Grissom and Sara wallpaper/collages

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Hi desertwind,

All the collages and pics on this thread are great! Thanks for starting it.

I have a question too - where did you get those screenshots of Sara and Grisson lying on bed together - the pulled away shots? The only screenshots I can find are close-ups of their faces. Thanks.
Thank you GregIsHott and Miss_Undercover :D

Here is another I created along the same theme:
From butterflies to bedrooms...

Screencaps for this collage are from CSI CAPS and The William Peterson Appreciation Page except the image of Sara & Gris in their bedroom which was kindly provided by Adzix, a fellow TalkCSIer. I also used the images she provided in a GSR wallpaper ("Forget the world") that I have already posted here on The Wallpaper Thread (#3)

Hope you like!
Good pics you all!

I especally like:

You can feel the love


What would i do whitout you.

Really nice^^
I love this pic- the fabulous foursome ;)

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