Grade 'The Triangle'

How would you grade The Triangle?

  • A+

    Votes: 19 27.1%
  • A

    Votes: 15 21.4%
  • A-

    Votes: 2 2.9%
  • B+

    Votes: 11 15.7%
  • B

    Votes: 7 10.0%
  • B-

    Votes: 1 1.4%
  • C+

    Votes: 1 1.4%
  • C

    Votes: 4 5.7%
  • C-

    Votes: 6 8.6%
  • D+

    Votes: 1 1.4%
  • D

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D-

    Votes: 2 2.9%
  • F

    Votes: 1 1.4%

  • Total voters
I thought it was a great episode..ONLY because of the Empire State Building scene..LOl...I was getting queasy just watching it...a tad fraid of heights here ya know.

That was my favourite part of the episode. :D I was getting a bit nervous watching them walking around up there (must have been really breezy) but it's scenes like that, that make the show really great.

Loved the interaction between Sid and Hawkes in this episode, they're always a treat and Adam's a gem. :D (I really want to see more of him. *start singing the Ghostfacers theme*)

I can't say I was a huge fan of Danny and Lindsay's 'I love yous' near the end because I just wasn't feeling the warmth that was supposed to be there and it all seemed a little bit rushed and after-school-special for me but I quite liked Danny proposing to Lindsay. :lol: His queries before he popped the big question were hilarious. :lol: If I were in Lindsay's shoes, I would have at least given him an E for effort, heh.

Top41 said:
Agreed. Not that I'd expect any woman to seriously entertain any marriage proposal that begins with inquiries into her family's mental health history, but I think Lindsay said no for the right reasons, and not with any intention of being unkind or hurtful.

I agree here. Although I was hoping just for a slight moment that she had said yes because Danny was so adorable - in my eyes - during that entire scene. (despite how incredibly weird it is to be asking someone about hereditary diseases and the like) I'm glad in the long run however, that she did say no.

The scene with both of them and Mac, I loved.

Bleh, looks like we're going to be seeing those FBI guys after Mac. It has the potential to be pretty tired but also interesting depending how they develop it. Why does it seem like the only ones ever to investigate a case properly are the CSIs?

Anyhow, I found this to be a good episode all around.
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Aww, Danny is a cute worried father-to-be. I'm afraid I have to agree with Anna here - he's adorable. Too bad it was a lame way to propose

perfect way to put that scene. he was so freakin adorable in that scene, i would have been butter in hands lol.

i'm glad Lindsay said no and then basically said at the end that they have a lot of stuff to work out before they can even think about getting married.

i liked the ep a lot i gave it an A.

for some odd reason i could not get over how awesome that devil's ring magnet was. i'm writting a spy story so i got excited over the gadget as something i could use in a story haha.

glad to see that they went back to hard drive story. i was wondering when that was going to come. i liked how Mac just disappeared and Stella was getting worried about where he went.

Mac, Danny and Hawkes on top of the Empire State Building was a good scene. i liked Danny's little throw back to 4X01 when he said "Can You Hear Me Know?" haha. he was also in a harness in that one and on the Statue of Liberty so i liked how they went back to that. i liked when Danny said something about getting off the roof before someone wet themselves haha.

i like how the season is starting to pick up now. i thought the first 7 eps were a bit slow but after 5X08 it's been moving at a great pace and the stories have been great. they have been giving me great hope for this season.
I haven't seen the whole episode, just clips. But from what I've seen I give the case a B+ and the DL bits an A+! Great ep! Love it! Can't wait for next episode. PSG xxx
This ep was ok.I'm more interested in the upcoming flash drive story though. I just realized something: Remember the ep last season about that email that contained some very unsettling info about Sinclair and how somehow it got leaked. Now think of the flash drive and how now it's missing. Who is the 1 person (besides Mac) that was the only person that worked with or had access to either of them? Interesting...
The whole 'oh of course a pregnant woman can work around chemicals' scene didn't really bother me in its inaccuracy. Mainly because given that TPTB weren't going to have Lindsay sitting around twiddling her thumbs for the duration, I knew that they were going to handwave away the dangers somehow. Personally I think they shouldn't have bothered with the scene and just had Lindsay tell Danny (maybe in answer to him raising a concern) that she'd checked it with her OB and been given the okay. It would have been just as inaccurate, but at least it would have shown that both Lindsay and Danny were actually thinking about these things.
This ep was ok.I'm more interested in the upcoming flash drive story though. I just realized something: Remember the ep last season about that email that contained some very unsettling info about Sinclair and how somehow it got leaked. Now think of the flash drive and how now it's missing. Who is the 1 person (besides Mac) that was the only person that worked with or had access to either of them? Interesting...
I dunno, I can't really see Hawkes being involved in this. He gave Greg a hearty 'f-you' when he tried to get Hawkes to tamper with evidence and delete files from the drive (and then tried to intimidate him into it) - I can't see him turning around and deciding to use the drive for nefarious purposes. That's just not Hawkes.

However, it could be interesting if Greg was the one who got hold of the drive and tried to make it look like Hawkes had done it...
However, it could be interesting if Greg was the one who got hold of the drive and tried to make it look like Hawkes had done it...

That would be interesting, although Hawkes has already been framed for a crime before in Raising Shane. Having said that at least it would give Hill something to get his teeth stuck into - we don't see enough of Hawkes. And for that reason alone I hope Hawkes get embroiled in the missing flash drive plot.
Grade = C-, slightly below average.

Interesting that there didn't seem to be a cohesive theme to this one (unless triangle also refers to the three different storylines), and the case itself really wasn’t the centerpiece for once.

There were a few interesting elements to the case -- the NYC "Triangle," microwave gun, exploding heart, etc. And it was cool to see Mac, Danny, and Sheldon on the Empire State Building although I was cringing and twitching just at the thought of having to do something like that. I also thought the guest actors (the young security guard and dying ex-convict) both acquitted themselves well, and the Mac/Flack interrogation scene and Flack/Ex-Convict interactions were good.

It stalled at the end, though, with the shift in focus to the daughter as villain. Not enough time or depth was given to the character to make her complex and/or interesting. And the slo-mo escape by helicopter (with cleavage cam) didn't help either. Note to writers: Please just let this loose end go -- no follow-up needed.

Positive continuity points to the writers for revisiting the missing flashdrive. I'm actually sort of intrigued by the involvement of the shadowy Federal agents and wonder whether the writers can build an interesting scenario out of this. And I don't mind that Mac is the target either – although gotta wonder why they would ever suspect him…wouldn’t he just have made an extra copy of the files if he wanted to use them for blackmail? Oh well….If it gives the writers something else to focus on besides the Boss/Subordinate romance, so be it.

Points off for the way Mac's disappearance from the crime scene was handled – very odd editing. Mac was squatting next to Stella when she noticed the pineapple sticker, and in the few seconds she took to grab tweezers and pick up the sticker, Mac somehow managed to move to the back of the vehicle and get whisked away by agents with no one the wiser. I don’t think so. And Stella eventually decides to just go home even though she can’t locate or contact Mac, and his Avalanche is presumably still parked at the crime scene?

On the other hand, it does sort of fit with the rather cavalier attitude the team seems to have adopted re: fellow team members being in jeopardy this season. Let’s see…Mac gets shot and almost drowned, Stella almost falls off a building and then gets thrown down some stairs and attacked, and now Mac disappears from a crime scene, and everyone seems to take it all in stride. I'd like to think this is a deliberate set up for something later in the season that will shake the team out of this complacency but fear it may be just another example of writers’ inattention to intra-team dynamics.

Re: the Danny/Lindsay storyline, thumbs sideways for this one. Ignoring some of the continuity issues, I do commend the writers for bringing some clarity to the status of the relationship, and they managed to get a proposal, “I love you’s,” and the talk with Mac into a single episode. The proposal scene was actually rather humorous and Carmine G. did a great job with it. And I also liked the end scene and how Mac gave Danny a fatherly hug as well, especially since there haven’t really been many personal (and affectionate) moments between them over the last two seasons.

Agree that the chemicals issue was handled poorly, though. If Lindsay has been to at least two prenatal appointments already, one would expect her to have already discussed work-related issues like this with the obstetrician. And once the family hugs were finished, one can only hope that Mac remembered he is the Boss and they all sat down for a much-needed talk about the protocol and realities of the work situation. But alas, I'm convinced the “real” Mac has been replaced by a pod person in season five, so who knows? Pod!Mac probably said, "I'm thrilled for you both. Now run along, you crazy kids, and get back to work."

Still not sold on the Danny/Lindsay relationship in general. I really dislike t.v. relationships in which the individuals seem to be on unequal footing. And the sense in this one is that Lindsay almost always holds all the cards and Danny is usually in the “one down” position, even when he tries to do something positive. But hey, if the events of this episode mean the writers can put this relationship on cruise control in the background for a while, I’ll just accept what is for now.

Re: next week's promo, I really, really hope that was a misleading one as well. But I guess it helps explain why, in a previous episode, Pod!Mac told the daughter (Ella?) that it wasn't sick for her to miss the online relationship with her father. Guess that was just the writers’ way of setting up her return and apparent fixation on Mac (assuming that is what happens). Ugh! Can we be done with this storyline, please?
So I finally just got to watch the latest episode of CSI:NY. All I can say is ew. This would have to be one of the worst episodes ever in my opinion.

First off the case itself was quite boring. The only thing that I thought was interesting was the microwave gun. And for the record the only reason I thought that was any good was because of the mental image of an uber large Uzi shooting out microwaves.

Also FYI that gratuitous cleavage shot at the end showing her Tantoo... classtastic. Did they forget that it was originally by her collarbone? Or did they just need a boob shot?

And that whole D/L thing. How I :adore:LOVE:adore: love stories like this. Boy meets girl, boy get's crush on girl, girl treats boy like poop (but we all know it's love), boy FINALLY get's the girl, boy sleeps with the girl, boy get's girl pregnant and, finally boy proposes to girl in an attempt to make their child appear like less of a bastard...

This would have panned out much better had they both been 16 year old high school students.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: