Grissom & Sara # 28: To heart's and eyes' delight

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Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

OMG! Y'all agree?! GSR SHIPPERS REALLY ARE THE BEST! *cries* I was really, really hurt. GO MELINDA AND GSR!!! *cries*
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Why yes! There is a name for the fear of dolls: pediophobia (not to be confused with pedophobia--which is the fear of children). As for the US Weekly article . . . well, it sounds like the gossip rags are playing operator with that story about Jorja refusing to film the final scene. A story I, for one, have never believed.

I'm so mad that Melinda got the boot on Idol that I'm hoping I'm compensated with some first-class GSR tonight! My goodness! Only 12 1/4 hours until the finale! Can't believe it's already here.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

LadyDisdain said:
I'm so mad that Melinda got the boot on Idol that I'm hoping I'm compensated with some first-class GSR tonight! My goodness! Only 12 1/4 hours until the finale! Can't believe it's already here.
Yes! Me too. (The second half is a spoiler. I don't know if you're SF or not. ^^;;)

I'm so looking forward to the arm-sex! >:3 teeheehee!

7 hrs and 37 min! <3

GSR!!!! <3
GSR!!!!!! <3 <3
GSR!!!! <3
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

butterflied08 said:
7 hours exactly!!!
Heeheehee! I SOO cannot wait! GSR is LOVE!!! *dreamy sigh* We better have some hot-GSR tonight! After the week I've had I deserve it! >.> *mumbles*
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Thought this would be the perfect time for me to jump in and join the crazyness! :D Here in Sweden, it's already 9. Ha! But we still have a whole half season to go until the finale... :eek: Thank the previous poster who metioned that the England finale would be in July. 2and July, right?

Anyway, congrats to the new thread! Pretty late, I know, but better late than never. And I've been stalking this thread since #15! :D

I'll post later, have to eat. Sushi.... :cool:
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

I'm freaking out now! :( All this waiting is just killing me! I think I won't be sleeping tonight because it'll be 4AM here in my country when Living Doll will begin at 9PM EST.

I'm so scared for Sara's life. I really hope that she'll be O.K.. I just think that killing off Sara means killing off Grissom too, maybe not in physical way, but in emotional way. Just my 2 cents.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Since yesterday, I've been warning people that I might spontaneously start running around in circles and screaming. I haven't yet, but I can feel that at some point I will.

I went onto CBS Innertube and clicked on one of the Cold Opens, then while it was loading I was questioning myself and figured out I really didn't want to watch it, so I exited it. I watched one of the Cold Opens for Empty Eyes and I didn't like the episode as much as I thought I would cause I already knew the details of what would happen in one specific scene. So I'm going to be surprised for Living Doll now, .. somewhat.

Five hours.

I've been saying the hours to everyone, they all think I'm insane. :)
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

saraXsullivan said:
Since yesterday, I've been warning people that I might spontaneously start running around in circles and screaming. I haven't yet, but I can feel that at some point I will.

I went onto CBS Innertube and clicked on one of the Cold Opens, then while it was loading I was questioning myself and figured out I really didn't want to watch it, so I exited it. I watched one of the Cold Opens for Empty Eyes and I didn't like the episode as much as I thought I would cause I already knew the details of what would happen in one specific scene. So I'm going to be surprised for Living Doll now, .. somewhat.

Five hours.

I've been saying the hours to everyone, they all think I'm insane. :)

I do that too, LOL! X3 I love my obsessive-ness! Haahaa! XD
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

4 Hours!! :D

lol about AI.. I love Blake too but i wanted Melinda to take 2nd!


I was so bummed about the whole Sara thing today at school but then i was like wait. Everybody is going to find out about GSR and that is going to be AWESOME! I cannot wait now! I guess that has to do with the fact that i have absolutely convinced myself that Jorja will be back next season.

So i have to finish my homework, Eat Subway, Read my TV Guide and then The Office Finale, CSI FINALE!!, and greys--ick. So I will TALK TO YOU GUYS AFTER THE FINALE!!!! :D

GSR is Love.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Finale in 4 hours and 4 minutes. I'm so excited I could pee.


Ok but for real? After the longest week ever avoiding spoiler boxes and "SPOILER FREE DON'T CLICK HERE!" links and just avoiding and youtube all together - I cannot friggin' WAIT.

I was jumping around at work today and my boss got as far as saying "What are you on?" Before realization dawned on him and he followed it shortly by "Ohhhh. It's Thursday." Then he rolled his eyes and walked away. Pfft.

I've decided that tonight is beer and pizza night. Yep.

And totally OT (even more so then ^^) omg. Lindsay and Danny? *squees* And Mac was all wet? *dies*

And American Idol? I lurves Blake. Yep.

And then Crossing Jordan is gone and dead forever. Which means I no longer have a reason to watch NBC. Awesome. Oh wait... Scrubs. Shoot.

And CBS finally got their heads out of their asses and are gonna move Without a Trace back to Thursdays! wOOt!!

Seriously. If Sara dies I will officially be PISSED OFF. And CBS don't wanna group of pissed off fangirls chasing them down. Do they? Who's with me?! *smiles sweetly*

I am the Faith Fairy, here to help keep the faith. *Passes out Faith Cookies* And now boys and girls, they come with pitchforks included! We must be prepared for anything! Spirits up now!

I'm going to go straighten my closet... or something. I HATE waiting. *paces*

That is all.

Edited to Add; even though it's weird commenting on a post after mine... I just have nothing else to say besides:

Shipwrecked I lurves your icon. I don't know who that is... but he be adorable. Can I keeps him?
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Turtle your a riot :lol:.. and welcome to Elin and Honey glad your here ;) have fun!

Listen up, I'm 99% sure that Sara is NOT going to die, they wouldn't have built up this relationship for 7 frickin' years, to dust her off, like that.. if I'm wrong you can hunt me down and beat me up.. but I'm almost positive she'll be fine, once again, she said in her interview "as far as I know everyone will be back for S/8" she didn't add, oh, except maybe me!

Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Mmmm...yeah. TOTALLY was antsy all day at work today. I tried to keep myself busy, so the first half of the day I stocked the Dairy shelf. Then, my stoopid boss told me I had to level the store. :mad: Guess what that meant? I had to think about the finale. :mad:

I couldn't sleep last night because I was thinking about the finale and I was getting all these different scenarios in my head how they would play out.

I kept picturing Grissom with the exacto knife in his neck and then I saw Sara under the car with her hand moving...::shudders::

I have been popping TUMS all day like Tic-Tacs. Sad, SAD, me.

Turtle[/b]]I'm so with you! I have dibs on the flaming pitchfork.


I bought my 24oz Heineken and I made sure I had popcorn. :D

I'm so ready for this finale.

Hopefully we get some HOT GSR tonight.


Happy finale'ing ladies!
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight


Can I say it again? ARM SEX, ARM SEX, ARM SEX! Haahaa! XD
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Finale in 4 hours and 4 minutes. I'm so excited I could pee.
That's what that puddle was. Crap. ;)

Hopefully we get some HOT GSR tonight.
I'm praying and hoping for some action packed GSR tonight. I love that word. Action packed. It would only make sense, right? Angst in tgtbatd, and fluff (the packed type) now.

Okay, I know we all have finale fever like whoa, but I was making some GSR and Spiderman 3 comparisons, mostly because I had no teacher in English today.

You know how Grissom rambles on with Sara about Lady Heather being tough and strong bla bla bla. And then he goes so far as to say he is the only one she trusts. I could totally see Sara calling him on that, maybe saying, "Hey, trust was our thing!"

Like in Spiderman when Mary Jane does the whole, "That upside-down kiss was our thing."

I'm sorry, I'm on painkillers for my knee right now so it might not be making any sense, the stuff that I'm saying.

But long live GSR and yay for approximately 3 hours till the finale (for me.)

And I did not spoil spiderman for you. I don't do that sh!t.

Edited because I screwed up.
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