Greg/Sofia #1 -- The lady likes fast cars

Huh, I thought it might be, but I wasn't sure. Thanks, Frosty!

And, if anyone cares, my CSX fanfic should be up in a little while.
Yeah, here. In a while...It's almost finished, just a little longer.

Okay, another question time...
How much of a chance to you think CSX has to be considered an actual canon relationship?
Just a little longer? Thats what you said earlier! :p

Well lets see, I think they have a pretty good chance of becoming one.
Of course it is, I have a canon, darn it. ;)

Yeah, Lynn, it is a cute ship. I happen to think it's cuter then Greg and Sara. And I'm allowed to say that, because I used to be a big supporter of that. Or, half at least...
haha Alexx. i love being a multi shipper, i probly still need convincing about GSR though. no flaming or anything, but he's rejected her so many time, and Catherine even helped him reject her, that i think Sara's kinda afraid to think of him romantically anymore, for fear of getting hurt.

that or her hobby is rejection. jk, she does the----woah woah woah, she does the same thing to Greg that Grissom does to her!

HAHAHA! Not anymore! *gestures to Way To Go bedroom scene*

Anywho, since we arn't actually supposed to be disscusing other ships (*whacks head on desk*), may we get back to Greg and Sofia?
of course, but since we don't have very many CSX scene's we don't have alot to desscus. so let's pic random topics. Kids.Names.Meeting the Parent. oh man i can totally picture Greg meeting Sofia's parents. you think they would agree with her choice in, um, men?


eep!!!!! check it out