Grissom and Sara;#34 GSR...Back With A Passion

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Anyone else notice that tonight, when Haskell was saying that his female victims were no longer someone's daughter, sister, etc., the camera was cutting to all the women in the room, and then when he said "fiancee," they cut to Grissom? What are the implications behind THAT?! Just sharing how deep my obsession runs haha

NO I didn't see that, thank goodness for tapes:thumbsup: I'll re-watch it and check it out, wasn't he so freaky evel personified the serial killer, EWWW:klingon:eek:ne of the worst characters ever on CSI, and LF was great so professional and so elegant and such a good actor, I think he'll to great. And Grissom was fantastic, still so private and secretive , And thank's MissMurder for that compliment, it is revealing isn't it? and I guess were all obessed, And "to be continued" I had no idea, so hope for our couple down the line! I know that Jora stated that they did two differnt endings, ~look's for link~so we do have hope to see her and him down the line.

I don't think it said to be continued. What I meant was the whole reason why Grissom is leaving thing was kind of cliff hanger like for me anyway.

Plus, isn't episode 9 and 10 supposed to be a two parter??? I'm confused? I haven't seen the whole of 19 down yet anyway.

Two different endings huh? Wow, is that something to be worried about?

Anyway I'm still confident about the ride off into the sunset. Everything seems to be pointing in that direction. :) Which is good news for us
Yes, the "One To Go" is the 2nd part of "19 Down" and will be aired Jan.15.. and this is awesome news;) I'll put it in the *spoiler* box to be safe~

It's about Sara returning for ep. 10, as well as there's a photo of her on the CSI set while this was being filmed:)over at YTDAW. The site says, that although she's not listed in the credits, she was also not listed in "DEAD DOLL" and we all know she was in that one big time, and that they have "a trustworthy source" and she will be featured in the finale, now I wonder why? just kidding, enjoy is this great news, well we all knew anyway.

two endings? interesting. i wonder if the one they don't use is going to be included in S9 DVD extras. i hope so! they owe it to us. ;)

anyway, looking forward to the last episode. i guess the only thing i'll be waiting for after that will be episode 200. if everything goes good for GSR, i'm expecting them to be married by then. :)
Yes, the "One To Go" is the 2nd part of "19 Down" and will be aired Jan.15.. and this is awesome news;) I'll put it in the *spoiler* box to be safe~

It's about Sara returning for ep. 10, as well as there's a photo of her on the CSI set while this was being filmed:)over at YTDAW. The site says, that although she's not listed in the credits, she was also not listed in "DEAD DOLL" and we all know she was in that one big time, and that they have "a trustworthy source" and she will be featured in the finale, now I wonder why? just kidding, enjoy is this great news, well we all knew anyway.

Thanks for the info Desert :thumbsup:And thanks for the spoiler info, sounds very interesting.

two endings? interesting. i wonder if the one they don't use is going to be included in S9 DVD extras. i hope so! they owe it to us. ;)

anyway, looking forward to the last episode. i guess the only thing i'll be waiting for after that will be episode 200. if everything goes good for GSR, i'm expecting them to be married by then. :)

Likewise. I'm highly looking forward to Grissom's last episode. It sounds as if it will be a definite tear jerker and a memorable episode. I wonder how they'll bring Jorja back into this? It will be grand I'm sure :) :adore:

And yes, for the 200th ep, I expect them to be married too hopefully. It will be a nice filler to the relationship. Grissom returning to help and announcing he has finally fully consumated his relationship with "the only person he ever loved"

And welcome back Sidlreiana_15! Hope to see you again soon
I wonder how they'll bring Jorja back into this? It will be grand I'm sure
one thing, that is truly in CSI style and what i'm afraid they might do, is have Sara appear only in the last scene for about 1 minute. whatever they would show (to top it off i have a feeling it would be extra-subtle), i don't think it would be enough to rap up the GSR arc. i truly hope there will be more Sara we are going to see in 9x10, and that TPTB will finally exploit the GSR's potential for, hell, something soapy, dammit! lol. or maybe just something that would show those two actually have a relationship, love each other, and actually express some emotion when they are together and not only through letters.

i mean, it's the last episode, they don't have anything to lose.
what i'm afraid they might do, is have Sara appear only in the last scene for about 1 minute.

I surely hope not. That wouldn't be fair to the many fans who have stayed faithful to the GSR ship, to have it end like that.

I hope they have a bit more Sara in it. After all it is Grissom's final episode, they have to show his exit in all it's glory. Even if for only a few minutes it turns emotional. Any way they do it, it is going to be that way.

And I agree Adzix, it would be nice for GSR to leave in a happy way. Let the fans know they are happy and very much in love. Possibly show Sara comfort Grissom and all he is leaving behind, I mean Vegas is all he has known really. He has spent most of his career there.

I for one think the writers won't be all that mean to us. I'm sure we will get the ending we've dreamed for. :adore:
HI fans and Merry Christmas to you all, I took the "up the ante" to Cath as to mean he's going to go after Sara, the comments on this ep. such strong hints from Doc, "Are you running away for something, or running to something"? and in his always sarcastic repy he goes "I'm running to my office":lol: Doc goes "your nuts":wtf: and Brass said "we can do barbecues or go on the boat" Grissom goes 'You've got a boat"? Brass goes "NO":guffaw: Grissoms expressions, and then they got interrutped:confused: So I think their waiting for him to mention Sara, but Mr.private of course lets nothing out, he doesn't want to:shifty:Hey welcome back Sidlreiana don't stay away for so long~

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Same here Desert!! I think they are all waiting for Grissom to say he is chasing after his love. I haven't seen the episode, but those quotes definitely sound like major hints.

They are all curious after all. What would make the unflappable Gil Grissom quit the job he has loved for over 20 years????

And that answer is Sara Sidle.

She has finally taught him that the rulings of his heart are more imortant than the rulings of his head. He doesn't love the job like he used to, that has been overtaken by his love for Sara. Also, I think she has taught him silently that he can't cope with the job any longer. Just like Sara, he can no longer handle murder and death every day.

I think he really did want to run away with her when she asked him to. But again work called for him and he had to answer. But now work is no longer calling his name. The only thing he wants now is Sara, and he knows he can no longer deny it.

Again my 2 cents :) ;)
i'm really really sad i missed this episode , desert you make it sound so amazing!! but surely they'll replay it before Jan. 15, non?

anywaays , i think that this is a rather good way to play things out, because this whole series grissom is known to loving work above everything elsee, that was our biggest worry with Grissom and Sara in the will they? won't they? debate, but now that they're together he's willing to give up everything to have everything.
now without having actually seen the episode, i think it's a huge emotional upheavel for Grissom by leaving work, because it's his safe zone, and he's leaving to swim in uncharted waters, but it just goes back to show how much he's in love with Sara :adore:

it's rather quiet here now-a-days ... i miss all the oldies! =))
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It was an exciting episode like the old days, JorjaFoxFan riveting, the ending so creepy EWWWW:eek: And I think everything is so private and hush-hush right now for the last ep. with Grissom, and like in the "Dead Doll" episode she wasn't in the opening credits, and then she was featured in that ep. so TPTB are sneaky little rascals, and the ep. will blow many out of the water:thumbsup: BTW, a bit off topic, Jorja just went to see Billy in Chicago in his "Dublin Carol" play how cool is that? he remains best buddies with them all... but back to GSR, I wonder how this will be revealed, them together I mean, do any of you have any ideas?

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gah. good to know i guess..wish so much that i hadn't missed it, but ah well.
and i agree with you Desert i think it's great that they have all remained friends after Billy's departure, kind of heightens our chances of getting a guest appearance, right? :thumbsup:
and i think that not mentioning anything about Jorja being in the episode, and not putting her in the credits would make the episode that much more exciting, however i must point this out because it's always a possibility. Jorja may not even be in the episode...i mean they could have flashbacks to see Grissom's exact view of where and why he's going, but i know she will xD
^ i thought it was confirmed she appears in 9x10. but since they filmed two endings, they might be trying to really keep it all a secret. question, is she not listed in One To Go on imdb or in the official CBS episode info release?
She's in it, there's a cap. over on YTDAW, showing her on the set, and Billy has said this till he's blue in the face "in my final "ARC Sara is involved..He will tell everyone I'm sure when he's ready.. whether he goes to her, or she comes back to him or they meet somewhere' Up the ante" kinda of exposed him, and his feelings. And, he wants a marriage and family besides the CSI gang, he's burnt out like she was and it's time for him to move on. I have a theory, that they go back to San Francisco, he teaches and she has a baby, or these are my fantasies:thumbsup: and in 'Ala Cart" he told her "you had a pony tail" so he was smitten with her from the onset, but his character is such a geek, it took him may twists and turns to get it right, and she waited, and she got him.
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