CSI Level One
No problemThanks for the insight
And while I'm posting again, I also wonder where they'll take Mac's situation...things could get sticky eventually. (even though somebody said in another thread that it wasn't played exactly right and a real injury of that nature would've caused more problems, not just the forgetting.)
The sticky part will happen when he runs into a situation where he can't cover up the fact that he can't think of and articulate certain words and Christine and/or his coworker (I'm sure it'll be Jo or Flack) realize what he's been dealing with and not letting on to anybody. And actually, this sort of aphasia actually works really well as a long-lasting consequence of what happened. Memory loss? No, that wouldn't have been at all accurate. But this isn't memory loss, but rather a communication/speech deficit due to damage to a certain part of his brain that is quite realistic. Like I said in my review, I'm quite impressed with them using this type of aphasia, and I wish they'd never thrown that phrase "memory loss" out there in the spoilers :/