The season (hopefully not) ended with a whimper and not its usual bang.
This weeks B story, of the killer in prison who sets up a copycat crime so he can get out, has been so over done on these police-dramas that it’s become a cliché. There was no new take or twist to it what-so-ever. In fact I think I have seen the blood in the ketchup package somewhere before. Also must every case they investagate somehow connect back to Mac and have it become a personal thing for him. After last seasons', Clay Dobson story and this seasons' 333 story it seemed a little much. Don’t get me wrong I love Mac’s character; it just seemed he could have stepped back from this one and let Stella and Hawks handle things. Both of them where terribly under used in this episode. Stella searched a cell and Hawks was reduced to playing plumber. Please let him lead an investigation where he has to use his medical knowledge or that big brain of his.
The prize for most under used character for this episode however, goes to Don Flack. He had all of three lines in this episode, none which were particularly funny. “Don’t they have a dating site for single, law abiding citizens?” He apparently forgot that he is getting pretty chummy with Det. Angell (Bitch). Plus he was forced to wear his most fugly tie yet, green polka dots (I believe), and there wasn’t enough of his pretty shown to balance it out. After a stellar performance by him in the last episode, he was just wasted in this one.
Another great performance from last episode was put in by Danny, who seems back to normal this week. No explanation why just, “Boom, I back baby!” We could have gotten a quick reason. For example when he was walking down the street with Angell he could have said, ”Yeah, I’m seeing a shrink,” or “After your coffee date last week, Flack stopped by and banged me so hard I forgot all about it!” It was nice that he was the one that solved the case and was back but it just seemed we could have had a least a bit of carry over. As for Angell (Bitch), I am still not impressed with her. She just stands there and looks pretty. And she kicks over a trash can to stop a perp. What did she not want to break a nail or something? Flack would have been all over that guy, like orange die #5 on Kraft cheese!
The interaction this week between Danny and Lindsey was nice, though a bit awkward. After the highly amusing spray on condom scene in 4:1, the metal balls joke was not up to snuff. I am still not sure what they are supposed to be? Are they dating, just friends, hump buddies, do they hang out braiding each others hair while eating cookie dough and watching “Beaches” or what? Plus now she and Kendall seem to be best buds or something. Dose everyone have to get along on this show, no friction? Couldn’t they have had, no personality Kendall, hit on Danny or something. And have Lindsey be all, “Bitch step off of my man, and go back to not having drunken sex with Adam!” Speaking of which, where was he this episode? We definitely need some comic relief in this one and he was not there to provide it. What did Kendall chain him up in the basement so she could have this episode all to herself? Bring him back; I got “easily board” with Miss “easily gets board”. Overall the A story was interesting, more so if it had been more thought out and not bouncing all over the place.
You really could tell that the writer must have dropped this script on some producer’s desk on their way out the door to join the picket line. It had a feeling of being a very raw script with no attempts at being polished at any point. The producers must have been so desperate for new material that they just went with it. Which in turn all the actors this episode (with the exception of Danny) “phoned in” their performances. In order to have an excellent show you must have an excellent script and this one didn’t. Especially when you compare it to “All in the Family” from a few weeks ago.
With that being said I gave this episode a C+ and that was being genours. Hopefully when we get new ones they will be much, much better.