Most phones let you set how long you want the phone to ring for before it goes to voicemail or rejects the call.Just one question though... Where in the world do people get cell phones that ring for so long!?!? I swear those things ring FOREVER! I need a phone like that, badly.
As much as I enjoy seeing Stella and Angell in this side story I'd be remiss if I said I wasn't wondering about the safety, and legalities involved in trapping someone in a shipping crate and mailing them to The Republic of Cyprus. I wonder what kind of legislation is on the books for such a situation.
There's plenty of legislation on the books. It's called kidnapping and it's a felony. You could probably add a count of reckless endangerment to it as well, because they've put the guys life at risk (what if they miscalculated the amount of food/water he'd need? what if the ship sinks/runs aground and the container is abandoned, because as far as anyone knows it's empty?). Anything happens to the guy, Stella and Angell would be looking at a felony murder rap.
The whole scenario is just so implausibly ridiculous, it's almost laughable. Unfortunately, TPTB clearly intended for us to take it seriously. The idea that two sworn officers of the law would take it into their own hands like that? This isn't The Wire. The CSI's are supposed to be the good guys.
Colour me unimpressed and voting F
edited to add
I'm not sure which pisses me off more. The fact that Stella was willing to break the law to coerce information out of the guy, or the fact that having threatened him with kidnapping in order to get the information, she then locked him up anyway, even after he spilled his guts. She's a CSI, a sworn officer of the law, and yet she's showing herself to be no more trustworthy than the guy she's after kidnapping. I expected better.
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