So I watched the episode really nervous and skeptical, not because of the idea of 30 min of no dialogue because the idea is genius given the caliber of the majority of the cast. The song they featured during the shooting and the initial chase which was the promo and that the band featured was
Green Day was what made me rather dubious.
I loved it. Yes, that song during the shooting and chase was....not the best, but it was the only (and relatively brief) misstep. The music scored by Bill Brown and the remainder of the songs worked very well. And oh my word did it showcase the brilliance of the main three leads - Gary, Eddie and Sela. And I must add, the little actress who played Lucy impressed me quite a bit as well.
Eddie. I honestly don't have enough adjectives to describe and express how he did and all the Flack feels I had throughout the episode. His face when the little girl gripped his wrist as he tried to save her..... and the way he was simply leaning against the building staring at where she had been when Mac showed up, his barely restrained anger and contempt when they were questioning the politician....

My poor baby
I always knew Gary would do well with no dialogue as wordless expression and communication is one of his strongest suits that can clearly be seen in roles outside CSI: NY that have greater depth (or the odd episode that has given him actual emotional material to work with such as 'Blink'). Mac struggling all by himself with the word exercise at the beginning about broke my poor lil heart and I could about feel his angry frustration pouring off the screen as well as fierce satisfaction when he suddenly remembered '
red' and wrote it on the board. I have to additionally say, I absolutely positively LOVE it that the writers are finally outright describing Mac through himself. I could have ahead of time explained explained exactly why Mac hasn't told anyone about his problem yet and what he's hoping will happen, but as accurate as it now turned out to be, it still would have been extrapolation based on nuances about his character throughout the series. Now they're leaving no question about him and how he thinks and his personality, and I really really like the decreased ambiguity and subjectivity about his character. The scene with him and Kevin (obviously some sort of doctor), was so bang on and brilliant.
Flack with the kid was utterly adorable and heartbreaking all at the same time. Poor kid. And I about melted at how Jo was so motherly with Lucy. I could just
see how she would have been with Ellie when Ellie was really little.
Other randomness:
- I quite approve of Adam and Hawkes' longer hair this season.
- Mac in a lab coat again was awesome!
- Mac in general is way hot this season! I mean, I'm partial anyway and it's not like he hasn't been, but especially so this year in comparison to the last couple years :devil:
- I want Jo's wardrobe.
- I want Christine back in an episode. Although I have a distinct feeling that they're specifically leading up to it.
Overall, a solid
B+. I expected far far less based on the promo, and was really pleasantly surprised and will definitely be watching it again