CSI Level One
I'm not sure if I am making sense in this (probably not), but...
Regarding Sara being in the lay-out room, & someone said she is not supposed to be in there since she quits the job. My big BUT is, when Sara left (GBGL), what if she is not officially resigned from post, she just only took a (loooong) leave of absence. Well she can, can't she? There were epi's like 2x15 (6 months?) & 4x23 (10 weeks?) where leave of absence were mentioned. Or not unless, there is really officially resigned episode/scenes that i missed, then ahhmm, okay, i'm going now... ba-bye.
I appreciate for enlightenment here. Thanks
i don't think it'll be a really long leave of absence, even though that would be great :thumbsup:
but according to all the "Spoilers" she's only in roughly 3 eps, so if she never resigned she would probably be in all of them..or at least more than 3 3 isn't enough!
why couldn't Jorja just sign onto 10 like WP???!
and Bengali, your countdowns are awesome!! little depressing though, we've still got over a month
We still don't know about Sara. She is in at least 4-6 eppys that I've heard. Only TPTB and Jorja know for sure.
ooh, i like 4-6 waaay better, that's what i thought it was originally, but then i've been hearing things suggesting she'll be in less :wtf: very confusing. i think in our haste to understand everything we're missing things..:shifty:
x3nity, a maternity leave would make my day for sure! but, if Sara was pregnant, you think her and Grissom would be telling Icky Ecklie? :vulcan:
i like Play With Fire, it makes me feel bad for poor Greg. I just finished watching Sex, Lies and Larvae from S/1 you can tell that they liked each other way back then...maybe Sara a little more but very cute some of the GSR is S/8 even
P.S. --Totally off topic but...i just got my hair cut and the way my hairdresser curled it, it looks exactly like Jorja Fox's but in like..Season 5/6
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