Greg/Sofia #1 -- The lady likes fast cars

Yes strawberries (wow, that brought me in the gutter, kind of sad) or cherries.

Maybe they can dance, they could tango :devil: (so much for non-sexual thoughts on this one)
Tango could be nice. ;) .. Just face it, we live in the gutter, and theres no coming out of it :D

You know I saw a train go by today with CSX on it, and I was like, "Haha my ship" and Jerm rolled his eyes at me, and said, "So?" and I told him my ship was better then his, he goes, "Mines cannon" and I go, "So mine has a cannon and is gonna blow you up" Yeah, my cousins a GSR. Him and Al would get along great.
iheartnickcath said:
Just face it, we live in the gutter, and theres no coming out of it :D

I noticed.

I went to the Lionel Train museum with my grandpa one time, and there was a CSX train, but it was fifty buck. I asked if I could borrow fifty bucks, and he said he would get it for me for my birthday, which sucks because that isn't until December.

I wonder what would happen if they ever went on a train? I would be like "Omigosh CSX on a train" and then jump around.

Dirty metaphore/Corny pick-up line Warning

"You want to ride my train?" :devil:
haha. Your birthdays a month before mine :D .. I hope you get the train. I'll paint on mine. CSX Forever. Coming to a town near you ;) LOL

That should be our next thread title.
Thread titles! I love that topic, we only have eight more pages too. :lol: Thats pretty good considering are few people and few scenes.

Yes that would be a cool name *dances*
few people - So what, we're a small ship, its all about chemistry and hotness of a ship, not of how many people run it. Less is more (As Auda says), few scenes - Those same scenes can still take us to the gutter, as long as that happens, its all good :D

I agree, it really would.
I wasn't complaining, I was complimenting us. I love my ship little ship (I want to see how many people will jump aboard when they start dating, then we could go 'told you so' :p, but we aren't that mean)

Charmine toliet paper says Less is More too, ohh, look a bunny.
*sigh* Amanda, what day is your birthday on? Because mine is in December too, and I was just curious.

Now, I finally understand why I don't post around here that much anymore. *shudders*
The fourth.

Wait does anyone know when Sofia's birthday (The character, not the actoress) is?

Ally, we are just insane gutter people, not our fault THEIR fault.
Lots of help you are.

Well I have a question:

Do you think they would have a secret relationship (example, CatNip) or want it out in the open (Example is not avalible at the moment please leave a message)
You asked for it.

(lmao at that second one, leave a message, cute). I say at first Secret Relationship, because they don't want people pecking into it, its their private life, but then they'll want it open (which I'm sure CatNip does too lol)
And GSR stays secret until everybody dies...v_v;; Such a troublesome ship that I'm on.

Oh...Mine is the sixteenth.

I'd go for...out in the open, after a little while. It is Greg, and I think he would be one to be kind of like: "Haha! I finally got her in bed! YEAH!" Wow...So much for PG-13. Sorry.