Grade 'Who's There?'

How would you grade Who's There?

  • A+

    Votes: 4 21.1%
  • A

    Votes: 3 15.8%
  • A-

    Votes: 3 15.8%
  • B+

    Votes: 5 26.3%
  • B

    Votes: 2 10.5%
  • B-

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • C+

    Votes: 1 5.3%
  • C

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • C-

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D+

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D-

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • F

    Votes: 1 5.3%

  • Total voters
One of my favorite episodes this season, A+. I loved Jo and Lindsay making Mac a Facebook profile. :lol: AND THE ENDING, OMG!!! :drool:
I haven't watched it yet but I'm here:p What happened at the end? Ok, don't tell me. But you've made me very, VERY eager to watch the episode.
A $10 roll of quarters says the wife was the inside person. Any takers? Oh, wait. By the time I post this the episode will have done aired.
She saw one of them and lived to tell? Now I really think she was in on it.
Or maybe it was friends of the daughter...that guy looked young enough.
Or maybe not. Mac just cleared the daughter...for now.
Definitely looks like the guy...and Eddie Cahill's stunt double.
I hope Lindsay had her seatbelt on.
Well, she must have, she told Flack "I'm okay."
Love that line..."Skip the B.S. cut straight to the chase."
Ah...dumb guy lawyered up.
Whew...I'm with Hawkes "20,000 for a suit?"
I say he knows the kid.
Maybe the wife found out and offered the burgulars more to kill her hubby instead.
I think you killed him before he killed you.
Well, I figured it was either the wife or the daughter but...:eek: The daughter? I was sure it was the wife.
Well, it looks like I was right on both counts. Daughter started it and mother finished it.
I'm having a strong sense of Deja Vu. Oh yeah, season 4 episode All In The Family.
Even with the Deja Vu it was a good episode. But I am wavering between A- and B+.
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A $10 roll of quarters says the wife was the inside person. Any takers? Oh, wait. By the time I post this the episode will have done aired.
She saw one of them and lived to tell? Now I really think she was in on it.
Or maybe it was friends of the daughter...that guy looked young enough.
Or maybe not. Mac cleared the daughter...for now.
Definitely looks like the guy...and Eddie Cahill's stunt double.
I hope Lindsay had her seatbelt on.
Well, she must have, she told Flack "I'm okay."
Love that line..."Skip the B.S. cut straight to the chase."
Ah...dumb guy lawyered up.
Whew...I'm with Hawkes "20,000 for a suit?"
I say he knows the kid.
Maybe the wife found out and offered the burgulars more to kill her hubby instead.
I think you killed him before he killed you.
Well, I figured it was either the wife or the daughter but...:eek: I was sure it was the wife.
Well, it looks like I was right on both counts. Daughter started it and mother finished it.
I'm having a strong sense of Deja Vu. Oh yeah, season 4 episode All In The Family.
Even with the Deja Vu it was good episode. But I am wavering between A- and B+.

I gave it a B+. As for it being similiar to Deja Vu, it is. WIth any crime show,fresh new scripts become harder and harder to do. I remember Cold Case, one of my favorite shows, having that problem towards the end.
ANd with the CSI franchise..I've seen several episodes that have given me flashbacks to earlier seasons.
it was clear from the beginning that the matter of the case had to be an inside job,at least to me.just the absent of the daugther throgh the first half hour made it more suspicious.but it was a nicely produced episode anyhow.a- for me.
I gave it a B- because of its similarity to the "All In The Family" ep. That being said, it was a pretty good ep. I enjoyed the Mac facebook scene. Hawkes reacting to the pricey suit. Which made wonder if they do make suits out of that. I could have figured the wife or daughter were in on it, but dang that was pretty cold. It is frustrating being an only child with parents who aren't a couple. I have lived that way my whole life, but it didn't lead to violent thoughts. I was scoffing at that daughter. I was with Mac, "Get a divorce!"
I gave it a B- because of its similarity to the "All In The Family" ep. That being said, it was a pretty good ep. I enjoyed the Mac facebook scene. Hawkes reacting to the pricey suit. Which made wonder if they do make suits out of that. I could have figured the wife or daughter were in on it, but dang that was pretty cold. It is frustrating being an only child with parents who aren't a couple. I have lived that way my whole life, but it didn't lead to violent thoughts. I was scoffing at that daughter. I was with Mac, "Get a divorce!"
Don't you mean the wife? Flack is the one who talked with the daughter,whom while I can't condone what she and her boyfriend did,but understand why. I don't think they meant to hurt anyone but often times with young people, they didn't think things through on this. The only thing come sentence time that will go in their favor is that they didn't kill him.
I thought Elizabeth had something to do with it but thought it was strange that once Mark was found out, he didn't kill Elizabeth. That might explain why Elizabeth wasn't killed and you only heard from Mark.
I thought Elizabeth had something to do with it but thought it was strange that once Mark was found out, he didn't kill Elizabeth. That might explain why Elizabeth wasn't killed and you only heard from Mark.
I think they both panicked after the fight with Ron and simply got the heck out of there. I think the fact Mark didn't kill Elizabeth goes to what Megan said..that they never set out to harm anyone and couldn't kill anyone in cold blood,something Elizabeth had no qualms about doing.
I really liked this one A+. I liked the twist and turns of "the girlfriend", who's the guy, the daughter, the wife. Lindsay and Jo making the profile for Mac was great. I also enjoyed Lindsay's scene with Flack in the garage and of course, he driving skills. Nice to see a chick do the heavy lifting you could say. I liked Jo talking about the Reagan movie. That was funny. I noticed there was not much Adam and Hawkes. As for the ending I am dying to know who sent Mac the message. I hate breaks between episodes.
I gave it a B- because of its similarity to the "All In The Family" ep. That being said, it was a pretty good ep. I enjoyed the Mac facebook scene. Hawkes reacting to the pricey suit. Which made wonder if they do make suits out of that. I could have figured the wife or daughter were in on it, but dang that was pretty cold. It is frustrating being an only child with parents who aren't a couple. I have lived that way my whole life, but it didn't lead to violent thoughts. I was scoffing at that daughter. I was with Mac, "Get a divorce!"
Don't you mean the wife? Flack is the one who talked with the daughter,whom while I can't condone what she and her boyfriend did,but understand why. I don't think they meant to hurt anyone but often times with young people, they didn't think things through on this. The only thing come sentence time that will go in their favor is that they didn't kill him.
Oh I see how that read like that. But I switched from daughter to wife in that post lol. I wonder what the charges would be for the daughter and boyfriend?Home invasion and attempted murder? But no, guess it would be capital murder since he died...hmm.
I gave it a B- because of its similarity to the "All In The Family" ep. That being said, it was a pretty good ep. I enjoyed the Mac facebook scene. Hawkes reacting to the pricey suit. Which made wonder if they do make suits out of that. I could have figured the wife or daughter were in on it, but dang that was pretty cold. It is frustrating being an only child with parents who aren't a couple. I have lived that way my whole life, but it didn't lead to violent thoughts. I was scoffing at that daughter. I was with Mac, "Get a divorce!"
Don't you mean the wife? Flack is the one who talked with the daughter,whom while I can't condone what she and her boyfriend did,but understand why. I don't think they meant to hurt anyone but often times with young people, they didn't think things through on this. The only thing come sentence time that will go in their favor is that they didn't kill him.
Oh I see how that read like that. But I switched from daughter to wife in that post lol. I wonder what the charges would be for the daughter and boyfriend?Home invasion and attempted murder? But no, guess it would be capital murder since he died...hmm.
Home invansion and assault are the charges I would see against those two. At the end of the day,they didn't kill him, Elizabeth did.