Grissom and Sara;#34 GSR...Back With A Passion

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That's nice to know their friendships have lasted :) And that Billy and Jorja both attended each other's plays.

Anyway back to GSR, I think the reason why Jorja isn't in the credits is to keep the ending a secret. As with Dead Doll, all theories are just that, theories. In Dead Doll no one had any idea whether Sara was going to live or die, it was all just speculation. It's the same with Grissom's departure. No one knows exactly where he is going or why he is leaving other than the fact that he is burning out, and no longer feels like he can handle facing murder and death everyday.

However the hints for GSR have been strong. And as you said Desert, Grissom has been smitten/in love with Sara for years :adore:. Love at first sight may be a rare occurance, but from the quotes we have received from Grissom it happened for him and Sara. Yet he didn't know how to handle it then, and with him being such a workaholic at the time, it was a foreign feeling. It took him roughly 7 years? for him to work up the courage. I do NOT think he is going to let her go now.

Even with the two endings filmed, I still strongly believe there will be a happy ending. As protrayed in the latest episode, Grissom wants a proper family now, a wife and possibly chilldren. His "work" family just isn't enough for him any longer.

What do you all think??
^I think it is going to be a happy ending. I mean this season has had a lot o gloom and doom. And the whole arc has been Grissom getting back to the light so why bring him back down. Furthermore, on JF last ep GBGL I read or heard somewhere that they originally had a much darker ep set up as her last but in the end they decided to go with a lighter ep. So, we can only hope the same for WP.
There has been too much doom and gloom, we want happy now, and remember this the whole team really knows, but their all such workaholics that they really never talk about anything deep, although it seems like Doc & Brass well, Cath and Greg and Nick want too, but their not great communicators about personal stuff. I was surprised when Cath actually revealed to Warrick that she' "had fantasies about him and her" but they never follow through and solve their dilemma's, kinda of brush it under the carpet, always supressing their intermost feelings.. It's a wonder they don't drink alot:confused:but the open ended comments from Melinda Clarke, how "There's a true deep love & passion between Sara & Gil, and I think that's what's ultimately motivating him" and Brass he always knew and Warrick I think, and Cath going in "GDC" "how long have you and Sara been together" all the things from the beginning are leading up to this explosive ending, and what a beautiful thing:p

NEXT YEAR when they return for a visit:thumbsup:
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This is crazy...i posted this in so many places!! HAHAHAH...i hope i get it right this time around. Christmaswind - THANK YOU

Firstly i like to salute to the Head of Graveyard Shift for your compliments.

I’m a diehard fan of Grissom/William Petersen. The one thing that unites all of us is that we are great fans of CSI and that is the only thing that matters.

I agree with most of you that the crossword puzzle does not make sense. I am a crossword puzzle freak. I firmly believe that Grissom threw the puzzle away because he could not complete it correctly as he could not focus on it OR maybe he was tired of it and now wants to try something new - “fly fishing”

Grissom said to David – “there are bugs everywhere”. Even bugs do not thrill him anymore. In Season 1, practically every wall in his house had picture frames of bugs mounted on them. In Season 8, the bugs have been replaced by art pieces. In Season 7 Fallen Idol – the framed bugs seem to have found a new place – his bathroom.

In Season 7, Episode 3, Catherine was only speculating that Grissom and Lady Heather had chemistry. She said “had”. Catherine “I think they spend a night together” According to William Peterson, in a CSI magazine quote “ William Petersen claims to this day that Lady Heather and Grissom never slept together.

In the same episode she reprimanded Grissom for associating himself with Lady Heather. In Season 9 Episode 5, lady Heather herself said that Grissom is one who does not cross boundaries. In the same episode Lady Heather told Grissom that she is a therapist. To which Grissom replied rather condescendingly said “Don’t tell me, a sex therapist”

To those who said that Catherine does not approve of office romance – you are wrong. She always had a thing for Warrick. Unfortunately before it could materialise she found out he got married and she was quite pissed off.

In Burden of Prove, I firmly believe she was referring to Sara when she said to Grissom “Are you in denial?” I think Catherine has always known that Grissom and Sara had a thing for each other.

In Sounds of Silence, Warrick had commented that Sara did not like to see Grissom with another woman.

In Season 1 after Holly Gribbs death, Grissom asked Sara to come to Vegas. Besides investigating the case, i think he was contemplating a possible romance? Unfortunately, being the head of CSI he did not want to cross the line. Grissom at first thought that it was only going to be a temporary post – “We will play by ear for now” he told the CSIs.

In Let it Bleed, Catherine had noticed that Grissom looked tired and seemed not to have had any sleep. She asked “Have you heard from Sara?” I believe Catherine who is one of Grissom’s closest friend knows where is heart is.

Grissom being Grissom is unlikely for him to find a love interest outside of work. He only goes to Lady Heather, because he knows she will tell him exactly what he wants to hear.

Warrick on the other hand approves of an office romance – “I wish Tina (his wife) was somebody he worked with, at least she will understand his working hours”.

A few years ago Anthony Zuiker (creator of CSI) had said that when Grissom leaves CSI – it will be because he loses his hearing and will decide to retire.

I wish that would never happen. My wish came true. I rather see Grissom riding off into the sunset with Sara then losing his hearing!

I think in Season 7, Grissom was already losing interest in his work. Before he left for sabbatical, he told Warrick that he was a teacher with no students. In Fallen Idol, he was not happy to get out of bed on a Saturday morning to attend a case. When he arrived at the crime scene, i thought it was odd for him to ask the police officer – “What do you want me to test?” When he returned from his sabbatical, he was overjoyed to see Sara.

In the CSI season 8 dvd, in an interview with William Petersen, he had said that Grissom wants to change his life. And getting married will definitely change his life, Sara has a great influence on Grissom and he seems to value her advice and opinion.

In Season 7 episode Grissom was hard on Greg. Sara gently told Grissom that he should try to be nice to Greg who is going through a difficult time. In a latter episode, Grissom praised Greg for doing a great job. Sara who was standing by had looked pleased.

I think Grissom wanting to leave CSI is mainly goaded by his love for Sara. I firmly believe that he has mourned enough for Warrick and is beginning to accept his death.

In Butterflied, in his “little speech” it was obvious that Grissom was referring to Sara. Grissom says that he is a middle age man who for 50 years had not really lived his life. Then he was given a second chance. Someone young and beautiful offered him a life with her, someone he could care about. But he could not risk everything he had work for, for her. I believe now the time has come for Grissom “It’s about time I raise my ante”.

Non fans of Sara may not like it. Chemistry is not the sole element in a relationship. Grissom and Sara is not the typical romantic couple we see on the screen. You don’t see them expressing their love openly, jumping into bed ripping each other clothes off. They do have a deep bond, they deeply respect and understand each other. To quote Dr. House (from HOUSE) “2 should Marry 2 and 3 should marry 3”. The truth here is that Grissom had made his choice and if that makes him happy, then that makes me an overjoyed Fan!

Happy Holidays!
Hey girls!!!!!!:)
make a long time i don't write here...
i can't wait for the 9.10!!!:)
i waiting our GSR end, say goodbye is kind sad :(, but i hope they stay together. By the way, Griss come back for the epi 200 sooo maybe our Sara too. i saw the first 9.10 promo, scenes from the pilot(nothing new yet) i will miss Grissom and Sara
Guys,i wish you a great holiday!!! Happy Christmas!!! Best wishes!!!!Have a lot fun!!
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First and foremost a big welcome to you m3104m
glad your here, and don't worry about posting in the wrong thread, you new and didn't know, but this is the right place for you to post your opinions, theories, views and ideas:thumbsup: Your a passionate GSR fan and everything you said makes total sense so enjoy being here:) and welcome back to you as well IloveBilly you've been missed. And I've got no doubt that are couple will end their last ep. on CSI together, it's written in the stars:p KEEP THE FAITH

Yeeh! I got my Christmas er i treat it more as a birthday present and due to excitement for the long wait i am now unwrapping it. I am now able to watch the new season from episode 1 - 9 :thumbsup:.
Give me time to breathe in and take in the pleasure of watching csi, ok?
For now the only words i leave you are:
"There's nowhere in the world i'd/(he'd) rather be in the end, than here with you." ..... *sorry for the mix-up* ;) (Sara & Grissom, & they held hands)
ANd these lines:
"Have you ever loved someone so much... that you would kill for them? .... I do." (9x02)
Way to go. Miss you all guyz. And welcome to m3104m
Welcome to Shipper Central and the Grissom/Sara thread, m1304m. This thread is to talk about the pairing of Grissom and Sara. Other ships/characters can be discussed in here when kept to a minimum.

FYI, The Shipper Central Rules can be found here.

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Wow not been in here for a few nights, been busy sorry :(

First of all a big, warm welcome and welcome back to m1304m and IloveBilly!!!! Hope to see you around :thumbsup:

Also IloveBilly, I love the pic. Great work :bolian:

X3nity is this:
"There's nowhere in the world i'd/(he'd) rather be in the end, than here with you." ..... *sorry for the mix-up* ;) (Sara & Grissom, & they held hands)
from a fanfic or an episode???

I also agree on everything said since I have been away. I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that Grissom and Sara will end up together. They are destined to be together, there is no doubt about that either.

Yes this ep will be upsetting in the fact that Grissom is leaving, however it is for his and Sara's new beginning. We can't forget that :). I am trying so hard to be patient :lol: Jan 15th seems so far away. The 200th ep will highly interesting. I am looking forward to see how they bring Grissom back. Will it be a case? Or will it involve Sara? An expectant Sara? After all in 19 Down it did suggest that Grissom wants a family. Guess we'll just have to wait. However I am thinking that ep will be kept all hush hush as well.

What does everyone else think??
I don't have ideia what wait about the epi 200th..for Griss come back have to be important, right? i don't know if will be something about Sara or about the case, but she really need be there too. Have so many good possibilities.:thumbsup:
HI fans, I've been busy going to Xmas parties, visitors, and wrapping presents. To all of you HAPPY HOLIDAYS your all the best girls forever, and MissSnowAngel and IloveBilly I am positve to all you said for sure, Gil & Sara will return and with a baby in tow:thumbsup: can't wait. It's not over till it's over, and all hints and clues is that they will leave together, but return for visits. I find it sometimes, well really always, that the fans who've watched this show for 9 years, haven't seen or are still in denial that these two are meant for each other, always have been, always will, they have everything in common, the sizzle they have, just when looking at each other that burns through the screen They never loved anyone else but each other~~ and "Lets get married" cinched it for them, and her answer or couse, "Yes, lets do it" he wants to be with her, and no one else and visa-versa.. and it will happen!


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HI everybody I found this fabulous interview, with our hero David Rambo, called SAVING SARA SIDLE but he talks quite a bit about GSR, and he also says since the beginning "Gil and Cath were never going to be more than friends", well go watch it, he explains his feelings about Gil & Sara, and some of his favorite moments.. enjoy:thumbsup:


Amazing Interview! David Rambo is so kind to allow as many interviews as he does.

Thanks Desert for finding and sharing it with us :thumbsup:

A bit of infomation given from that interview gives me an idea for a work of fanfiction :) :lol:. The question to which DR answers "It was a day off."

How does everyone else think they got together? On the said 'day off'?

I believe Grissom probably stuttered for a few minutes, trying to work up the courage to ask her :). I have always had a feeling he asked her "Is it too late?" to which she replied, "It can never be too late." or something to that effect :D :adore:

I also think he has given us some pretty strong hints there. GSR = Happy ending. Yay :hugegrin:
^ maan, the site doesn't wanna work for me. where is the video hosted at? youtube, googlevideo? any ideas where else i could find it?

i think there is just so many 'how they got together' fics and it works so great on our imagination that it shouldn't be revealed on the show at all. like Billy once said, sometimes the question is more interesting than the truth.

personally, i think it went a bit like the sushi scene that was cut from season 5. Grissom said something personal but ambiguous, like he usually does, and waited for her response. Sara was probably baffled but went on with his game as much as her realistic attitude let her. a bit Snakes-like, i imagine. and then Grissom continued what he started to say in Snakes, "Look, let's ... have dinner" or something to that effect. Sara probably looked at him quizzically, and asked "Why?". there is only one answer Grissom could've made that i can think of, "Why not?".
Adzix it's on a couple of SS fan-sites, but you can see it on this one for sure. Sorry, but it did show up for some of us, and your so welcome MissSnowAngel my pleasure wait till you read this blockbuster *spoiler* news:eek:.

THis site says maybe sara is preggos, and if Grissom knew this he'd scurry like a cat on a hot tin roof to her, we've all speculated and wondered so maybe this is happening, and than again, maybe not, time will tell on this one

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