Grade 'Oedipus Hex'


Premium Member
CSI: NY meets the Suicide Girls--what did you think of the episode? :cool:
Hmm, so A) they're following up last weeks ep, and B) Lindsay's secret apparently has something to do with her mother.
Oh, the FAKE, LONE TEAR!! Haha, that was the best part. You could almost see the prop guys standing behind her with the silicone tears in hand. Awesome.

\m/ EMO! \m/
Well, the first case: average CSI case (the killer was an arrogant punk though, wasn't he?).

The second one: a tragic misunderstanding (not that common). Here's something to consider: what sentence will the couple get?

GRADE: I go with B
38 minutes into the episode, the scene with the fight in the nightclub... anybody know what music was playing at the time?
I actually liked it. I didn't love it. But the idea of the suicide girls is original. I wish it went a little deeper though. But it was to me a fun episode. I was wondering how many of the girls would hit on Lindsay instead of Danny. :lol:
Love when Flack takes down the suspects. Kick's Ass! ;)
suicide girls... i have been scarred for life.
basketball dude... so sad!
i actually liked danny in this episode. loved that flack helps out with the ymca. :D
Did anyone else catch that the mugger of the couple was Chopper's kid? I thought it was decent, much preferred the Chopper case. Much more emotional impact.
I gave the ep a C. The cases didn't hold my interest. The characters were their usual, nothing specific. Not much Flack and what little there was still hasn't shown any character growth or development.
midnight_tiptoes said:
Dear Suicide Girls,

Don't ever act again.

The World

:lol: :lol: :lol: That bad, huh???

midnight_tiptoes said:
Oh, the FAKE, LONE TEAR!! Haha, that was the best part. You could almost see the prop guys standing behind her with the silicone tears in hand. Awesome.

\m/ EMO! \m/

Which one of them cried?
hmm I was expecting better. There were 2 parts that I really liked though:
1)When Stella was reading the note to Mac
2)The end scene when the suicide girls were walking away and Danny was making those faces..

I would have liked more on Lindsay's secret,
and more on "protecting Hawkes so Shane Casey doesn't kill him...

I give it a B
One of the suicide girls cried. It was SO fake. They did a close up of it, too. One of her eyes was red, but the other one was totally white. And the tear was like 7 inches thick. SO FAKE!

The Mac/Stella moment was very cute. Aw.
Yikes! I can't wait to see this...only like 80 hours to go here on the west coast. :lol:

I'm disappointed to hear there's not much Flack in the episode! So the YMCA basketball thing isn't a big deal? Is Flack the one who tackles someone on a motorcycle?