Grey's Anatomy #2 ~ The McThread, Seriously!

Addison is getting her own show, maybe, but she has the option to go back to Grey's if it doesn't happen. Mark becoming Chief, based upon an idea that Dr. Bailey inspired him... that would be SO WRONG. You KNOW Bailey will give him NOTHING BUT GRIEF for a LOOOOONG time and he wouldn't be able to do a dang thing about it because he knows she gave him the idea indirectly!!!
i just want to say i live in the uk so series 3 hasnt even aired yet. . .so im just going on spoilers and what iv heard

i know i heard she was getting her own show. . . i like the idea but in the end i think it will just be a flop. most spinoffs are . . .

and mark . . .is he mcsteamy? who addison cheated on derek with? if he is that would just be wrong. . . * shuders * its got to be dedek or addison for chirf :)
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RBC said:
I really hope they don't go forward with the George/Izzie thing.
Am I the onyl one who loves the whole 'who will be the new chief?' concept. I really hope it's not going to be Mark. I just love him, because he's so funny, but he shouldn't become chief. I hope it will be either Derek or Addison, but I guess I can expect it not to be Addison.

I'm with you on the George/Izzie thing. No we don't need that. :(
If Meredith finds out and treats both Izzie and George like crap then good for her. :)
It's only fair, cause they both treated her that way when Mer had sex with George. I know majority of the fans blame Mer, but, George was just as much to blame. Just my two-cents. :D

I'm loving the "Next Chief" storyline. :D
I don't know who to root for though. I really, really don't want the old dude Cristina was with. :lol:
Seriously, is Webber really stepping down as Chief? :confused:
I don't think he should. :)

So Cristina and Burke are finally getting married? Cool. :D

Damn, they just can't do this. After watching a few new eps, I have to admit that Addison is very cool. Maybe the most mature female character on the show. Cristina is the funny one, Meredith is the depressed one, and Izzie is the quick-tempered one :D Well, if Kate starts a new show, I'll watch it.

Grey's Anatomy seems to be more popular than CSI (after the 3rd season!!!), and some of the main cast want to leave? This is just too much for me. :rolleyes:
I honestly cant see why they want to get rid of Addison, At this moment, with Mer and Christina's constant depression, the show's 'heart(for lack of a better word)' needs to rest with someone, for the longest time, the shows 'heart' was Izzie and George, but now, with them and their depression and adultery, the shows 'heart' was resting with Addison.And plus she is a great character/actress and the whole Mark-Addison-Alex thing was rather entertaining

Ok, that either made sense or it didn' sounded good in my head
^ I totally agree with everything you said,chocolate_bunnys. I think they're making a huge mistake by taking her off the show, she adds so much and shes not constantly angsty or whiny. And she's hilarious! :) I love Addison.
And George...and Callie...together :D
It's all about money. The network sees $$$ potential in creating a spinoff to such a successful show, and they need a strong character to lead it. Addison is the logical choice- a good actress and a character that people have come to love, but she's still not integral to Grey's Anatomy per se.
Sad, but ture. I've grown to love Addison on Grey's, though, and still don't want to see her go. I guess we'll just have to wait and see how things work out.
Yeah, I'd prefer that they don't do the spinoff either, but it seems to be what's in the cards, so I guess I'll just try to roll with it. I'm not going to discount the show until I've seen it and given it a chance. :)
DragonflyDreamer said:
Sad, but ture. I've grown to love Addison on Grey's, though, and still don't want to see her go. I guess we'll just have to wait and see how things work out.

I really disliked Addision at first - but now I think she is great! I will miss her interaction with the rest of the group on Grey's!
The Clip Show was AWESOME!!!! :D I didnt really care for Denny, but Jeffrey Dean Morgan was so great in the special! :D Some of my fave Grey's moments were in there, I had forgotten about some of them from season 1 so it was quite a treat for me :)

Oh and next week's looks VERY interesting....