Greg/Sofia #1 -- The lady likes fast cars

AmandaSzmanda said:
Okay guys, what do you want to see between these to in the finale?

I may be commiting shipper suicide, but I don't really want to see much from them. I think that it should be more focused on Brass. And if anything is going to happen, I want Greg to comfort her, nothing really shippy. *Goes and ducks behind that large rock over there*

I completely agree with you, I don't want anything to shippery to happen, comfort, yes, totally. This ep should be about Brass. :)
Ohh, that reminds me, we need a mascot!

Okay, we could use Ferrais, but that is sort of plain.

I don't know about you guys, but here in Michigan we have a radio station called CSX (94.7 WCSX, my favorite, classic rock) and there are CSX trains, but those are sort of boring too.
AmandaSzmanda said:
Yes, apartment. I almost forgot *Slaps head* (I am going to get brain damage from all the times I've had to do that).

I almost forgot, so don't feel so bad!
ahh I think I'm outta ideas, this can't be! what all do we got, Trains, Fast Cars, Apartment, Radio....I know we got more then that.
How about a food? I don't know, maybe Carmel Sundaes (I am just making things up now, if that isn't odvious).

Edit - I remember now, we have watches!
Okay guys, I'm back (Did anyone even relieze I was gone?) and I got to say this thread is dying, we can't let that happen. I have a challenge for all of us people.

We all know that Greg had a crush on Sara at one point in time (Even if you don't like Sandles, you got to admit that) And now Sara is with Grissom (At least that is what we get from the ending of the ep). Now here is the challenge (Comes in a few options, but the same story in the end)
Option 1
-Greg sees Sara with Grissom
-He gets mad, rebounds with Sofia
-He falls in love
Option 2
-Greg reliezes Sara doesn't want him
-He mops around
-Sofia tries to cheer him up
-One thing leads to another and happy CSX endings
Option 3 (This one I might get hurt for)
-Sara and Greg were having a secret relationship before
-Greg finds out that she cheated on him
-He dumps her
-Sofia sees Greg is hurt and comforts him
-More happy goodness
Option 4
-You write about how lame of a life I must have to sit there and think of this many ways Greg could take the ending of the ep if he ever found out

(I would greatly appericate it if you didn't pick option four, but if you do, you have to let me read it, I want to know how lame you think my life is)
awww, your not lame!! *hugs and pats your back*

I like option 1 and 3. I'll have to decide on that one. :devil: