Greg/Sofia #1 -- The lady likes fast cars

I don't think it's your bunny, unless yours is the same one I was working on yesterday *sees another bunny* *and another* Okay, I won't write that bunny, just to be on the safe side. Ohh...that is what we should have, we should be the bunny farm.
Yes we shoud, watching Chicken Run (Why I am doing that, I do not know) certainly give me alot of plot bunnies (sort of ironic though, Chicken Run gives me bunnies)
I want to be challenged (though I should finish my catnip fic that no one commented on) it could be fun.

Lol, I can sort of see what happened to Rocky and Ginger happening to these two (well, minus the whole learning how to fly so they can escape before they turned into pies part)
(You already know I think you should finish your catnip fic)

Should we have a challenge??

So the DVD release is scheduled for Oct, right?.. I think Sofia should be on one of the commentaries.
yes we should. Come on challenge me, I want to write something.

Yes Louise should, then any of TPTBs to say they are adding her to the credits
I think she has earned the right to be in the credits by now.

And heres your challenge: I want a little angst. So what would happen if Sofia and Greg had dated and broken up, but were in love, Could they work together?