Grade 'My Name is Mac Taylor'

How would you grade My Name is Mac Taylor?

  • A+

    Votes: 10 13.3%
  • A

    Votes: 23 30.7%
  • A-

    Votes: 12 16.0%
  • B+

    Votes: 16 21.3%
  • B

    Votes: 8 10.7%
  • B-

    Votes: 2 2.7%
  • C+

    Votes: 1 1.3%
  • C

    Votes: 2 2.7%
  • C-

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D+

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D-

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • F

    Votes: 1 1.3%

  • Total voters


Premium Member
100th episode of CSI: NY tonight! *throws confetti* :D What did you think?
~ Stella drives. :p I'm surprised Sheldon wasn't clinging to the door handle like my mom (or the 'oh shit' handle up at the top by the window in my old granny car :p).

~ I love Gary, but I don't need to see him half-nekkid.

~ Hmm, so the guy went through his wallet. Interesting.

~ Who the frick picks this music?

~ No glasses again. :(

~ SID! :D

~ We don't see enough scenes of Sid and Stella together.

~ Ouchy foot. >.<

~ Sheldon is so foxy.

~ ADAM! :D

~ Oh hai, Chris Daughtry. :)

~ Oh hai, Scott Wolfe. You'z a shorty. :p

~ Aww, love Daughtry's accent. NORTH CAROLINA REPRESENT! :D

~ Buuuurn. 'It's Detective...Detective Mac Taylor.' You got told, son. :p

~ Damn, I should have done a count of how many times they say "Mac" in this episode.

~ Adam and Hawkes scene. :D Too bad I don't think there will be any caps to make me a new icon. :(

~ Danny, Flack and Terrance again. :D

~ Haha! Flack laughed at the crack about Danny being from Staten Island. :p

~ That was all for Marshall Faulk's cameo? Of course Danny wouldn't recognize him. :p

~ Hee, Adam had the info about the button. :D

~ All the Mac Taylors are menz. (Except for Rumer's character, I mean.)

~ Ooh, there was almost a throw-down in the room. FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT! :p Daughtry would whoop your short ass, foo!

~ I'm waiting for someone to walk in like 'Mac' and all of them to go 'What?' :p

~ I wonder if they're trying to say 'Mac' 100 times in the 100th episode. IT WILL RIP A HOLE IN THE UNIVERSE! :eek:



~ Terrance done took you down, foo!

~ Interrogation. :D

~ Is this a theme? The insulting-a-sister-during-an-interrogation thing?

~ I love it when you talk smart, Sheldon. :devil: And you're so thorough. *waggles eyebrows*

~ LOL, Danny's carrying most of the stuff. :p

~ Those Macs have some lame names, by the way.


~ Oh Stella, you so smart. :p

~ Mmm, I see some cleavage, Stella my dear. :devil:

~ This is NYC and they don't assume someone might use the fire escape? They'd be smarter to post a uniform at the street just in case. Of course, that wouldn't be convenient for the plot.

~ The scenes going back and forth between David and short!Mac is effective.

~ Oh dear, he set himself on fire. :eek:

~ "make the most of the moments you share" :adore:

~ Aww, that scene with Adam and Stella was adorable! So so so cute! *hugs them both* Of course Adam would search for all of his friends' names. Boo on whoever turned him down for pizza, though. :(

~ I wonder why the only Sid Hammerback was an old woman? Is this significant? SID IS IN WITNESS PROTECTION! OR HE'S AN ALIEN! OR A SPY! OR SOMETHING! :p (Or he just doesn't live in NY, but that idea is more exciting.)

~ The end of the episode was the best part - like the last 10 minutes. The rest of it was kind of slow-going...

Preview: Sid and Hawkes! :D "I'm pregnant." Dun dun duuuuuuun! *cue shriek*
I give a solid B. I was an enjoyable eppie. I figured the girlfriend was somehow involved when the designer said that she was gone. When the killer showed interest in the car keys of the Macs, I figured that it had something to do with accident or hit and run.

I loved the last bit with Stella and Adam. It was cute and funny. I like that those two get along so well. They make great friends. I loved the crack about Sid being named after his mother! :lol:
Well we have made it here, the 100th Episode! Seems like yesterday I was saying "Holy crap, they're making another CSI! In New York!" Good times, good times.
And here are my play-by-play thoughts:

dun dun dun - it's another Mac Taylor! * Cue Twilight Zone theme*
Go our Mac go, You swim in that pool! mmm...shirtless...and wet...:devil:
haha, that woman screaming just scared the crap out of me.
Two Macs down, a bunch more to go.
Mac, he's stalking you. Oh wait, that's just me. Nevermind. :p
Yay it's Sid!
MacAbee? What kind of a name is that?
Well, Danny's glasses are apparently still MIA...
Aw, no one wants to claim Mac Taylor #1 :(
Where are all of these Inspectors coming from???? It's like they keep multiplying every episode
Mac stubborn? Noooo.... ;)
They want your keychains? Random.
haha, there's a MacArthur too. MacDonald? Makito? MacQuinn? Did someone just say Machiavelli (or however you spell it)?
haha Flack is being attacked by Mac's. :lol:
Oh my gosh, they've overtaken the police station. I bet all the cops feel a bit awkward.
All the Macs should get together and form a band. "The Mac Taylors" perhaps, or "Mac and the Taylors" :p
Now there's a MacKendra.
No low cut tops tonight Stella?
Haha Starksky and Hutch. Love it! "What's up Crockett?" :lol:
"How many guys you know like that? Six? Seven? Eight?" Only that many?
Haha, Staten Island.
No hitting on the girls Flack. Yay Dan-o again!
Good job Adam and Lindsay, very interesting.
Deer buttons, Tree buttons - What will they think of next?
Fight. Go Mac! I mean the other Mac! No the oth...oh nevermind. :cool:
Hehe, Flack and Danny look so out of place at that party thing.
Those two leave a path of destruction when they go places together.
What's with all the "your sister" comments this season? :confused:
Good job Doc, you're so smart.
Liar, is human blood.
Don Flack does not let a mere door chain get in his way, he breaks them apart and they stand no chance! ;)
aw, David......:( I kind of felt bad for him too.
Someone stood up Adam? Those are the dumbest people ever.
Sid's an old woman? Interesting...
10 Danny Messers? I wonder if they're all as hot as ours...
6 Flacks? Heaven. :lol: Haha, I like that name too Adam.

Overall I thought that it was a really good episode. Interesting anyways. It didn't really seem like a 100th episode to me I don't think. It was like just a regular episode (if that makes any sense). Anyways, I gives it an A (I'm easy to please) . Bit suspenseful a times, which is always good. Funny, even better.
Can't wait till next weeks though :thumbsup:
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LpoHeartsNick said:

What happened in the US promo? CTV's was kind of lame.
It showed Sid and Hawkes with a bunch of crushed metal and some body parts, talking about how they'd never seen a case like it. And it showed Lindsay telling Danny she's pregnant and Danny saying he's scared.

Did I miss something?
I love me some Chris Daughtry....:drool:

Preview: Sid and Hawkes! :D "I'm pregnant." Dun dun duuuuuuun! *cue shriek*
Danny's I'm scared reminded me of when I found out when I was pregnant.:confused:
LpoHeartsNick said:

What happened in the US promo? CTV's was kind of lame.
It showed Sid and Hawkes with a bunch of crushed metal and some body parts, talking about how they'd never seen a case like it. And it showed Lindsay telling Danny she's pregnant and Danny saying he's scared.

Did I miss something?

Thank you!
*throws confetti* *blows party horn* *puts birthday cone hats on everyone*
This episode did what I was beginning to think wasn't gonna tied Veritas and earned an A+ from me. I'm gonna rewind the tape and watch it again after I finish this post, vote A+ and read Faylinn's recap. I loved that scene at the end with Stella and Adam. I especially loved when Adam told Stella "There are 3 Sheldon Hawkes in New York state and 10 Danny Messers." Stella said "10? Don't tell Danny that." :rommie::guffaw::lol:
Well, that's all for now. I gotta go vote A+ and complete my Wednesday night by reading Faylinn's recap.
OKAY I am seriously ticked at my station!!!! I got commericals coming in at the wrong time, it just going black just son of GOD :censored:

I'm going to have to rewatch it online because I just could not get into it because of what they did to me!

OOOOOOOOOO did anybody catch them using a "already" scene from snow day! :guffaw::guffaw: I was like wtf! I just watched that today so I caught it I expected Flack to jump out of the car and go "what tha..why am I at the warehouse!"

Flack making fun of Danny hehehe that was great...and the last scene even better..Adam and Stella liking on Flack's name
Preview: Sid and Hawkes! :D "I'm pregnant." Dun dun duuuuuuun! *cue shriek*

I'm hoping Danny's line was only half a sentence. You know, like maybe he'll say, "I'm scared . . . of being tied to that shrew Lindsay for the rest of my life," or, "I'm scared . . . the baby will have Lindsay's personality." :p

I gave the episode a B. It was a little slow going, but I still felt entertained. I'm glad they discovered the murderer wasn't after Mac early on. I thought all of the stunt casting choices were good. None of them sucked out loud and I thought Rumer Willis was quite good. I always love Flack and Danny and am glad they're still giving these two good scenes together. Nelly is awesome as well and I hope we see more of him. The scene with Adam and Stella was really nice. A decent amount of Hawkes time and Hawkes being a smarty pants is always a plus as well. I'm not keen on Mac and his boss flirting with each other right off the bat, but the scenes didn't make me want to hurl so I'll live with it.

Considering the preview for next week it would have made sense for Danny and Lindsay to at least acknowledge each other's presence this week. But then TPTB have never done anything that makes sense with these two so I don't even know why I complain any more. Maybe I hope that if enough people keep mentioning what a steeming pile of crap the relationship is TPTB will get the hint and step up their game a bit. I know it won't happen, but a girl's gotta have dreams and goals.
I'm with most of you on wondering what's with all the sister comments towards Danny? Is this a thing?

Loved when Flack laughed at Danny because of the Staten Island thing. Too cute!

Yay for seeing Lindsay more and her not just being 'there'. You can so see her belly, no one notices this?

Scott Wolf was a jerk? No! I liked that dude in Party of Five. Was thinking he was going to end up dead not guilty of a hit and run!

I enjoy Nelly on CSI: NY.

Pretty good episode could of used more Flack. :)