i wrote a few thoughts as i watched it, at least one of which has been mentioned already. tough!
1: ooh look, it's another opening in a club full of scantily dressed women getting sexay, obviously we can't show the men can we because we need to titillate to gain viewers
2: why did they not think to stand back when the truck was opened? even i knew lots of water would gush out!
3: "crashing this party was no accident" or whatever mac said - straight from the horatio school of cheese :wtf:
4: i knew who'd dun it within a few seconds of them being in the precinct.
5: that line about playing dressup - unnecessary, pointless, puke inducing.
6: oh! it's zoo york! AGAIN:shifty:
7: lindsay: "here's a footprint"
mac: "oh well that must mean blahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahijustsolvedthefuckingcaseimust'vebeenstandingonmypsychicspot"
sorry mac, you're lovely but that's just STUPID!
the same goes for the speedy deduction that the killer was one of the men - yes, a man with a stutter bought the painted things but that doesn't mean he was the killer, he might've been buying them for someone else or might've been in a team etc etc. GAH! just one of a zillion plot holes that was closed up far too swiftly with no basis for doing so.
there were a couple of things i liked - one was when jo dragged flack away from staring at the painted women. er... actually, that's it.
this was the very epitome of mediocrity. if it had been in season 6 it would've seemed better, but s7 so far has been better and this was just awful. so i'm giving it a
and yes, before you ask, this ep did make me angry!! :lol: