Grissom and Sara;#34 GSR...Back With A Passion

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I don't get why they're bringing back LH at all, she didn't fit in in S/7 when the minature killer storyline was going on, and that saloon silly episode threw the season off kilter, and now Warrick gets killed, Sara leaves, and the whole team is wallowing in sorrow, and wa-la here comes LH again.. why?:confused:

Some lines from S/8 our keep our spirits up:thumbsup:

"Ecklie to Sara"
"How long have you been intmate"?
Sara: "Two years"
Grissom: "9 years"

Bee talk
"Grissom :"I love it when you dress up"
Grissom: Y' know, maybe we should get married"
Sara:"YES" lets do it":drool:



I don't get why they're bringing back LH at all, she didn't fit in in S/7 when the minature killer storyline was going on, and that saloon silly episode threw the season off kilter, and now Warrick gets killed, Sara leaves, and the whole team is wallowing in sorrow, and wa-la here comes LH again.. why?:confused:

I have started to wonder if TGTBATD was very purposefully done to establish that Grissom and LH were friends and that he had "saved" her so that TPTB had that card in their back pockets for a scenario like this, where she "saves" him by getting him back to his beloved Sara. WP has confessed that he has toyed with the idea of leaving the show on and off for awhile and it may be that LH's 7th season appearance was actually an example of advance planning on the part of the writers.

Or maybe the showrunners just love MC. I think it's hard to tell sometimes ;)

Good points ali but the thing that always sticks in my throat, is how can anyone on this earth have a "friendship" or a closeness with someone they've only been around for 4 tmes in 8 now 9 years? I speaking for myself sure wouldn't feel comfortable pouring out my heart to someone I'd only seen that amount of time, I'd feel embarassed, but this is only a TV show, so we'll see tomorrow what this is really all about:confused:

Good points ali but the thing that always sticks in my throat, is how can anyone on this earth have a "friendship" or a closeness with someone they've only been around for 4 tmes in 8 now 9 years? I speaking for myself sure wouldn't feel comfortable pouring out my heart to someone I'd only seen that amount of time, I'd feel embarassed, but this is only a TV show, so we'll see tomorrow what this is really all about:confused:

I agree. Yet, the show may skip days, so you never know, maybe they have seen more of each other :eek:. But I don't think they have, as in Pirates of the Third Reich he seemed shocked when he heard about her.

I wouldn't feel comfortable talking to someone I rarely speak to either. But they seem to have a certain connection. Though I don't particularly like LH's character, you can't deny that. It's definitely NOT a romantic one though, Sara is Grissom's only love and WILL be his only love.

I agree with you too ali, maybe Grissom saving Heather in S7 was a plot for her to help him in S9? Guess we won't know until tonight though. Well, I won't find out until tomorrow, but you understand :hugegrin:

Well I'll talk later m'dears :thumbsup:. Have university and a lot of study to do :lol:
So, as of yesterday I found this new 'cast update, and guess who's listed as a 'recurring guest'? Jorja, so she's in a Lady Heather ep. strange isn't it? this should be juicy and interesting. I hope she finally leads Grissom in the right direction, but what bothers me about him is why the hell doesn't he go to Sara? Does he as said to Cath "don't know where she is" that totally sucks:( although how did she know to send this video to him via Lady Heathers place, lots of unanswered questions
strange ?? there's an interesting stand-point :lol: it's amazingly good !!
it means that we're at least going to get some answers this episode , which is an improvement from what TPTB have been doing , i'm convinced they are trying to divert our attention....and based on this thread i'm afraid to say it worked :shifty:
i have a theory and i am standing behind it until this episode airs and proves me wrong . Heather calls Sara. simple as that she talks some sense into Grissom and calls Sara so they can work things a non-S&M way might i add lol :thumbsup:

then again , i haven't seen the promo yet ! =/ i should check that out before i say something completely contradictory if i haven't already..

seriously ... this thread needs resuscitation people .

P.S. Desert , your avatar is love :luvlove:
Wowsers!!! Are you psychic? Your theory on the promo matches mine, exactly. Well done!
Hey fans "news bullentin" tonight on ET there featuring Billy and Melinda with Jann Carl interviewing both of them and it's posted over on the *spoiler* thread too, via Alex [video] so go look, actually they both say jack, and talk in vague uncertain terms and give NOTHING away, She's [Melinda] actually very charming, and he's as always delicious, he look's fabulous:drool:damn he's handsome
I'm a bit aprehensive of course, but all I keep thinking is she's on ONE episode, so how does this conclude with them? hopefully she'll guide him in the right direction, and we all know where and who that is, and Grissom's only had ONE relationship with one woman and it's SARA, 'the only one he's ever loved"

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Just watched LOATR - don't read below if you haven't seen it yet.

I feel nauseous and my heart is broken. By not making a decision, he made his decision....yet he seems so lost without her....and her video wasn't so convincing for me because she still seems lost, too. I hope to God that LH was only staying in the bedroom with Grissom to comfort him as a friend - not as a lover. Please let GSR survive in the end! Isn't JF supposed to be in the last episode? Maybe he'll realize that he doesn't want it to be over, and that's what prompts his final decision to leave the lab - to go to her??? One can only hope....
Just watched LOATR - don't read below if you haven't seen it yet.

I feel nauseous and my heart is broken. By not making a decision, he made his decision....yet he seems so lost without her....and her video wasn't so convincing for me because she still seems lost, too. I hope to God that LH was only staying in the bedroom with Grissom to comfort him as a friend - not as a lover. Please let GSR survive in the end! Isn't JF supposed to be in the last episode? Maybe he'll realize that he doesn't want it to be over, and that's what prompts his final decision to leave the lab - to go to her??? One can only hope....

I feel sick, too. I couldn't sleep last night-- had a knot in my stomach.

I keep playing the Linkin Park song over and over in my head trying to fit it into the context of the episode. I can't figure out if the song from
Grissom's point of view, or Sara's?

Something doesn't quite feel finished with the relationship, in my mind/heart. So, I am keeping the faith this will somehow be resolved OVERTLY as WP leaves or before.

So bummed right now.
Just watched LOATR - don't read below if you haven't seen it yet.

I feel nauseous and my heart is broken. By not making a decision, he made his decision....yet he seems so lost without her....and her video wasn't so convincing for me because she still seems lost, too. I hope to God that LH was only staying in the bedroom with Grissom to comfort him as a friend - not as a lover. Please let GSR survive in the end! Isn't JF supposed to be in the last episode? Maybe he'll realize that he doesn't want it to be over, and that's what prompts his final decision to leave the lab - to go to her??? One can only hope....

I feel sick, too. I couldn't sleep last night-- had a knot in my stomach.

I keep playing the Linkin Park song over and over in my head trying to fit it into the context of the episode. I can't figure out if the song from
Grissom's point of view, or Sara's?

Something doesn't quite feel finished with the relationship, in my mind/heart. So, I am keeping the faith this will somehow be resolved OVERTLY as WP leaves or before.mmed right now.

Me too, I couldn't belive it when Sara said "maybe it's better this way" I burst out crying got sick, and I couldn't sleep last night I feel like crap today, and. and some are saying this could be a two parter, because they didn't catch the killer. I posted my comments on that thread so if anyone cares to read it feel free. All is not what it seems. many things he's wallowing in sorrow and she's saying "I'm happy" to rid herself of the guilt of leaving him.. twice.. I don't know what to say right now, me speechless:wtf:, but it's still so raw, that I feel like someone kicked me in the guts:scream:
I thought the episode was very good for what it was,a depressing 1 hour of television. Like WP or JF said in that interview a while back its always darkest before the dawn. And boyyy has Grissom hit the low point. He was just snapping at everyone Cat, Nick, even LH. He's not able to hold it together like he usually does. As far as them sleeping together I'm not sure. Grissom said "Sex w/o love is just sad." and he obviously doesnt love LH, cuz his heart is with Sara. But he's clearly already in a sad place so that concerns me. As far as the song goes im a huge LP fan so that was a very nice surprise. I think the song is Grissom to Sara, and Mike Shinoda(LP) said on his blog the song represented Grissom's unresolved feelings for Sara. The lines Don't resent me/And when you're feeling empty/Keep me in your memory. I think its representing Grissom saying don't resent me for not going with you when you left. Lastly, anyone else catch the look on Grissom's face when Sara said she met someone on the boat who reminded her of him...
Yes, I did notice that how dare she:( maybe that was to get a rise out of him. Just think if she had of stayed to comfort him he wouldn't have gone over to Heathers house, maybe for the case, but not to lie in her bed:alienblush: their really taking an impasse, interlude or a hiatus right now, but I'm confidant that they'll leave together, she and he still love each other and no matter what that doesn't change, after all the years they've been together> So, two week's ago, she's in bed with him, asking him to go to the Islands with her, and he asks her to stay, and two week's later he's in LH bed.. crazy:scream:eek:h, and I e-mailed Rambo, and asked what the crap [not in those words] they were thinking and what was going to happen next? hopefully he'll respond he did in the past!

I have been trying to think of what to write on this page after the last ep for a few days.
I am totally conflicted with what i think will happen! I mean originally my view was griss was going to get depressed and he would realise that he has burnt out and the only way he is happy is when he is with sara and then he would leave csi and join her and they will be together. She came back to him for the funeral and they were really close i thought, but then the next ep they have their little discussion about the relationship withering!! Which is why i am worried now, as they brought in the only other woman thats had an effect on griss and he asks her to sleep with him in her house!?! to me that is not a side of griss we have ever seen before, i mean especially so soon after sara! But now i also think that he is not becoming himself anymore and this may be a rebellion also, against sara, as she left him. Was it really confirmed last night that they are broken up? I mean she said 'you not making a decision is a decision' but he hasnt told her his opinion so how can she just assume that he wants to end it!! Also do you not think its weird that she doesnt want to know how he is? I mean does she not worry that he is breaking down after warrick , but she left him anyway? There are still so many explanations needed before he leaves! But i am sticking by the darkest before the dawn thing, as i have to believe that the writers wont ruin the show and that they are giving us all this angst now so that we can be in tears when the true ending is revealed!

Im crossing all my fingers and toes for grissom to break completely and catherine phones sara to come and rescue him.....that would be soooo romantic.
I was upset upon watching LOATR as well, but it wasn't as powerful of a depression as I expected. TPTB have been playing with our heads since the end of season eight, why should we be surprised by it now? Hopefully GSR will get its well deserved happy ending, but I'm not counting on it. All signs point to separate lives for Grissom and Sara, whether or not that's what they really want. I don't know why Jorja is said to be in the final episode, and what the context of this visit or appearence is, but at this point, all that GSR shippers can hope for is a reconciliation between our OTP.
You know, we're halfway through a 10 episode arc and I think Grissom just hit bottom, so I'm expecting things will start to get a little better, although I don't think we'll the actual sunrise for a few more weeks ;)

It's easy to get depressed over one episode, just like it's easy to swoon over an individual episode. But I really think Grissom's departure is sort of a mini-season within itself. I believe that the resolution of this storyline is going to be found within the larger context of that mini-season, and not with any one epi. I'm pretty much decided to sit back and reserve judgement about what is or isn't possible until I've seen all 10 epis.

I don't think anything we've seen so far predicts a sad ending for the geeks. If anything, the fact that Sara has been such a presence, even when she's not physically there, is a sign to me that we'll get a happy ending. If Grissom was going to go off on his own in the end, they didn't need to bring Sara back and then have her leave at the end of THP. Heck, they didn't even have to bring her back for the funeral. Even though she's gone now, she's not out of the picture by any stretch of the imagination. Instead, in this last epi, we had her in Grissom's head all the time ... at work ... at LH's ... he couldn't escape her ... not even through the job he is usually very successful at burying himself in.

We're seeing Grissom come undone for Sara. He'll pull himself back together for her as well. He's going to have to fight for a relationship with her if he wants it. And that's the best thing that can happen for them as a couple ... the balance of power is going to even out this season and as a result they'll be able to have a happy ending as a geeky science couple, walking in the footsteps of Darwin. Grissom's just still evolving right now ... keep the faith.

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