Grade 'Murder Sings the Blues'

Poor Hawkes. Hawkes so needs loving. What other guy would take a girl to just go get coffee and just talk. I would have thought he would have told Mac. But when he explained then you could really see how much it hurt him. Glad Peyton talked to Mac about Sheldon.
wwiflyingace17 said:
Austin from Days of Our Lives!

That's why he looked so familar! He's hot! That girl/roomate in the beginning looked familar too.

Anyway, the episode was meh. The hilights were Hawkes, especially at the end. My heart broke for him. I couldn't really get into the episode. I also loved that the used Gwen Stefani's new song Wind It Up in the scene where Hawkes & Lindsay were at the party on the subway. The B case didn't catch my intention at all. The A case was a bit better but I liked the twist at the end. Speaking of endings the scene between Mac & Peyton was beyond cheesy. I was expecting Mac to go, "I don't like this chocolate bar" :lol:

Anyway, I gave it a B. The next episode looks way better.
I went on a frothing screed about Mac in my LJ, but until tomorrow, let me just say that I was wholly unimpressed with the A case. The B case was better, but only because of the Flack and Stella interaction. Flack watching Stella bamboozle the crazy was priceless.

Halfway through the episode I switched to Futurama. I was falling asleep.

I know I've said this a million times, but I hate the New York depicted on CSI: New York. No minorities, no poor people, no boroughs, no honest people... just a bunch of rich, white, arrogant and vindictive morons killing each other every week. And everything is glamorous and everyone's got money and everything is so flashy. This show is like Friends, only with murders.

Newsflash, writers: you want drama? Fucking get out of Manhattan. I'm sick of CSI: Upper East Side. There's more to New York than that. In every episode someone dies because someone is having a party somewhere unique, or someone is doing something totally cool (TO THE EXXXTREME!!1) and unexpected, there's always a half naked woman (in every. fucking. episode), blah blah flashycakes. This is getting worse than CSI: Miami. At least in Miami you'll see a Cuban every once in a while.

I hate the music, too. I feel like I'm driving through a high school party. Whatever. I wish they'd chosen Chicago. What I see on this show isn't New York at all.
Okay but not outstanding. Too much Peyton for me, but then I'm a diehard Smacker so that's a given. Next week is the one I'm really excited about.

I've forgotten already...did Mac have the tie again? Ugh if he did.

I'll say C
I actually thought it was a decent episode. ;) Not sure how I'll feel after a second viewing, but I loved the Hawkes stuff. Him hoping he was wrong, then realizing who it was, then having to deal with Mac yelling at him. I liked that he stood up to Mac about getting personal with it. ;)

And Angell was there, so I was happy for that. :p (No Adam though. :( Next week, baby, he'll be there next week I think. :p)

As for that 'maid' from the beginning, I'm pretty sure she used to be on the Mickey Mouse Club back when I was a kid (I want to say her name was Nikki...can't remember...). Let's do 6 degrees of separation: Nikki (?) on MMC-->Dale Goldboldo from 'Shasta McNasty'-->Carmine. ;)
Faylinn, I think someone said on another board that it was Nikki Deloach? Is that who you were thinking of? I think she was also on some series that has been cancelled, North Shores or something.

I didn't think it was a bad episode. I do agree that I'd like to see less "Beautiful People" as victims or perps. Loved the scenes with Hawkes, also loved some of Danny's one liners, and the fun banter between Flack/Stella. I also liked the link between Bobby Vinton's old "Blue Velvet" and the "Blue Train" raves. Also nice to see both Det. Angell and Peyton back, I enjoy both characters.

Pretty tense scene between Mac & Hawkes, but I think both of them were a bit right and a bit wrong. Hawkes should have said something as soon as he suspected he knew the vic (for pete's sake, it was actually his phone number that was found on her body!) but Mac should never have railed at him in front of Lindsay. Glad to see a nice scene between both of them at the end though, and to see Hawkes open up a bit about his personal life.
Yep, that's her name. She was on the MMC back when I watched the show. (Oh, Ricky Luna, I was in love with you, where did you go? :lol:)

But I definitely agree about the 'rich and beautiful' people they always seem to have on these shows. They're always in these big multi-million dollar apartments and always seem to have staff that are implicated in the murder. :rolleyes: I want to see some random person dead in a 500 square foot studio apartment who just works for a living and they have to find out what happened. The show should be able to pull that off. ;) Season one had some more diverse cases, if I remember correctly...
I liked it, I wish there was more Danny... tear...

ALSO! Has anyone noticed Anna Belkaps(sorry dont know how to spell it) stomach is looking a little preggers? Shes got thats preggo look to her, and I aint talking tomatoe sause!
Oh, God. They better not turn it into a one night lapse of judgement thing with Danny.

I will actually scream.