Grissom and Sara;#34 GSR...Back With A Passion

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I tried not to come, i tried not peek in, i tried not to write but failed miserably. So feeling sleepy while typing in, i will try to be coherent.
I was counting until the departure of Gil Grissom, then it would be before Christmas? My mind is going elsewhere and i think they would be celebrating thier Christmas outside Las Vegas for the first time?
ANd how about us? Can we celebrate our (last?) gsr christmas with a blast? :cool:.
See now, halloween's not yet finished and i am thinking that now. Ignore me, please continue threading. It's just my way of saying 'i am here' :lol:;).

Best regards to all.
well...Riley was amazing, you can't deny her that :)
it's still today over here so I'll use a spoiler box until the safeness of tomorrow.
it was...interesting ? we did get our GSR fill...kind of. when the shrink was talking to Grissom about..well a conversation that sparked from the mention of Hank (which cracked me up by the way:lol:) she said that he needs to talk about what's making him lose it, if not with her than someone else. Sara would be the obvious choice, no?
so I'm as interested to when their next on-screen conversation will be as to what it'll be about, but i definitely know that this will all be fixed between them. :thumbsup:
well...I'm half asleep and writing incoherent gibberish that I'm needing to delete almost every second i will see you all tomorrow :adore:
well...Riley was amazing, you can't deny her that :)
it's still today over here so I'll use a spoiler box until the safeness of tomorrow.
it was...interesting ? we did get our GSR fill...kind of. when the shrink was talking to Grissom about..well a conversation that sparked from the mention of Hank (which cracked me up by the way:lol:) she said that he needs to talk about what's making him lose it, if not with her than someone else. Sara would be the obvious choice, no?
so I'm as interested to when their next on-screen conversation will be as to what it'll be about, but i definitely know that this will all be fixed between them. :thumbsup:
well...I'm half asleep and writing incoherent gibberish that I'm needing to delete almost every second i will see you all tomorrow :adore:

I liked Riley, too. I think once the writers get into her head and flesh the character out, she'll fit in fine. And they did a good job having lots of interaction between the post-9.10 members of the team last night. A nice break from the angst.

And I think the person Grissom is going to confide in is LH, not Sara. But I think it will be about Sara and that it will have a positive impact on them in the end. I'm more confident than ever that we will have a happy ending.

Last nights ep. was strange and bizzare, more than usual, and Gil has his straw hat on again, geez, he really likes it. When the councelor caught him off guard pouring tea, he mentions Hank:confused: BUt he's not a man who shares his deep seated feelings easily, and then telling her about the dog being "listless, and distracted?" like he is. First his "rock" Warrick gets shot and dies in his arms, then his betrothed Sara leaves.. again..I'd say yeah he's more than distracted and listless:rolleyes: and Hodges, catching him making errors in his DNA anaylsis, not a thing Grissom ever does. If he eventually opens up to this thearapist , maybe he'll pour out his heart and tell her about Sara, and she might give him some stellar advice. The new girl came across as a bit snippy and snobby, but I will wait and observe her again before I say whether I like her or not:shifty:

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howdy doody folks, hope you're all gearing up for a fun All Hallows bwah hah haaah! i'm playing a gig in london in fancy dress on the day itself, can you believe it?! :lol:

as for this week's epi, i thought it was a good, all round csi story with solid preparatory bits for Grissom's Way To Go out ;)
i'm going with the pro-riley brigade too, as i think she is a properly unique character and will add some much needed diversity to the group - especially with the loss of 3 strong, fundamental links in the csi chain (post 9.10).
i liked the fact that hodges helped everyone out in little ways here as well - trying to make grissom feel better about his mistakes, not making comments about seeing greg in counselling, and even telling the shrink about hank! Poor old hank - he misses his mummy, that's obvious if you ask me :( just like his master.

we can see the cracks really showing in grissom now, like just before his sabbatical... i wondered if he might go slightly loopy during that interview with the murderer (yuk he was properly creepy) - it felt in the end like he was just holding on to his patience by a thread.

as for someone to talk to... surely it's going to end up being LH? (can't avoid knowing that she's going to be in a future epi, no matter how spoiler free you try to be!!!). i believe they are just good friends and he has been there for her when she has fallen apart - twice. i am hoping she will give him insight into sara and get him to understand and wake up. after all, in TGTB&TD there was that nice interaction between sara and LH where they showed they are similar in some interesting ways (their strong characters and approaches to life, leading to certain types of men having a hard time with them).
i would love it to be sara that he talks to, but i think he still has issues in himself to reconcile before he can accept what has happened and finally, fully open up to sara. we know that, despite them getting together, he has still been pretty crappy in some ways(!) like not telling her directly that he loves her for one!!! and crumbs - she waited 8 YEARS for him to pull his finger out so he really owes her some decent attention and care.

run away to the galapagos, that's what i say! :D
Hi, orange_cat have fun at your Halloween gig, sounds like a blast, and I loved your insight to the whole enchalada, sounds right, Grissom is cracking, and his whole persona shows the same signs that Sara was showing in her last few eps in S/8. the "Crossover" and then with the lunatic Hannah, now he's exhibiting the same scenerio, To me their both lost without each other. I laughed when I read this on another site:lol:. "When Gil visits LH, and they go upstairs, Sara jumps out of her closet and goes "SURPRISE":wtf: wouldn't that be a shock-a-roo? I'm not sure when Sara is going to re-appear, but I hope it's sooner than later:confused:

Hi, orange_cat have fun at your Halloween gig, sounds like a blast, and I loved your insight to the whole enchalada, sounds right, Grissom is cracking, and his whole persona shows the same signs that Sara was showing in her last few eps in S/8. the "Crossover" and then with the lunatic Hannah, now he's exhibiting the same scenerio, To me their both lost without each other. I laughed when I read this on another site:lol:. "When Gil visits LH, and they go upstairs, Sara jumps out of her closet and goes "SURPRISE":wtf: wouldn't that be a shock-a-roo? I'm not sure when Sara is going to re-appear, but I hope it's sooner than later:confused:


Me too, Desert. Actually, I'm hopeful for an appearance in 9.7 or 9.8, given what we know about those epis. I'd hate to have to wait until 9.10 to see her again, and I am really hoping that the exchange between G/S in his office during THP isn't going to be the last extended conversation we see between these two. WP and JF play off each other so well ... I want at least one more substantive scene ... with a happier tone.

And what I don't want is to wait until January to see Sara for just 15 seconds at the tail end of 9.10 ... even if it is happy! I don't think it'll go down that way, though. Part of Grissom's journey is about figuring out his feelings for Sara and I'm hopeful that she'll get to hear something about that before it's all over.

ali check this out, I've been researching and looking everywhere I could think of, to find Jorja's name in any up-coming episodes. and she's not listed in some, it states "no cast available" so on this next ep. after this week, we get to see Natalie the lunatic, and no names are mentioned in the cast line-up so WHY:confused: it's called "Woulda-Coulda-Shoulda" so I'm wondering if their keeping it hush-hush till the last minute..and she does a surprise visit:wtf: and Grissom does cross paths with her, I won't say anymore~ look here and you'll see:confused:
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ali check this out, I've been researching and looking everywhere I could think of, to find Jorja's name in any up-coming episodes. and she's not listed in some, it states "no cast available" so on this next ep. after this week, we get to see Natalie the lunatic, and no names are mentioned in the cast line-up so WHY:confused: it's called "Woulda-Coulda-Shoulda" so I'm wondering if thier keeping it hush-hush till the last minute..and she does a surprise visit:wtf: and Grissom does cross paths with her, I won't say anymore~ look here and you'll see:confused:

I'm going to put this in the spoiler boxes, just in case:

I'm kinda thinking that maybe 9.07 is what will put Grissom over the edge ... he's going to be involved in a case with a dead child and the accused is someone he crossed paths with 12 years ago or something. I think the epi w/LH is going to be about him realizing how important Sara is to him, and I think 9.07 (the child death/old case + Natalie) is going to show him how much his job (and the limits of that job) pale in comparison to the other things life holds for him. Rambo wrote 9.08, so I'm thinking that might be where we see Sara. I'm hoping he will go to her and we'll get to see some interaction prior to the last 2 epis ... but that's just me speculating, no inside info.

Also, I think the season has been really baby/child heavy ... 9.1, 9.2, and 9.3 have all featured a baby or child and 9.6 and 9.7 will as well ... 5 of the first 7 epis. I'm thinking foreshadowing ... and you know I've always been one who said they'd never do a geek baby, but this seems like a bit much to just be coincidence.
We shall see, huh?

I think your right Ali the thing is once again these two people have to deal with gruesomness on a daily base, and Sara couldn't stand it anymore, and now Grissom is showing signs of the same malady. Then it happens to one of their beloved team mates, the last straw so to speak:( on the LH episode~

I think it will be so NOT what the major fan base, is not expecting at all. He loves Sara, and these two haven't connected since S/7, all of a sudden he's not going to jump in the sack with her, he didn't before, and he won't now. Maybe this time for a change, LH will give him some stellar advice, and push him in the right direction back to Sara. Beings he is leaving, where would his 'relationship' if anything go wth her? he will leave with Sara, so I think that will be the crux of this ep. I can't see him spilling his guts to this thearptist, but he feels comfortable with LH and might tell her everything

I've never thought he would sleep with LH in 9.5. For whatever reason, TPTB have always wanted us to believe these 2 have a connection ... that LH can read Grissom without him having to say too much ... which is exactly why he'll jump at the chance to go to her in a case-related capacity. He knows he needs to talk with someone ... we can see that acknowledgement in 9.3. LH will see that he needs to talk and she'll get when he's not telling her everything ... which is something the therapist won't. I'm wildly curious as to how this is all going to play out ... will we hear lots of specifics related to Sara or will it be more cryptic? The original title was "Revelation" ... whether the revelations are to the audience or to Grissom about himself, I have no idea ... but I think this is an important GSR epi. As far as the spoilers about Grissom spending the night, I still think he looks like he's sort of dazed as he's climbing the stairs with her. Perhaps a migraine brought on by all the self-disclosure? I could see that. Or exhaustion, plain and simple. Not worried. Not one little bit.

I'm in complete agreement with all your obersavations Ali I believe that's the way it will play out, thank's for the insight:thumbsup: I did fine the ep, with Natalie, and Jorja is not mentioned in the cast credits:( so I don't know when she's returning, but we'll keep the faith for sure, and hope for the best~what's your take on Riley?

I'm feeling OK about Riley. I mean, no one is going to come in and feel exactly right, given how long the original team was together, but I think once the writers have a chance to flesh her out and the actress - I'm blanking on her name - has a chance to settle in to the role, she'll be OK.

I don't think they'll surprise us with Sara if she's in an epi before 9.10. I think they'll have her front and center in the promos!
My daughter asked me how I felt about 'the new girl' I go "I'm not sure yet", I can't make a quick judgement that soon, it'll take me some time to watch and evaluate her. I think right now that Grissom is missing Warrick and Sara, and is so not thinking about welcoming the new person just yet, The rest of the team I felt were more concerned with the case than with her. I thought thy all basically gave her the cool shoulder. I think also we have to sit tight and see what episodes their bringing Sara back in. TPTB are tight lipped about revealing new info. right now:( KEEP THE FAITH where are all the rest of the fans on here:confused:

Hey everybody where are you all? and what's your take on when Sara will return to Grissom? You think maybe she'll be in the one with Natalie the lunatic, or furthur down the line? I hope she returns soon, because Grissom will be spliting soon, and is a sad guy "Sara, the only one he's ever loved".. I think this has been posted before, but along time ago, so here goes again for those who haven't seen it, or forgot it~for Billy Petersen~

Jorja Fox will return for "mulitple" episodes starting with the seasons premiere. Petersen confirms that Sara will figure into Grissom's final arc, but he stops short of saying the couple will ride off into the sunset together and the end of episode 10. "quote" I wouldn't want to say excatly what we're going to do--I want people to watch certainly, he chuckled "but Sara is involved"

UNDER THE SEA for Halloween:evil:
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