Grade 'Playing With Matches'


Premium Member
Last new ep written before the strike...what did you think of it? :cool:
A little bit bland and the A case seemed a little... unnecessarily scattered, I guess. We get to see more of Kendell though I'm not sure I'm her biggest fan yet. It was good case for Danny though. Made me wanna pat him on the back. He cracked it alright, and I BET that was his bike they used for that last experiment. ^_^

Overall, I think 'Child's Play' would have been a better note to go out on than this one.

Is Angell wearing Stella's coat in the beginning? It looked like it. Loved how she kicked the trash can.

Way too much Kendall. Bring back Jane please.

What happened to that dark and twisty Danny from last week? This week he just comes back to work all peachy keen like nothing happened. Flack must have smacked some sense into him or did something special to help him get through what happened with Rikki.
I didn't notice the matching coats. I thought Danny actually looked nicer than usual.

I was pretty disappointed that he seemed like his old self again. And he and Lindsay appear to be getting along just fine. Like nothing ever happened. Bummer.
This gets a C- only because Angell rocked, as per usual. A very casual flick of her leg to send the trashcan into the street-luging Demon's way to cause him to wipe out. Heavenly. Otherwise, the cases were sloppy, the guest acting -- including Kendall -- was all terrible, and the resolution was tossed together. They should have ended the season with 4x13. This one blew chunks.
Overall grade: D

The cases had so much promise, but the way they ended was just really stupid. Blood smuggled out of prison in a ketchup packet so a chick who met a guy on a felon dating website could help spring him from jail? Killing a random person over a city contract? Metal in the shoe igniting the suit that got fuel from the road all over it? Plus we got the added bonus of having Mac bash us over the head with contempt for the dude who rigged the wires. Bah, I say. BAH!

What the hell did Carmine Giovinazzo do to piss off TPTB?? I ask this because not only is Danny completely "over" the Ruben incident (not that I'm surprised, and I do give kudos to Mr. G because I didn't feel Danny was totally "Danny" in this episode), but he's now matching Lindsay with his outerwear, and he got stuck on a case with Lindsay, Kendall, and the two lugers. Seriously, putting Anna Belknap and Bess Wohl together on screen is galactically stupid. Ms. Wooden-Vapid-Twit meet Ms. Wooden-Vapid-Twit. They should've tested their DNA to see if they turned out to be the same person. Was Lindsay saying "steel balls" while glancing and smirking at Danny supposed to be risque or somehow show she and Danny are an item? WTF? Not only is that really lame, but the way Anna said it and Carmine's non-reaction just magnified their lack of sexual chemistry by about 10,000,000 times. It was bad enough Mr. G had to endure the craptasticness of AB and BW, the "Mercury" dude and "Concrete Cowgirl" chick were horrid actors as well. At least Mr. G got brief scenes with Gary and Emmanuelle. Speaking of Emmanuelle, Angell kicks ass; but you already knew that. I loved her tipping over the garbage can to stop "Mercury" from getting away.

TPTB should have switched episodes 13 and 14 because episode 14 wasn't even good, let alone season ending quality.
I hope we get lucky and it's not season ending anyway...if things come together quickly we could get more eps still.

I thought it was okay, not outstanding, not awful either. C maybe. Had to laugh at the Apollo 13 nod in the beginning.

Sid messed up a little saying the dead guy's trauma was consistant with would have incinerated him.
Bah! What a piss-poor bookend to an early season ending. All shows have their downers but unfortunately, I have to rank this episode as among the "downer" ones in my book.

The whole idea of a high-speed rocket skater being set on fire because of all of the road oil being sprayed on him and then being set aflame because of 'foot brakes'? How ludicrous.

I will give this episode credit for hot Jennifer Angell kicking the trash can over to prevent the suspect from escaping. When I saw her do that, my mind just simply cruised along the bottom of the gutter. :devil:

The Felony Date storyline is arguably among the most ridiculous ideas I've ever seen in this show. Transferring blood via mail to some she-felon who ends up drowning in an oversized metal milk carton? Now come on TPTB! You could come up with a better storyline than this.

All in all, a very dissapointing early conclusion to a strike-shortened season.

Grade C-
Yeah, I'm with you guys, it just seemed like a random episode to me with nothing really to it. No continuity for Danny, they keep giving Danny these great storylines and get us into it and then they don't keep up with it.

There is absolutely no chemistry between Danny and Lindsay, they're coworkers, if even that. Danny seems to be tired of her.
The season (hopefully not) ended with a whimper and not its usual bang.

This weeks B story, of the killer in prison who sets up a copycat crime so he can get out, has been so over done on these police-dramas that it’s become a cliché. There was no new take or twist to it what-so-ever. In fact I think I have seen the blood in the ketchup package somewhere before. Also must every case they investagate somehow connect back to Mac and have it become a personal thing for him. After last seasons', Clay Dobson story and this seasons' 333 story it seemed a little much. Don’t get me wrong I love Mac’s character; it just seemed he could have stepped back from this one and let Stella and Hawks handle things. Both of them where terribly under used in this episode. Stella searched a cell and Hawks was reduced to playing plumber. Please let him lead an investigation where he has to use his medical knowledge or that big brain of his.

The prize for most under used character for this episode however, goes to Don Flack. He had all of three lines in this episode, none which were particularly funny. “Don’t they have a dating site for single, law abiding citizens?” He apparently forgot that he is getting pretty chummy with Det. Angell (Bitch). Plus he was forced to wear his most fugly tie yet, green polka dots (I believe), and there wasn’t enough of his pretty shown to balance it out. After a stellar performance by him in the last episode, he was just wasted in this one.

Another great performance from last episode was put in by Danny, who seems back to normal this week. No explanation why just, “Boom, I back baby!” We could have gotten a quick reason. For example when he was walking down the street with Angell he could have said, ”Yeah, I’m seeing a shrink,” or “After your coffee date last week, Flack stopped by and banged me so hard I forgot all about it!” It was nice that he was the one that solved the case and was back but it just seemed we could have had a least a bit of carry over. As for Angell (Bitch), I am still not impressed with her. She just stands there and looks pretty. And she kicks over a trash can to stop a perp. What did she not want to break a nail or something? Flack would have been all over that guy, like orange die #5 on Kraft cheese!

The interaction this week between Danny and Lindsey was nice, though a bit awkward. After the highly amusing spray on condom scene in 4:1, the metal balls joke was not up to snuff. I am still not sure what they are supposed to be? Are they dating, just friends, hump buddies, do they hang out braiding each others hair while eating cookie dough and watching “Beaches” or what? Plus now she and Kendall seem to be best buds or something. Dose everyone have to get along on this show, no friction? Couldn’t they have had, no personality Kendall, hit on Danny or something. And have Lindsey be all, “Bitch step off of my man, and go back to not having drunken sex with Adam!” Speaking of which, where was he this episode? We definitely need some comic relief in this one and he was not there to provide it. What did Kendall chain him up in the basement so she could have this episode all to herself? Bring him back; I got “easily board” with Miss “easily gets board”. Overall the A story was interesting, more so if it had been more thought out and not bouncing all over the place.

You really could tell that the writer must have dropped this script on some producer’s desk on their way out the door to join the picket line. It had a feeling of being a very raw script with no attempts at being polished at any point. The producers must have been so desperate for new material that they just went with it. Which in turn all the actors this episode (with the exception of Danny) “phoned in” their performances. In order to have an excellent show you must have an excellent script and this one didn’t. Especially when you compare it to “All in the Family” from a few weeks ago.

With that being said I gave this episode a C+ and that was being genours. Hopefully when we get new ones they will be much, much better.
Well that was WEAK, can I say it's a little obvious the writers didn't completely finish the script. It felt like a draft at best. Here I was all excited: new dangerous sport = murder; and it totally flops. Kendell urks me, not a big fan of her, I think Adam would have been better geeking out with the luge. He seems more the type not the Lab Barbie, who by the way was a suspect in season 1. (just something thats been bugging me)

I'd give the episode a C- just because it did make me chuckle, I liked the Houston line coming from Mac, and Angel with the trash can, some other things as well. This script really should have not been filmed, the writers could have done so much more with it.

As for:

Mac/Stella/Hawkes case, when Mac brought up that case from 6 years ago I thought of Aiden right away, (Heros when mac was talking about the bite at the end) idk if that was just me but, I watch too many reruns. And Hawkes has a thing for wires and fire (season 2 the chess kid) could have been more thorough there.

Danny/Lindsay/Kendell again weak, Kendell pops in at random times, unannounced, and well it just doesn't flow. Danny and Lindsay, if they are **suppose** to be a couple then show it, personally I liked their relationship most in Season 2. Now it seems forced and where were the remnants of Ruben's death, right when I thought the continuity was starting to get better.

PLEASE PLEASE say the writers strike is over by next week so maybe in one months time we can get one FAN-FREAKING-TASTIC episode, knowing writers are unable to shut down there minds completely there has got to be some AMAZING story lines brewing in their heads!
Yeah this one wasn't too hot. I was quite disappointed.

I mean Danny looked almost back to normal. I understand you move on, but that FAST? I mean I guess he is trying to be professional but that didn't stop him last time. Whatever. I guess he is still mourning because he is wear a black sweater. (His outfit did look yummy today)

Too much Kendall for my taste. And they need to fricking decide if Lindsey and Danny are going out! If they aren't then the two should move on instead of leaving these small hints here and there. But of course that would be a waste of two whole seasons of will they wont they tension. Ugh. Flack and Angell..together! That bummed me out the most, being that I wanted to see how that Irish coffee date went. Oh well I resort to fanfiction I guess. Did love Angell kicking some ass though. One kick of a trash can and the perp is down and out.

Anyway the cases were bleh and quite frankly BORING. They were better off leaving it at last weeks episode. I just hope the Writer Strike ends real soon so they give us back our CSI NY. This episode D. It felt more like a filler episode.


Notice everyone had matching black trench coats this episode. Wonder if that means anything? And thank you Anna Belknap for growing out your hair.

This episode was just blah for me. The two cases were just too fantastic to be really realistic. This episode was produced without the help of the writers, right? If so, it definitely showed.

What the heck happened to Danny? As much as I love his character, I found it a complete turn around from All in the Family. I felt that there should have been continuity in that area where he had just suffered a loss and now he seems so bubbly like nothing even happened. Although I loved hearing him say 'boom' again.

Ah Angell...Loved her presence here. She works really well with the team. I particularly like her working with Danny, makes it really interesting. I loved how she stopped Mercury with that trashcan, so kickass. :lol:

Ah Flack. He was so underutilized in this one. Although he delivered some witty comments, I kind of missed his snarky comebacks and one-liners.

Where was Adam? Missing in action again? But Kendall was around. That one really sucked.

As a potential season-ender, this one was really a big disappointment. Grrr.. Oh well. Hopefully everything will turn out for the best.
This episode is probably the most disappointing of the season, especially in light of episode 4x13, All in the Family. TPTB should have made 4x13 the final episode to be aired. All 4x14 did was leave a very lousy impression of the show and prove once again that continuity and characterization is shit-all. :mad: That, more than anything, is what pissed me off. C'mon! You guys were doing so well! And then you rushed it for the sake of squeezing in one extra episode to air and BAH. :mad: This episode could have been so much better if it'd been saved up and worked on by the writers later but it's too late for that now.

You guys have already mentioned what I wanted to say so I'll just leave it at this episode being the ultimate proof of how important writers are to the industry, good writers. Look what's happened when the writers no longer had any chances for input and couldn't finish and polish the script! Should anyone ever take hardworking, good writers for granted again, they should watch this episode to remind themselves not to do so.

By the way, friggin' lol at the grades so far! Am I the only one who thinks some people deliberately voted for A and A+ (???) to counter all the reviews so far? :p And an bigger LOL at the F! :lol: