Grade 'Past Imperfect'

I gave this episode a B. Overall I liked it and was surprised at how fast the time went while watching. The resolution of the cases was pretty obvious, but I was still entertained. The interaction between Mac and Gerrard and then Flack and Mac was done well. Adam was wonderfully awkward, as usual. Danny was almost like the "old" Danny. The line "they're too long to be pubes" was pretty funny and his reaction to the brother was done well. Lindsay's role was minimal, as I feel it should be every week. We got to see a little of Hawkes, although not nearly enough.

This episode also gave me a teeny tiny glimmer of hope for the remaining episodes as well. Although Louie wasn't mentioned, Danny's reaction to the brothers' case makes me think he will be mentioned before the season ends. And although Adam tells Stella she is HIV negative, I got a sense that they're not done with this storyline. After all, Adam was nervous after being ripped a new one by Mac. I have a feeling we may find out that a mistake has been made. It could just be wishful thinking on my part, but it was just too anti-climatic for all the publicity about the storyline. If I am wrong on either account, I’ll be joining the ranks of those pounding their heads against a wall.

Time will tell . . . don’t let me down TPTB!
Here we go again, another CSI who is going to be implicated in a crime. That's almost everyone in the cast, right? Is it terrible that all I could think of when Dobson fell on the police car was "Nice shoes?"
I love this episode. A+!!

I love the scene with Danny and Hawkes. The Coney Island stuff was great. I would have liked Danny talking more about Coney island and his childhood. I love when they do stuff like that. One thing I really wished had happened was at the end when danny was talking to Jesse and he asked that he could spend sometime with his brother before he died I woyld have loved to see Danny get all mad and yell at him for killing his brother,and then maybe had said soemthnig about Louie. not just let him have 10 mins.

Mac/Don scene were amazing. I love how mad Flack was but still stood by Mac and didn't get all cry baby on him. I love how he said "what are WE goona do" a perfect line.

Was a little disappointed Stella didn't have HIV. I get why the writers didn't give it to her, but I still think it would have been an awesome story line if she had it.

My favorite part was the very end when the camera panned up and you saw Mac standing on the roof looking down, all pissed, that was a great shot, it got me soo excited for next week episode.(and Gary looked mighty sexy)!!
Great episode, as soon as Dobson ran on the roof I knew something like that was going to happen - off the roof I mean - really run upwards to escape from the police!?!?!?

They really missed an opportunity to actually mention what happened to Danny's brother, you could almost see it about to be spoken, then nothing. Although, I didn't think he should mention it to the killer, it had me going, OK what happened??? to Louie. Danny was great in the episode, the scene with Lindsay was suitably light between them. I liked it.

Loved the scenes with Flack with Stella (burly cop with gun :) ) and with Mac about Dobson. I loved the way he continued to take responsibility even though he also blamed Mac. Beautifully played between the two of them.

"Past Imperfect" easily got an A+ from me. Of all the episodes this season, this is easily one of the best this season so far and the ending was like "OMFG the shit has hit the fan".

Oh, and I'm so happy that the writers ignored the ones who said Stella should be HIV-positive. The way she was potentially exposed was close to zero since out of more than 20 million sharps injuries among police and medical personel, only 52 confirmed cases of HIV infection were confirmed by means of this route and from what I'm aware of, the last one occurred in the late 1980s or early 1990s but I could be wrong. I have a good feeling that this 'story for Stella' is finally at long last over. Stella Bonasera stands TALL. No Event Horizon/Neptune plunging happening here. :D :D :D :D No purging either! :D X 100.

This season looks like it's going to be action-packed.
Dear Mac,

Sanctimony tastes terrible, doesn't it? You certainly were none too pleased when Flack reminded you of your duplicity in Dobson's release, and judging by the speed with which you leapt to the conclusion that he was rubbing said turn of events in your face, Gerrard's observation that you were letting guilt cloud your judgment rang true. And just between you and me, your petulant retort of, "Are you having fun saying I told you so?" was more suited to a twelve-year-old than a dignified Marine. For a minute there, I thought you'd stolen one of Lindsay's lines. I had hoped that this unpleasant lesson in smuggery would lend unto you a deeper appreciation for the feelings of your colleagues, but alas, how naive a hope that was.

I don't care how frustrated you were at your inability to link Dobson to the case; you had no right to ream Adam for...wait for it...obeying a superior officer. Isn't that a trait you normally admire? You've preached the gospel of chain of command to everybody and your nutsack, so what else should Adam, who has clearly been cowed by past abuse, have done? Stood resolutely over your evidence and beaten Gerrard back with a pair of tongs? As Stella pointed out, he did what anyone who wanted to keep their jobs would have done.

Speaking of Gerrard, that was a cheap, nasty shot you took. You might not like politicking, Mac, you insufferable tit, but someone has to so that you can keep chasing the bad guys and cudgeling them to the earth with your Mighty Wong of Infallible Justice. There was no cause to insult him that way and imply that he disrespected his badge. To this point, he has done nothing to warrant that implication, and if that is the way you behave when an officer has the audacity to rise in the ranks, God help Flack if he ever tests for a captaincy.

You are an asshat, and there is no excuse for your scattershot pissiness. You need to be brought down a peg or six because your god-complex and monomania are out of control. Unfortunately, from the looks of next week's promo, you haven't learned, and why do I suspect that you would take Dannyand Flack's badges with you on your madcap crusade if you thought it would prove a point?

Absolutely no love,

La Guera

Most of this episode, with the exception of Stella and Flack, was a miserable wash. The cases were ramshackle and unfinished despite their purported resolutions. The B-case was shoehorned and truncated to accommodate the heaping dollops of melodrama and Mactimony. It was obviously meant to parallel Danny and Louie, but since we still have no concrete proof as to Louie's fate in the wake of "Run Silent, Run Deep." it was hollow and flat. Not to mention that the confession was rushed so that we could returned to the Mac Show. Goddamn it.

Anyone with a brain cell can figure out that Dobson jumped from the roof to bugger Mac good and proper with his final act, and since Mac is the star, we already know the outcome. And I don't care. Because it's just going to be a vehicle for more posturing.

C+, only because of Flack getting the balls to bite back at Mac, and Stella and Adam's scene. Jesus, but I'm tired of this half-assed tripe being peddled as hard-hitting drama.

On a final note, I wonder if Flack's backup being late was a sign that he's still on the outs within his department in the wake of the Truby affair.
I gave it a B+. The cases were good, but I had to pick nits about something. When Adam was drawing Stella's blood, he had gloves on... okay, good boy Adam. However, he didn't release the tourniquet from her arm before withdrawing the needle. Any first year Phleb will tell you that's the fastest way to get a blood bath and give your patient a very nice hematoma. And transferring blood from a dirty (Stella) needle to a container held in the other hand (Adam) is an absolute No-No! Transfers need to be secure and done one-handed.

Sorry, guys. It's Lab Week. The tech in me has spoken.

Khanada said:
And transferring blood from a dirty (Stella) needle to a container held in the other hand (Adam) is an absolute No-No! Transfers need to be secure and done one-handed.
In that scene, I was like 'it wouldn't take much to slip and stab yourself in the finger with potentially-infected blood, Adam,' but I didn't know about the tourniquet part. I can get AJ not knowing as an actor, but aren't there people on set who should know these things?
One would think. I've been in the lab 25 years now. I've withdrawn a needle with the tourniquet on: bloodbath. I've busted radioactive blood culture bottles: insta-shower. And I've stuck myself transferring my share of stuff (back in the days when gloves were not used). Yeah, they should know this stuff... like what I emailed Carmine about a different time: don't wear your contacts in the lab. Another no-no.

I think the lab consultant was asleep at the switch on this one.
It seems like it's been so long since I've watched an episode of CSI:NY (stinkin' DVD-r...)

Anyways, quite enjoyed the episode. Some great Danny and Hawkes stuff down at Coney Island and kudos to the continuity gods re: Flack's case book. I know many people will be happy that was brought back up (remember reading about it in the spoilers thread a while back) :)

Anyone else find it scary how readily availble all the stuff is for the poisoning?

The case was interesting and good casting with Joey Lawrence. He managed to pull off the smooth guy with the women, but then get all creepy and serial killer like we need be. I missed the previews for next week, but I'm sure it'll be good with the continuation of this storyline!

Khanada said:
One would think. I've been in the lab 25 years now. I've withdrawn a needle with the tourniquet on: bloodbath. I've busted radioactive blood culture bottles: insta-shower. And I've stuck myself transferring my share of stuff (back in the days when gloves were not used). Yeah, they should know this stuff... like what I emailed Carmine about a different time: don't wear your contacts in the lab. Another no-no.

I think the lab consultant was asleep at the switch on this one.

Why no contacts in the lab?
No grade since I didn't watch. Sounds like it was pretty much the same as always, except more Danny than we've seen lately and not so much Lindsay. I used to be so excited about CSI:NY and eagerly looked forward to Wednesday nights.
Cool seeing Joey Lawrence again after all these years.

Anyone remember "Nothing My Love Can't Fix"???

Last time I saw him was in Blossom........

Case was good but we all know it was suicide rather than Mac pushing him.....would be great if it was Adam who proved it and thus Mac had to give him a big apology, huge raise and a promise of more lines from the writers.
I loved the episode. A.

Loved the ending and the episode moved along so fast I was surprised when it ended.
Loved when Flack and Stella went to the "key party" and that lady only had eyes for Stella

Lady- "when I heard NYPD was coming here I was expecting big guys with guns"
Flack- "maybe if you focused your attention over here you would see one"
:lol: can always count on Flack for a laugh
detdonflackjr said:

Lady- "when I heard NYPD was coming here I was expecting big guys with guns"
Flack- "maybe if you focused your attention over here you would see one"

The lady's reaction, however, was the best part. She looked at him like, "your life must be very, very sad."