Grade The Formula

How would you grade The Formula?

  • A+

    Votes: 10 25.0%
  • A

    Votes: 9 22.5%
  • A-

    Votes: 5 12.5%
  • B+

    Votes: 5 12.5%
  • B

    Votes: 4 10.0%
  • B-

    Votes: 2 5.0%
  • C+

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  • C

    Votes: 5 12.5%
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  • D

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  • D-

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I like racing so was looking forward to this episode and on most points it didn't disappoint.

It's interesting that in fiction land they have the New York 400 Grand Prix, when in real life they have been trying to get racing into NYC for decades with no success.

It's not surprising at all that Lindsay would be a race fan. As I mentioned in the spoiler thread, there are a lot of local and regional tracks in Montana for stock cars. What continues to baffle me is that everything she is or does has to be tied to being from Montana, at least in Danny's eyes. I get the feeling that she is the only woman he has ever met from outside the city limits so everything that makes her interesting HAS to be because she is from Montana.

Seeing that little boy gleam in Mac's eye as he talks about wanting to be Steve McQueen as a kid and loving racing was a great layer to put on his character, which tends to run towards cardboard a lot of the time.

Loved seeing the teamwork with Lindsay, Danny and Adam putting the racecar back together. They are the ones that should have been at the track at the end of the episode with Mac.

Danica Patrick...hmmm...the term sex kitten came to mind as she posed for the photo shoot. She's definitely a hot ticket right now and in the limelight as she takes on NASCAR. She did well in the ARCA race on Saturday and has now chosen to run in the Nationwide race as well. I think she should stick to racing.

The scene with Flack going upstairs in the hauler was great. I have never seen the haulers from that angle so that was cool, even if it was empty.

The number of SMacked fans falling on the floor actually shook the snow off my roof so I have to thank them for that, but, really! Stella's knowledge of racing is slim to none, as far as we can tell by this episode, and I didn't get the impression that she set up the car racing at the end for Mac as a gift. It would have been much more exciting for Mac to have been racing against Danica with the team watching from the sidelines, cheering him on. Cheesy perhaps, but more realistic than putting Stella in a racecar and having the two of them race each other.:rolleyes:

What would have been better is if he showed up at the lab with tickets for all the team so they could all enjoy the race.
Loved it for a change:) I have been so disapointed with season6 so far:eek: this was a nice change. ;) I am just happy to see Adam, but disapointed no Adam and Stella.:scream: I was suprised the owner was the killer:wtf: It was nice to see Lindsey again, but I am getting a little tired of Danny's condasending attitude towards Adam. :devil: Last week and this. JMO By the way what is a dirty s peter, When they were in the garge Adam said that the car used the same fuel as his dirty s peter:confused: what is that:confused:

I think he said Beatle, not Peter. But I could be wrong.

Liked the epi. Wasn't really sucked into the case, but loved the team interaction, especially Mac and Stella.

But this "picture analysing table"... please!
I gave it a C.

Good episode. Thanks for finally bringing in some very talented guest star actors! I started to miss Adam, so I really enjoyed the scenes with him today. As usual, he made me laugh with his clumsy yet charming attitude. It was also great seeing the whole CSI team working together. Everyone had an equal share of air time which was nice. And not to forget the main reason why I actually still watch CSI:NY, Mr. Eddie Cahill! His performance was excellent and he looked so handsome again. But I do think the leather jacket has to go. Besides that, someone should have a serious word with Eddie's make-up artists. Especially on close-up scenes, you could see that his face was plastered with brownish make-up whereas his neck was mostly natural colors. It really looked horrible! He's got such a beautiful face, you don't have to overdo the make-up, seriously!
i persoanally liked the episode. i am a racing fan and like how they show how dangerous that sport can be. i also like the last episode with mac and stella. i also thought danika patrick did very well in the episode even though she wasn't in that much. all and all a very good episode.
I have to watch it again. I liked the racing angle, sort of like NY episodes of previous seasons.
Unfortunately, I found myself dozing off during this episode. Perhaps it was the idea that if it's not the wife, or the competitor, then it's the 'inside man.'
YAWN, a bit too predictable... :eek:

Danica Patrick was better than I though she would be. Lately the 'stunt casting' on NY has been very lame... :mad: so I thought she was okay.

I did love the flashbacks of young Mac. This case wasn't Mac-centric so I did enjoy it. Mac was very adorable telling Stella about his love of the soap-box derby and racing. Something that has been missing between these two for a while. The spark of their friendship is returning. I have to say, yea, I'm one of those people who want them to bang each other and get it over with, and yea, it would be the 'kiss of death' for their relationship and the show, but it's nice to see them talking and sharing stuff with each other like they used to.
And even if Mac is getting a new love interest, it's still nice to see him and Stella sharing things between them. Even if Stella has a new boyfriend, I think Mac and Stella can certainly be friends, close friends and not shy away from each other

So, I'll have to save more comments for when I watch the entire episode.
So far a B.
For the first time in a long while, I have no major complaints about a CSI:NY episode. It wasn't mind-blowing, but it was entertaining, and no one ran into the frame and screamed, "Pudding!!"

The crew chief and Mrs. Santos, who looked so despicable and shady, turned out to be sympathetic figures. At first, I found Mrs. Santos' behavior at the hospital as her husband was dying to be creepily bizarre, and frankly, I still do. I don't care how long you've been bracing yourself for the day your risk-taking husband died; no wife would watch her husband flatlining and casually remark, "I knew this would come. It was long overdue." If you love someone, you're not that calm while they're dying. Frankly, if she'd said that to me, I would have interpreted it as relief, as though she were glad her emotionally absent husband was dead.

That said, I understand her frustration. It's hard to spend your life with someone and offer yourself to them wholly and freely when you know you're in second or third or last place, an accessory to their life rather than a complementary centerpiece. It's not unlike the fear and frustration felt be officers' wives every time their husbands strap on the gun and badge and leave in the middle of the anniversary dinner to be someone else's hero. It hurts, and it can make people angry and desperate, and desperate, sad, hurting people make stupid, reckless decisions.

We see that with Josh Weaver, who was sending Santos threatening letters in a misguided attempt to derail Cietro Spirits. Since his sister and her family were killed by a drunk driver, he's been on a crusade to bring down Cietro. His anguish and heartache were clear, and I think Flack recognized a bit too much of himself in Weaver's assertion that he "was only one person, but if I can stop Cietro from putting their mascot on the road, then it's the least I can do."

Flack's desire to "make things right" when Angell was murdered caused him to lose control and cross the line by executing her murderer in a basement with no witnesses. He's become what he once so hated, a guy who got away with it, and that's clearly changed him. The Flack of old would never have been so subdued when confronted with someone who justified his crimes by blaming them on outside influences or a duty greater than law. "In Buzzkill", he was less-than-sympathetic to a struggling alcoholic who'd been launching tennis balls at a raucous party for a new ad campaign featuring a large martini glass. He was downright contemptuous as he reminded the man that he was responsible for his own actions. He was right, of course, but I wonder if he'd be so quick to judge so harshly now.

It's interesting to see that Danny has remained largely in the lab since his badge was stolen. Maybe he realizes that no one would cover for him if he went out sans badge, or maybe the writers realize that the other characters can't cover for him or sustain the illusion of ignorance across multiple episodes. Whatever the reason, it was a smart choice. It also indicates that Danny still hasn't told anyone in charge that Shane Casey, a deranged and devious killer, might have a badge that would grant him access to millions of unsuspecting homes. Danny's determination to protect himself above all else when he's sworn to protect the public with his life makes him an irresponsible douchebag. But then, as we saw in "The Party's Over", Danny only upholds that oath when it doesn't inconvenience him. Ass.

For the most part I liked the episode. The way Danny, Adam and Lindsay worked putting the car together was entertaining and Adam's comments (Playstation and Boom) were terrific. The fancy picture table was interesting but unnecessary. Flack looked gorgeous in his blue sweater and black leather jacket. I didn't figure out the killer at all. I usually see it coming but not this time. The ending with Mac and Stella racing was cheesy but I didn't mind. A little cheese never hurts.
I'm going to do like I did the last time the episode was preempted here and I was forced to watch it later - random comments interspersed with pictures.

~ *fast forwards through the race sequence* Ah, the perks of watching the episode later. :p

~ Mmm, Flack. :drool:


~ I'm all, 'Flack, why you gotta be so sexy?' And he's all, 'I know, right?'


~ ADAM! *clings to him* I missed yoooooou! :D


~ It's a sad day when I'm enjoying a conversation between Adam and Lindsay and want nothing more than to smack Danny upside his annoying head. Every time he says 'Mon-TAAAAAAH-na', I want to punch a kitten. WON'T SOMEBODY THINK OF THE KITTENS?!


~ Yeah, that's right, Stink Face, I said you're annoying. Now stop trying to pretend you're Hugh Jackman in 'X-Men' with the forehead scrunching. :shifty:


(Yes, I know I'm mean. You guys love me anyway. :D)

~ Adam: Video games r srs business.


~ And Lindsay's all:


~ Oh, Adam, why you gotta be so darn cute? *smish*


~ "My dirty-ass beater" - Adam drives a crappy old car? Aww, but how do you impress the ladies, bb? Oh, who am I kidding, someone that adorkable could pick up chicks in anything. I hope he at least cleans the Burger King wrappers out of the floorboard before taking a girl out for a date, though. :lol:

~ Stella is workin' that purple sweater.


~ Mmm, Sheldon. Take off your shirt and tell us about it. :devil: *whistles innocently*


~ Guh, Stella. :drool: (I had to try to get rid of the CBS watermark in the corner since it was right on her neck.)


~ Guh, yes sir, whatever you say sir, would you like to handcuff me for this interrogation sir? :devil:


~ *goes to change icon* Ok, this scene calls for a hot new Flack icon. *points*

~ Mmm, dirty boys are dirty. Mama likey.


(I couldn't bear to take another screenshot of Wolverine!Danny, even if he was all dirty.)

~ We now interrupt this review to bring you a fine specimen of manhood...


*dreamy sigh* ...We now return to our regularly scheduled reviewing already in progress. ;)

~ Wow. Danica Patrick was alright in the clip they posted online before the episode aired, but in the scene outside the hospital...not so much. *shakes head*

~ Sup, bb, Doctor Love is in the building...:adore:


~ *yawn* Extended sexy photoshoot *yaaaawn*

~ Flack does not look terribly impressed.


~ "Flack told me you used to watch him race." Great, now I want to see gossip time in the breakroom, with everybody swapping details over egg salad sandwiches and potato chips. :lol:

~ I'm tired of "boom", but Adam's high-pitched version is certainly amusing. Way to steal Stink Face's thunder, bb. *high five*


~ And then Danny's all, 'Why you gotta do me like that, Adam?' :(


(Your tears will not thaw my cold heart, Danny. I laugh at your pain. Mwuahahaha!)

~ Back to the actual plot (there's a plot, Fay? *whistles innocently*): So the team owner sabotaged the other sabotage, thus increasing the sabotagal power exponentially. Boom, done (literally).

(And yes, 'sabotagal' is a word because I say it is.)

~ "People look up to us, but you guys are the real heroes." Subtle as a sledgehammer. :shifty:

~ Aww, mini!Mac in his soapbox car. *smish* :adore: This picture is practically screaming for a caption - like 'tee hee!' or *dork*. :p



Overall, the episode was alright - a pretty standard addition to the season. The stunt casting could have been worse, and at least it was relevant to the episode (a race car driver in a race-themed episode, rather than, say, a bunch of reality TV stars in an episode that has nothing to do with reality TV - just sayin'). Everybody was pretty, but sometimes I'm shallow so that's no surprise. It was nice to have Adam back, but it makes me sad when Sid's not around. Lindsay didn't bother me, but Stink Face McWolverine got on my nerves just a bit. (I'm not sure if it's the dialogue or the delivery. Who knows. Maybe I'm just in a bad mood. :shifty:)

Anywho, no new episode for a few weeks - I hope everybody enjoyed the pictures. :p
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Dorky Mac.

Love Adam, Danny, and Lindsay. Great teamwork guys!

Need more Flack.

Was Stella in the episode?

Playstation's AWESOME.

BOOM and I'm out!!!
Last time I posted pictures with my comments for the episode (link), I said Danny always looks like he smelled something stinky, hence the 'stink face'. I thought it was obvious that I meant Danny, but looking back I guess it's not. Whoops! :eek:
~ It's a sad day when I'm enjoying a conversation between Adam and Lindsay and want nothing more than to smack Danny upside his annoying head. Every time he says 'Mon-TAAAAAAH-na', I want to punch a kitten. WON'T SOMEBODY THINK OF THE KITTENS?!


:lol: that's so true!
A+ from me! Kept me guessing and enjoyed "Little Mac"!! And I always enjoy Mac and Stella together!:thumbsup: Just wished we could have seen the end of the race when Stella drove around the track with the checkered flag!!:lol:
OK just a couple of add on's to my first post.

1st. Someone made the comment earlier about how Mac would know about Lindsey's love of racing? My thought is why wouldn't he after all they have to be really close, or why would they have asked him to be the godfather to their first born? :confused: Just to make clear I thought D & L asking Mac to be the godfather was stupid, who ask thier boss? :alienblush: I thought that was the greatest example of cheese ever.:rolleyes:

2nd. Why was Stella driving a race car at the end. Clearly she is not a fan and know's nothing about race cars. Adam said that racecars have pedal shifters and LED steering wheels. Are we to assume that the race car owners are just going to let someone with no driving experience get behind the wheel of a 200K CAR and take it for a spin.:guffaw:

3rd. Danny has been an ass this season:klingon: