Grade 'The Party's Over'

How would you grade The Party's Over?

  • A+

    Votes: 13 23.6%
  • A

    Votes: 11 20.0%
  • A-

    Votes: 7 12.7%
  • B+

    Votes: 3 5.5%
  • B

    Votes: 7 12.7%
  • B-

    Votes: 1 1.8%
  • C+

    Votes: 2 3.6%
  • C

    Votes: 7 12.7%
  • C-

    Votes: 1 1.8%
  • D+

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D-

    Votes: 1 1.8%
  • F

    Votes: 2 3.6%

  • Total voters


Premium Member
New ep tonight--watch and let us know what you thought! :cool:
I don't know where to start... I'm feeling like they bit off more than one episode could chew, but after all that, the thing nagging me the most is; since WHEN did a "family under surveillance" come to mean "a family of cops"? I'm sorry, I thought this was Danny Messer I've been watching all this time, clearly this is some demented doppleganger, no? I REALLY wish TPTB would believe in their own diegesis.
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What're you talking about, roximonoxide? I don't remember that at all. Not sure why, but I don't.
During Danny's argument with Stella tonight Danny mentions he "comes from a family of cops." When I've been under the impression, since season one, that Danny came from "a family under surveillance" just like the stories and character histories have suggested. His character is kind of based on that and it seems like they're just taking that back. This feels like a story that belongs to Flack, not Danny, unless he's supposed to reveal a true motivation for participating in this "blue flu" and he lied to Stella...
First of all, Adam finding the kid was cute.

Second of all, I noticed the "family of cops" thing, too. Last time I checked, his brother followed the family business. And Flack was the son of a cop. So I have no idea where that came from, unless it was sloppy writing.
Ok this if officially killing me :D May i ask what happened with Stella and that fireman????

What did she ask to Danny? (according to spoilers)

I am thousands of miles away from you and i am jumping from the ground to the ceiling waiting for a bone! :D
Hm. Stella fixes FireGuy's tie, and then meets him later at the firehouse to get his jacket since it was at the scene.

She asked Danny why he was calling out sick, basically.

I gave it an A. Mostly because of Adam's scenes.
~ Mac is MacGuyver, using a plastic bag as handcuffs. :lol:

~ Stella is lovely, but it would be nice if they didn't put her in a dress that had her meat hanging over the top - how does she even have meat to hang over the top, as skinny as she is?!

~ I guess they assume everybody remembers the firefighter from "Turbulence" (or that it doesn't matter who he is - which it really doesn't, I guess).

~ Uh oh, that's not a balloon. How convenient that the body fell in an empty space instead of on top of people.

~ Danny gets a call and leaves - is it the Blue Flu phone tree?

~ Adam! :lol: "Where's the fire?" Oh, bb.

~ Adam will find him, dun worry.

~ Aww, Adam's so good with the kiddies. He should have my babies now. :p

~ Sid, you dork. :lol:

~ Sid, showing that you know all of Stella's bizniss is a bit creepy, dear. :wtf:

~ Again with the odd music. I don't generally like most of the music on this show.

~ Did Hawkes just find a pube? :p

~ Hawkes and Lindsay are both right about Danny, to be honest.

Is it possible that I actually didn't mind a Lindsay scene? Mark your calendars, folks!

~ Why is there a half-naked woman? :wtf:

~ Danny's wearing a Cessau shirt.

~ Danny comes from a family of cops? So how does that jive with Louie being a Tanglewood Boy and all of the Tanglewood Boys having fathers who are 'connected'? Do TPTB even remember their own characters' backstories, or is this another attempt to retcon continuity?

~ Uh, why is Lindsay calling him every few hours? He's not really sick. :confused:

~ Here's what I don't get - Danny not going to work is a bad thing, but Lindsay going to work makes her better? If going to work is what you expect people to do...*shakes head* I don't know, I guess it's to try to drive it home that Lindsay is awesome. :rolleyes:

~ Blink-and-you'll-miss-Flack.

~ Flack hears that a kid is waiting by himself for an 'Adam', and he doesn't try to help figure out who the kid is waiting for?

~ Lindsay is, like, so clever. But I'm not sure Adam figuring out what's on his iPod is an acceptable use of lab resources - even though it turned out to be relevant to the case.

~ Ok, so are they trying to have an episode that concentrates on the lab people more by putting Danny and Flack in the background? Because it's not really working for me. The whole episode feels kind of...odd and off-balance. And slow. I don't know exactly why it feels that way to me, but it does.

~ Flack is in two whole scenes!

~ Duh, of course he wanted to talk to Adam. Flack didn't remember that?

~ Only some of it is science. *pets Adam*

~ Aww, sweetheart. :(

~ Guitar Hero? Oh, Adam. :p

~ Dunbrook does have an ulterior motive, Mac - he wants your body. *spanka spanka*

~ Aww, Danny and Hawkes made nice. Now go make out in the supply closet. :devil: Adam can join you - he needs some lovin'.

Preview: An eyeball fell in her coffee? How convenient.

Haha, Adam pretending to be a bird! :lol:


Overall, an okay episode - the best stuff was the stuff with Adam. I could take or leave everything else. It's nice to see Adam getting a bit of development. :)
Adam was back! I was happy with Adam's scenes and I have to admit I'm curious about if Dunbrook does have another motive for bailing out the NYPD. I think Lindsay & Mac seemed to be the most understanding that a lot of cops didn't want to work for free, and Hawkes seemed pretty enraged by the whole thing.
The only reason I graded this as highly as I did was because Adam was amazing! I was so excited that he really did have a huge part in this episode, and that he got to talk to the kid in interrogation. Also, I wanted to hug him so badly when he started crying... poor baby.

That thing with Danny actually confused me too. I thought his family had mob ties, not police ties...

Either way, I thought tonight's episode was great. :)
I gave it a B+. Loved Adam's scenes, Mac, Stella, and Hawkes were all great as usual. However, there was too little Flack, plus that line from Danny about coming from a long line of cops was way off. I wonder if the writers decided to give Flack's canon family background to Danny or were they simply confused as to which character they were writing?

I think Craig T. Nelson was an excellent guest star and may prove to be quite a foil for Mac in however long an arc his guest stint is meant to last. My only quibble is that I'm tired of so much focus on Mac every season, and naturally that's not going to change.
Tciddaisc---> Thanks a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:bolian:

Fay---< love it as usual :D even if Stella's meat was over her top:guffaw: just because the fireman was there :vulcan:

If Stella didn't ask help for anything related to the Coin Case, may we assume they rewrote the episode and that scene will be added later and for another character??:eek:

i'm happy anyway:thumbsup:
I give it an A-.

From what I saw of it, it was an okay episode.

The whole Blue Flu thing was an interesting concept. But the whole not much Flack business does not make me happy.
I liked that Danny was wearing a Cessau shirt. "And the award for 'Best Use of Product Placement' goes to..." :D
Mac handcuffing the guy with a plastic bag was pretty awesome. I feel as if I need to test it out on someone now though... :p
Adam and the kid were cute together. (I just glad he's back!!!) Him and his iPod are pretty inseperatable appartently. Good use of lab resources there Adam.
Sid was being his usual creepy self again. :lol:
Hawkes saying that he'd work even if he wasn't being paid was sweet.

But, since when is Danny's family a line of cops? Doesn't that contradict everything we've learned about his family so far, i.e. Tanglewood? :confused:

You'd think that the one lady (her name and position escape me) would no better then to take a large sum of money from a questionable source. Sure, you guys needed it, but it's going to come back to bite you in the rear end. Speaking of Dunbrook, Craig Nelson did an excellent job.
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I forgot to add at the end of my post that Lindsay didn't actually bother me in this episode - shocking, I know. (Well, there were a few moments I could have done without, but overall she didn't bug me, even though she was there a lot.) *feels forehead* I may be coming down with the flu myself. :p


I don't have anything jotted down about the Greek storyline in the spoilers until 5.18 - so I don't know what scene you thought was going to be in this episode. :confused: