Grissom & Sara #25: Running up the Phone Bill

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Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

umm there was never anything here....mmm, honest. *hides*

i can't remember...duh...but is she still alive? Could it be her? Maybe targeting her daughters boyfriend? Why do i keep doing this to myself, from now on i am not going to mention, or even think about the MCSK. :)

Oh pleeeeeease can no one talk about other programmes in here, pretty pretty please with sugar on top, because i'm totally spoiler free for every other episode, but it's just CSI that i can't wait for! I prefer to wait for the ep to come out in england, especially lost, so pretty please? *smiles sweetly*

Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

egg: You need to get rid of that before a mod sees it. We're not allowed to bring over text excerpts of scripts... only summaries.

And, yes, that is the scene we were spoiled for over at a few different places concerning the end of 7x17, which I can't wait for. I don't think I've ever been more excited about a beard being shaved... and it's going to be the scene that is going to just KILL the spoil-free gals. They're going to fall down down!
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

Welcome back, Adzix! We've missed you!

I think I've read enough and written enough about Sara being the serial killer. It's just absolutely out of character and I don't think TPTB would ever experiment with something like that just so that they can have an unexpected ending.

I do think it's plausable that she is one of the vicitms. I'm a little bit torn apart, because on one hand I want her to be in danger, so that Grissom could do some bad-ass investigating and find her. We can have another Butterflied, but a bit more personal - in other words, just better. But on the other hand, I think it's a little too much that they've put a main character's life in danger in every season finale. It's interesting and exciting to watch, but one of the things I love about CSI is that they come up witha new thing every finale. So maybe I will be thrilled to see what happens to Sara if there's more to it than just the angsty part on Grissom's side...

I've been thinking about different scenarios of the last episode. I actually would enjoy the idea of the killer being someone from the lab - it would be exciting to watch. BUT as long as it's a happy ending (and by happy ending I mean another bedroom scene >:))
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

Had a few too many ties for last place, so this one has 11 options.


I know that voting a million times is going to be a pain. I don't know why I did this three-tiered system except that I was bored. lol. So again, sorry.

But I do know there have been times in the past where we ended up with a "meh" title because there were just too many options, so if I need to justify it, I'll say that. lol encore.
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

I got a question about Sara being pregnant. I read other board, it called IMBT or something, people think Sara is pregnant because of her stomach sloch. I told them, she always have that since 3rd or 4th season. They think she is pregnant. It Sara's pregnant or not?

If you think it the spoiler, I will put it in the spoiler, but I don't think it is.
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"


Boy... you feeling bossy today Sarah? What if I don't want to pick five? What if I want to pick four? Or three?


I'm feeling rebellious, what can I say?

So. Since this is speculation, I'm not going to put it in a spoiler box... if it should for whatever reason be in one - please feel free to beat me upside the head or modslap me. Whichever you prefer.

As for Laura Sidle being the MCSK... With there being no mention of her for a while now, especially since she was never actually introduced - just mentioned here and there, I don't think she'd be it. And the parents of the Foster kids wouldn't really have a reason to kill... unless they are psychopaths - I mean as far as we can tell, they treated the kids right. You know? I believe it could have been one of the kids... probably IS one of the kids... but I'm also leaning towards someone we already know. Someone we've already met.

LIKE THE CREEPY MOPPING JANITOR! Not that we've met him... but he's always there! Just me? Ok.

Which leaves the conclusion of Sara. And unless I've sprouted long floppy ears, a twitchy nose, and cute little cotton tail in the last three days that I haven't noticed yet... then just NO.

Or Hodges. Whom I love. Who creeps me out lately. Changing his behavior and all. Going from "LOOK AT ME!!" to Mr. Sure and confident. But still, I don't think it's him either.

I love this.

I got one. Maybe it's Grissom. Yes. He didn't go to RI to teach... he went to RI to MAKE TINY LITTLE CRIME SCENES :eek: Oh Noes! Which would explain the beard being so wild and crazy - he couldn't stop making tiny little pillows and books to fix it. Yes.

Or maybe it's both Grissom and Sara! They are the rare serial killer partners! Hate to break it to you, but they don't get together to have happy little converstations or wild monkey sex - they are getting together to plan murders.

And that would explain why Sara takes it upon herself to shave him. Because she's tired of looking at the close up of this facial folicals while he's got a magnifing glass up to his face printing titles on itty bitty books.

And then Grissom sends them to himself so that he can make sure that they don't get there in time.


See? I've gone completely off my rocker. I hope you realize I'm kidding.

I love GSR, I love CSI, and I love the MCSK. Yes.

I forget who actually did it - but reading spoiler warnings like SHAVING SCENE has got to be putting images in the heads of the non-spoiled. I know that most of them know... but if I didn't know it would probably irritate me. I'm just saying. :p

That is all.
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

I picked my "5" all the "romantic" ones.. looks like "It's obvious isn't it" is winning.. cool.. that should leave no doubts in the "other" ships minds ;)when will this be finished.. and when are we going to be the "featured ship"?

Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

I got a question about Sara being pregnant. I read other board, it called IMBT or something, people think Sara is pregnant because of her stomach sloch. I told them, she always have that since 3rd or 4th season. They think she is pregnant. It Sara's pregnant or not?

If you think it the spoiler, I will put it in the spoiler, but I don't think it is.

If Sara is pregnant, by the time she goes into labor, the kid will be ready to start second grade. Her tummy pouch is her tummy pouch. At least it made sense when people were speculating because she got sick around chemicals all of the sudden, but... just silly. lol.

Boy... you feeling bossy today Sarah? What if I don't want to pick five? What if I want to pick four? Or three?


As for Laura Sidle being the MCSK... With there being no mention of her for a while now, especially since she was never actually introduced - just mentioned here and there, I don't think she'd be it. And the parents of the Foster kids wouldn't really have a reason to kill... unless they are psychopaths - I mean as far as we can tell, they treated the kids right. You know? I believe it could have been one of the kids... probably IS one of the kids... but I'm also leaning towards someone we already know. Someone we've already met.

CM said that it would be someone we've seen. What if it's Bubbles, the wife of Mannleigh Chickens Man? The only reason I say it is this: Bubbles would've lost part of her spendin' cash with Izzy's PSA. She was doing Raymundo, and Ernie caught her. Now Ernie calls her a cheap whore, but what if he was helping to cover for her? Or Mannleigh makes him shoot his own brains out because he's not as cool with her sleeping around as he pretended. The pill lady? Dead end. But the pills could be tied to the therapist, so until we find out who was depressed, it's a bit of a non-clue. Anyway. Crazy theory. And I really, really don't see why Bubbles would go after Sara. And that's kind of the part I'm hoping for so we get a big romantic GSR rescue scene or something.

LIKE THE CREEPY MOPPING JANITOR! Not that we've met him... but he's always there! Just me? Ok.

Really? Where?

Or Hodges. Whom I love. Who creeps me out lately. Changing his behavior and all. Going from "LOOK AT ME!!" to Mr. Sure and confident. But still, I don't think it's him either.

If he's not the killer, then they're definitely setting him up as a red herring.


Of course. Peaceful, lots of superglue. Rhode Island is where all of the specialty serial killers go for a good time.

Or maybe it's both Grissom and Sara! They are the rare serial killer partners! Hate to break it to you, but they don't get together to have happy little converstations or wild monkey sex - they are getting together to plan murders.

Honestly, I think they'd spend a little too much time with the CrazyMonkeySex and a little too little time with the action figures. Louts.

or does "shave him" always sound SO wrong no matter how cute/sexy the scene is going to be?
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

I agree with Sarah she's Jorja's always had a tummy bulge, obviously she doesn't mind or care, or she'd hold it in, or wear a panty girdle, it's part of her, she's still bone thin.. and the pouch, no biggie ;) it probably shows up more, because the rest of her is so slim !! and I hope the scene in "Fallen Idols" stays..P-L-E-A-S-E
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

If Sara's pregnant just because she as a tiny bump of a tummy, then I must be having quadruplets is all I'm saying...

Moving on to something that's actually interesting:

I'm in the process of trying so hard not to squee. I'm 30 years old, damnit! I will not squee! But I'm so excited for the shaving scene *crosses everything crossable that it airs uncut*

Thanks for the birthday wishes, Adzix *huggles*
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

Hi...Stupid Question...What does 'GSR' Stand for? :confused:Also...I heard somewhere that The Cocoon is Symbolic of Gilbert and Sara's Relationship...Oh!!! Is that what GSR is? :lol: Apparently weer in 4 a nice (Romantic) Suprize wen it 'Hatches'..... ;)I Love Gil and Sara together. I think they need to Get Married and have kids..... Also Cat And Poncho.<<<(Nicky) :)
I'm Also On Team Bearded....LOL. I LOVE Grissom's Beard... And Sara looks WAY better with Strait Hair.... They are SO Cute together... Does any one remember the ep wen Sara snapped @ Cat, And almost got fired...But Gilbert went to her place and she was crying...and he was holding her hand? Aww...... (Me Blushing...) :D Yes...They need a two minute on screen kiss!!!!! ;)
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

IlovePoncho said:
Hi...Stupid Question...What does 'GSR' Stand for? :confused:Also...I heard somewhere that The Cocoon is Symbolic of Gilbert and Sara's Relationship...Oh!!! Is that what GSR is? :lol: Apparently weer in 4 a nice (Romantic) Suprize wen it 'Hatches'..... ;)I Love Gil and Sara together. I think they need to Get Married and have kids..... Also Cat And Poncho.<<<(Nicky) :)

Welcome ILovePoncho GSR stands for Grissom Sara Romance ;)

IlovePoncho, don't triple the post. You can edit it for 24 hours or somebody replied. You don't want modslap from Mod.

Thank you Sarah and desertwind. I always knew Sara/Jorja has that stomach since 3rd season. She still skinny.

That was Nesting Dolls. I love that episode, but it sad to find out about Sara's mother killed her father.
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