Greg/Sofia #1 -- The lady likes fast cars

Your link won't work for me *potuts* it keeps on saying I'm hotlinking.

Cap Continued
Sofia: Greg, you know I will
Greg *Jumps up and starts dancing*: SHE SAID YES!

Which makes the bunnies come, and since I don't think Lynn is here, I might actually finish this one before she tries to steal it.
{*Is totally going to watch Manhunter later* Ohmygawd.)

o_o;; What did I ever do, Lynn?

Anywho, Amanda, I'm sure they have Rainforest Cafe's in Vegas, because I remember passing one in a casino there...It was scary, but hey.

I'd like to think that Sofia would be the one to ask him out, simply because she wouldn't wait for him to do the asking.

With a small, nervous frown, Sofia controlled the breaths that entered and exited her lungs. She knew what she was going to do, oh, she knew. "Greg?" She questioned, tossing him a look. "Yeah?" Came the man's voice, ringing through the air. "You want to get some dinner later?" A large smile split Greg's face as this question was asked...

Oh dear, this is quickly turning into a fanfiction thread. However, I'm sure if we keep talking about the ship, and not only posting lines, then fogi wouldn't be too upset with us.

ETA: *steals bunnie* Deal with it!

Totally new caption--
(for Amanda's post)
Greg: "And then you just take the..."
Sofia: "Your really cute when you do that..."
Greg: "Yeah, I know."
It is not a fanfic thread, we are discussing the possible situtations through snippets of fanfics that will later become full fanfics for all to enjoy.

How do you not like Rainforset Cafe's they are one of my favorite resturants, only beaten by Vick's (Local Veggie Resturant).

You can't steal my bunny, you know why, because I don't have it anymore, I gave it to one of my friends for safe keeping :p

Totally new caption--
(for Amanda's post)
Greg: "And then you just take the..."
Sofia: "Your really cute when you do that..."
Greg: "Yeah, I know."

LOL. As long as everyone is clear the he is cute, I think we are set. :D
AmandaSzmanda said:
It is not a fanfic thread, we are discussing the possible situtations through snippets of fanfics that will later become full fanfics for all to enjoy.

completly, we are just handing off bunnies to one another, loock9ing some good ones in out lockers at CSI, hidding from Ecklie, the works.

-x-liv :D
Pet Bunny? Maybe, but I had Sofia pegged as more of a dog person, one of the really long haired big ones (I also have never been good with those names either). Yeah the first time Greg goes over to her place.

Greg: What is that thing?
Sofia: That's my dog
Greg: *Thinks that's one hairy dog* Oh

Great now I got another bunny.
oh man totally. i would laugh really hard if Sofia just showed up with a bunny, hands it to Greg and says

"it's your turn"

You are all insane, you do know that right?

Amanda has been sitting here, and it is nagging the back of her mind (The only place that not even Lynn will venture). Do you think they would ever get married? (Okay, I was also reading newsweek and they had an article about people getting married, and it was talking about how alot of people now-a-days don't)

Amanda, she thinks they would. Sofia seems more of a treadtional person, not one who would want to just date forever. Greg seems like someone who looks forward to marrage (Which is rare in a guy) he seems like one who would want to be completely commited to a girl.
oh no, me won't venture there :D

I think they would, I agree Greg seems like the type that would look forward to saying those words, and I think Sofia would be that type as well.
I love those, such an awesome job, Liv! :D

okay, we all know whats going on in the first one right? ..thats right Eye S*x!
catherine walks into the breakroom and notices Sofia and Greg staring at eachother

Cath: are you two having...eye s*x?
Greg: quiet Cath i'm trying to remove her clothes with my eyes...besides, you and Nick do it all the time.

-x-liv (that's just for you iheartnickcath)