Grissom & Sara #31 : Yes. Let's Do It.

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Ok, thanks. As long as I know the channel I can find it in my TV guide. Haha, that shirt is funny, the first time I saw him in it, in WTG I almost laughed, but he was talking about death at the time, and then Sara came out a ROBE. I then freaked out and forgot to laugh at his shirt.
Maybe his real life wife gave him the shirt and he wore it in Way to Go, while talking about the people he loves as a certain kind of tribute to her. If he is wearing it around town it must be his not the shows' costuming, right? Just a thought.
that's so cool seattle, it's like a big party
and all the stars look like real people, lol, amazing
haha, saw paul (brass) and gary (warrick) and one else from csi

it'd be great to see jorja there!! i'm sure she'll be there when she can, this is her kind of thing

and des, i love that billy wears that shirt a lot, it means it's special and he chose it for the first BIG GSR SCENE!!

God, I haven't been around here for ages. I apologize.

And I blame it on several things.

Namely, I watched Living Doll last week (and that episode rocked!!!!) and I suddenly realized that: "OMG, Sara is going to disappear." I had an epithany.

Angst. It just pains me to even think about CSI anymore. Honestly, it just isn't the same anymore. From what I've seen of S8, it is just...well, ER has been on the air for what, 11 seasons? I just think that maybe the writers should consider it for CSI too. I really do not want to see this wonderful show go POFF! Better to stop before it gets all screwed up, IMO.

Having that said, this is probably going to be the end of my CSI-GSR era. I've loved the show since I started watching it about 2 years ago, but I feel like it is starting to get a bit tiresome. Sure the science rocks, the actors are great and the writers have made such a good job in juggling the characters private and professional life.

But when Sara disappears, I'm probably gone too. To me CSI isn't just GSR, but rather the fact that it is so well done for reasons already stated. The GSR was only a bonus. To me, when an actor/actress drops out and really, the entire season is going to...dark places, it has gone a bit too far.
Granted, I'll catch it at some times, but I won't watch it with the same excitement.

I love you, CSI. But I'm afraid you are going to have ti step down as my number one show in favour for BBC's Robin Hood. At least we know that Robin and Marian will end up together...

On an happier note: It is SNOWING!! *happy dance* And tomorrow I finish school earlier, and on Friday it is this big Gymnasium (Swedish high school kind of :rolleyes:) convention.

Sorry to be such a party pooper, but my moods are low. :(
Desertwind...Thanks so much for the shirt pics.

I'm so dumb. I always thought that Grissom was wearing a robe too in WTG. I didn't realize that he was wearing a shirt. I thought it was an "after the lovin'" scene, but now I think that it is a "before" scene.
i watched The View and Jorja was so pretty!also she said that Sara will be back and also Jorja said that now that she's leaving she can start dating the cast!Also she want to go on a surf trip.
I watched "The View" too. She looked so pretty (I wished we could have a scene pf her and Grissom dressed up together on the show). She had such a sparkle.

She was cryptic about her status on CSI...KEEP THE FAITH
She looked gorgeous. I wish she would have said more about why she wants to leave. Surfing is great but she could have elaborated a bit more.
So, how will this writer's strike affect CSI and Jorja?

I had a GSR dream, last night. Sara didn't want to be called by her first name anymore. Just Mrs. Grissom, or Sara Grissom. They are so much a part of each other now.
Forget the rings. They need t-shirts... "Property of *insert the other's name*"

I'm still dreading tomorrow night.

I think it depends on how long the strikes goes on for, from what I've heard they said it wont be over before x-mas, if it goes on much longer past that then they're just going to quit season 8 only 1/2 of the way through and then start afresh with season 9 in july/august - quite what that will mean for the storylines they had planned for the rest of the season I have no idea, I know they only have up to ep 13 written, but obviously certain story arcs were meant to stretch further past ep 13... I think it's just so all up in the air at the moment it really is impossible to say what's going to happen.

Jorja was fab on "the view" - i've never seen it before myself, but it looks very similar to the UK's "loose women", but poor Jorja hardly managed to get a word in edgeways with those 3 yabbiting on! :lol:
Come November 16, CSI could very well go into a tailspin and never fully recover after Sara departs (even with the possibility of her returning). Though mostly focusing on science, GSR added some really good energy to the show without compromising the show's original intent.

Something is so wrong when GSR had been building for seven whole years and then all of a suddent tptb just suddenly bail out on it altogether. That's just nonsense.

As for the strike, I wonder if Jorja's departure might have some sort of connection with the writer's strike that has been ongoing as of writing this post.
Thank's for the pics. seattle awesome, and your welcome idahomom he does like that shirt, and I missed the first part of "THE VIEW' she said Sara's coming back, really :eek: damn, I didn't hear her say that, did she give a timeline? and she did look gorgeous, so feminine, and sweet, but I was pissed off the way those agressive other regulars kept butting her out, and she just sat there and smiled, they bulldozed and basically ignored her almost thought the whole show, rude. I was going "shut up" and let Jorja talk!

hey all. i just wanted to pop in before the episode to say that i'm VERY excited. i dunno how is it all going to end but i hope for a great ep and some absolutely amazing GSR.
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