Grissom & Sara #25: Running up the Phone Bill

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CSI Level Three
Da New Thread Yo! *throws candy* Congrats Everyone! Let the GSR live for eva! Hopefully we'll celebrate Da Kiss in this thread. Let the Spoiled get spoiled to their maximum and the Spoiler-free strongly remain so.

The old thread -> Grissom & Sara #24: Since Norman Fell


*******Peace, Love and GSR*******
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

I'm so glad someone who's spoiler free put that up because I just couldn't bring myself to make the thread. It was breaking my heart!

YAY! A new thread of Geek Loveyness! Now, it's our responsibility to keep the party going while Gil is away, so let's let the party begin!!

Don't forget the GOSCARS! FOGI rocks for putting that together, again, this year, and it's a great opportunity to relive our favourite GSR moments throughout the years!

It's so cool to now look back and see the ones where we know that they're together, and the earlier seasons when we know they aren't. Now, if only Season 6 weren't so darn grey! I want to know WHEN they got together! Come on! :)
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

I have a canon question. Okay if Sara and Hank were dating up until "Crash and Burn", when exactly did Sara focus her attention on Grissom (again)? How involved were they when they were in San Francisco together--is that ever revealed explicitly? Also, there is an episode where she blatantly asks Grissom out, saying "let's see where this goes", and he says "I'm not sure what to do with this" meaning him and Sara, but I can't remember which episode it was. Thanks.
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

Re Alyssa's question just at the end of the previous thread, since my reply didn't make it before the thread closed:

Alyssa said:
So, anyone thinking one of our CSIs might catch up soon on the GSR? I mean, someone's gotta start to figure it out! Catherine and Nick were on the right track, they just gave up before they got to the proper conclusion!!!

Oh, I don't think Catherine's given up by a long shot; it's not quite in her nature to cease her efforts when such a tantalizing question is at stake. ;) She was momentarily diverted by Nick's mention of Sam Braun's money, and for the next few weeks she'll be busier than usual due to Grissom's sabbatical, but she'll renew her efforts well before the end of the season, mark my words. And she won't rest till she discovers the truth, IMO.

-- geekprincess
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

Congrats Everyone!!!!! new thread !!!!
I'm sad thinking probably they will not talk for a month. Sad for ppl have hopes they will. we know how long they will have problems? will be until almost end the season? I love Angst ..i do but depend how they will do...has to have balance ...
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

what do you think is going to happen when Greg finds out? (assuming they cant keep it a secret) I mean, he has an obvious crush on her...
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

Yay! New Thread!

I think Greg is over Sara. That was what, three years ago? I mean, that was a little crush, and sure, I've had crushes for over three years, but Greg has grown a lot from that point. Besides, I was 11, what did I know? Oh right, I didn't get over him until ... oh.. i still like him.


okay, so my crush has lasted 4 years. But, I'm a kid. Greg has grown a lot and Sara was like his mentor, so I think he's accepted that they are just friends.

At least I hope so.

Or we might see a high school parking lot fight.

Yeah, Greg & Grissom, back parking lot, after work tomarrow morning, which is 8 AM. Great time for a fight, don't ya think?
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

I want Brass to be the first to find out. He's so funny. He would bust their chops about it and then he would keep it a sccret. But you know everytime he would see them together in the lab he would give them a cat ate the mouse kind of grin.

Yayyyy for the new thread. I went on a different thread on here for a few minutes and they all want Sara to be killed off! BOOOO! :mad: That would not be cool at all!

In season 1 Warrick did make the comment to Sara "You just don't like it when he is around other women". So Warrick knows she has it bad for him. So maybe he knows already. Plus he is Grissoms favorite CSI, so he may have told him. Ya never know! ;)
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

Hey guys, congrats on the new thread!

May this year/season be bright for yall. :)

Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

okay, so my crush has lasted 4 years. But, I'm a kid. Greg has grown a lot and Sara was like his mentor, so I think he's accepted that they are just friends.
lol thats true I guess, I just wouldnt want Greg to get hurt.

Yayyyy for the new thread. I went on a different thread on here for a few minutes and they all want Sara to be killed off! BOOOO! That would not be cool at all.

who the heck would want her killed off? I mean I understand people being against gsr, but killing her off? thats a little harsh.
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

Adzix, you might want to edit your post and include a link to the previous thread. ;)

Yayyyy for the new thread. I went on a different thread on here for a few minutes and they all want Sara to be killed off! BOOOO! That would not be cool at all!
Was it another shipper thread?
yup, i haven't been here for quite a while. then i come, look there is 1000 posts on Norman's, and see no new one. so i got excited and started a new threddo. mwa ha.

truth be told, i would LOVE somebody to catch up what's cookin' between Da Geeks. i'd pass out after hearing some Cath/Brass/Doc ... damn, whoever remarks. i'd love hearing lab techs rumoring, Nick looking at them suggestively and all that jazz. i'd cherish the moment somebody, i don't give a damn who no more, has the light bulb appearing above his head and the brilliant "eureka" expression plastered on his face. i'd then die and go to heaven if i heard a conversation - somebody approaching either of the geeks about it. you cannot buy anything i listed here using Mastercard. you simply CAN'T.

but then there is this one thing i want more than any of that. some kind, ANY kind of physical action. a handhold, a hug, cheek stroking, a kiss. just give me SOMETHING.

thanks CSIM for the tip ;) already changed it.

oh and the thread katjo is talking about is not on Shipper Central but on CSI Forum.
Congrats on the new thread..... I so love the new title, it's pretty funny....

I live in australia, but I spoil myself rotten anyways lol
I have a canon question. Okay if Sara and Hank were dating up until "Crash and Burn", when exactly did Sara focus her attention on Grissom (again)? How involved were they when they were in San Francisco together--is that ever revealed explicitly? Also, there is an episode where she blatantly asks Grissom out, saying "let's see where this goes", and he says "I'm not sure what to do with this" meaning him and Sara, but I can't remember which episode it was. Thanks.

I don't think Sara ever took her attention off of Grissom, honestly. In The Accused is Entitled, she's still very flustered when Marjory brings up the chalk-rubbing incident from Scuba Doobie Doo and in front of Grissom, when Phillip Gerrard talks about Hank, Sara pretends they're not dating.

I think Hank was a distraction that didn't quite work. The problem was that I believe she may have started to like him a little bit, then he went and cheated on her (technically she was the other woman, but still).

Hence the "baby".

But really... I think if Grissom had asked her out... there wasn't a point at which she was ever more focused on Hank than Grissom.
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

Was it another shipper thread?

No, it was a thread asking which CSI should be written off the show. But Sara seemed to be the favorite. Some people said Grissom too. Made me kinda sad. I don't want any of them to go. :(
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