've changed, Sara...' for example. Just carry a sandwich board, already! And Griss's reaction to the kiss was more miss than hit, but, I do think Sara was trying to tell him she was going because she was struggling but it was curtailed by Marlon West's death. She looked more frustrated at that than having to deal with another young death.

I did join in the rant about some of the sloppier written moments. Did Sarah Goldfinger, the Queen of GSR, really write it??
I really needed that too actually, as although im so sad that makes me feel slightly better as its true what you said, the writers are just tryin to make us upset and make us want them back together more than we wanted them together originally so they will come in the finally with a storyline that will have us cheering them again i suppose. I secretly hope that something happens to Grissom in the finale like he has a breakdown or something and sara comes back to save him like he saved her all along that would be soooo cute or he gets kidnapped and the suspect has him and she saves him. although i suppose we dont want it to become a melodrama but one can dream and read fanfics. lol, lets all keep the faith and watch GSR vids......
Re: Grissom & Sara #31 : Yes. Let's Do It.

Exactly, vixster! There is a twist like that somewhere in this series... The writers play with all fans of all characters and all ships. That's all they're doing here.

Like that idea of Sara saving Grissom... Good thinking!

The sick side of me likes the idea of a broken Grissom... :lol: Billy can pull it off. Then we can all cheer as Sara wipes his tears, gives him a huggle and walks him out of the lab, arms protectively around him. The possibilities are endless! :D

Just heard from PLG. She is coming on over the weekend to rant apparently! Hide under the table and hide your beer! :lol:
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