Grissom & Sara #31 : Yes. Let's Do It.

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I watch the Views for a little bit, but I turn the channel to Price is Right, because I knew they won't let her talk, they let her talk about her character, leave the show and return to the show and that's it. They always that way to other co-host.

Desertwind, when you said, about Grissom and Sara have a baby. I didn't said that, I just read what Carol said about Billy and Jorja said no to the baby. I think Jorja and Billy want to wait 'till Sara return then they change their mind. You know they can change their mind about everything. I know Sara will return, so I'm not worry about it. Some people (You know who I'm talking about, Desertwind.) think Sara will return for Greg, but she is not, she is return for Grissom.
OMG! has the view already aired?!?! I HAVE SCHOOL!!! ILL MISS ITT!!!!!!!!!! SH*T
im having a not-so-good day. ohh and im behind times and just found out the new couple to take place of GSR when sara leaves is Hodges/Wendy <--aww, not as good as gsr though
NicknGrissom I know you didn't say that sweetie, I was just putting that pic. up for fun ;) ya' never know, apparently she did talk about CSI, and I missed it.. my stupid tape was up, so finally I just started watching it.. weren't they so rude to her? that Joy Beher, sickening, so negative & arguementive, and Whoopi thinks everything she says is so profound and that Sherri, boring and blabbled about me. and sweet Jorja, just sat and smiled.. which after watching her on CSI, proves what a fantastic actress she is, she came across as timid & shy on this show.. but hell, they didn't let her get a word in edge-ways :mad: did she say "Sara's coming back" I missed the first part?
I recorded the Veiw and watched it after school. I thought the same thing, "Shut up and let Jorja talk! That's the only reason I'm watching this show." They kept interrupting her, it was so annoying. :mad: She looked really great though, and the times that she seemed kind of nervous were cute. What she said about Sara's future... I'll put that in a spoiler box, just in case.
She said that in tomorrow's episode, it's sort of like you wake up and think it's just a normal day, but by the time the day's over your life has changed forever. She also said "I'm sure Sara will be back somewhere down the road." I think that's what she said anyway. That was the basic idea.

I'm going to be so depressed tomorrow :(. If they break GSR up... GRRR. :mad: I'm trying to be stupidly optimistic, but it's hard!
Thank's Brooke that gives us a shred of hope anyway, you should go post this on the 'S/8 spoiler thread" cause someone else told me this via e-mail, so I did post it, but you actually heard her say this.. and their so adamant that 'she's gone forever' :mad: If I wanted to go completely insane "THE VIEW" would do it! I was in a foul mood, and was late to wrok for nothing, except seeing her.. she's so beautiful ;) I so wanted to hear her opinions, and views and theories, and crap, she barely said anything about anything!
maybe a shred of hope, but are we really interested in being reminded of what they had, or what could have been, if they aren't a couple?
i missed the view if it was on the 14th??? damn it i didnt know it was on until late last night after i missed itt. :( :( :( :( and my computer STILL doesnt have any sound so i cant even watch it on the internet. :( :( :( :( :(
im going to be sooooooooooooooooooooooo sad tonight. :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
Is there anything so wrong with Sara that Grissom grabbing hold of her and kissing her couldn't fix? Why would she want to leave him? Punish him? Damnit, she's going to break his heart, like he feared all along. I don't think I can't handle depressed and moping Grissom. Damnit girl, quit your job, marry the man you love, have a baby, and enjoy life for once. Running away doesn't solve anything. ARRRRRRGH! I swear, I feel like I'm waiting for a funeral to begin. I just have a really bad feeling that tptb are going to rip out our hearts. I can't even promise that I will continue to watch after tonight. I don't like to be strung along. I just have the sense that tpt are about to do something really stupid with our favorite couple. For some reason they think you can't keep the science and GSR. They are wrong! Grissom needs Sara. Sara needs Grissom. Hello!
from what i've heard on the rumor mill, if TPTB find that the ratings start to drop too much after Sara's departure they're going to move heaven and earth to try and get her to come back, even if not FT but slightly more frequently (it's not like all the characters are always in all the episodes anyway). but again, I think these writers strikes have pretty much screwed up any plans they had on her returning. I mean she was meant to be in the season finale, which obvs was meant to be a BIG thing, but now it's looking like we're not going to get a season finale... it's so up in the air.

you can see a lot of Jorja on "the view" (which is very similar to "loose women" for those of you who are in the UK like me) on youtube. Yes she looked absolultely stunning!

I am still undecided as to whether I am looking forward to this episode (coz by the looks of it, it's going to be one hell of an amazing episode!) but at the same time, i don't want Sara to go! *cries* (even though I know she'll be back!)
I am looking forward to and dreading tonight's episode too. I really think this looks like it's going to be a really good episode (god bless Nov. sweeps), but it will be bittersweet because this is her last (at least for now) episode.
If anyone missed the view with Jorja and wants to see it, go to Jorja All Around .com and at the bottom they have a link for all eight parts of the interview on youtube. Desert, if you want to see the beginning when she talks about the future of Sara, it's there (part 1). I do NOT recommend it for the spoiler free until after tonight's episode.
BabyBunting said:
from what i've heard on the rumor mill, if TPTB find that the ratings start to drop too much after Sara's departure they're going to move heaven and earth to try and get her to come back, even if not FT but slightly more frequently (it's not like all the characters are always in all the episodes anyway). but again, I think these writers strikes have pretty much screwed up any plans they had on her returning. I mean she was meant to be in the season finale, which obvs was meant to be a BIG thing, but now it's looking like we're not going to get a season finale... it's so up in the air.

That's exactly what I was thinking. Seriously.

that the writers were going to bring her back. A good Way to bring up the ratings during sweeps. And she'll be with Grissom etc etc. But the baby thing is probably BS. I'm hoping the writers strike will end before the writing of the finale. Actually any time soon would be nice.

So, who's already crying/squeeing/wetting pants over tonight? A part of me wants to watch, and then the other half doesn't.

It's bittersweet. That's what it is.

Actually, I think I'm more excited about Alyssa's post-ep analysis. It always makes me feel all GSR tingly inside.
Thank's bengali but it's already been posted on the "Sara passionate heart thread".. very iffy, it seems, but I truly believe that if the ratings drop, they'll beg her to come back, did any of you wonder, why is she doing a talk show "THE VIEW' dear gawd, but can't finish out the CSI till May? :confused: I can't imagine anyone watching this show on a daily basis.. nothing but psycho-babble :mad: here's something interesting about her rabid fan base!


Ok, no matter what happens tonight, we will survive somehow :(

We may need to start a GSR support group tomorrow :lol:

I'm like most others here, excited yet dreading this episode.

Let's hope for the best! :)
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