I was surprised at how much I was just able to sit back and enjoy this one. Yes, it was basically a simple "chase the killer" episode, but I actually liked the pacing--it was intense and fast without throwing a ton of information at us.
yeah, i pretty much felt the same. considering there wasn't an awful lot of substance, ie it really was just a giant chase scene (
it's already a chase scene! they're already chasing! [/true west]) i enjoyed it more than i thought i would.
i had a few comments, some positive, some negative, most just observations i guess...
1: i agree that flack could've related to eckhart's "chat" with his wife, but i also agree with whoever said that maybe it was still too raw for flack to get the connection, whereas with mac it's an older "injury" so he would've perhaps been more able to draw that link in a coherent way, and i thought he did so quite nicely, it was there but not too overplayed. also i think it helped that mac was standing directly in front of hollis and could therefore see who or what he was trying to talk to - flack was a bit behind and to the side so it may not have been so obvious from a purely technical point of view.
i thought something similar when mac and flack were in the sewer with the music playing, i liked that bit a lot. it was kind of eerie and atmospheric and i thought the song choice (even though i don't like that song that much) was perfect, given that they are the two that have lost wives/girlfriends. in fact i liked that mac and flack seemed to be the driving forces on the case, it linked them both nicely to eckhart's situation.
2: the time line. this is what i put on my facebook:
dear csi ny writers. PLEASE deal with your screwy timeline. it's december already? how exactly? i assume that lucy messer is now a toddler, mac's still a marine, flack's been back to normal for years, and stella is in fact 27, seeing as how she gets younger each year. i love csiny but really, you HAVE to sort this out before the entire fan community goes bonkers trying to remember what f**king day it is! ta. also regards timing, they were doing the final chase scene at just before dawn, so what, about 5.45-6 am, and *all* the shops were open? i know it's the city that never sleeps, but really, that seems a little unlikely. london is a 24 hour city and at that time in london, a few shops are open but nowhere near all of them. also it's never that crowded.
3: danny's running about - i agree that putting him on a long, intense chase seemed a little silly but maybe he pushed for it, stubborn git that he is
i agree that maybe the sea legs comment was a reference to lt dan, that was quite funny
i also liked that lindsay finally made reference to what happened to danny, albeit obliquely, it made you realise she hadn't just moved on.
4: i worked out who the 4th victim was really early on. i guess again having been in similar situations (ok, i don't go around killing people but i've had delusions and stuff so...) it seemed fairly obvious. as for people saying they should've just left him to it, that crossed my mind too but more out of sympathy to him - i had a hunch he wasn't aware of what he'd done in a real sense (and i think they confirmed this with him going "what have i done?" at the end), and i think it would've been an easier route for him to take than endless psych evals/treatment. as for why they psych eval him before the arraignment, well they need to know (a) just exactly what condition he has and what form (ie paranoid schizo, delusional schizo, how far it's affected by ptsd and/or the shrapnel in his brain etc) and (b) how far gone with it he was, just how far his own agency could be taken into account. these illnesses have a habit of changing course and i think it was probably a wise idea!
5: they really do like rats on csi:ny don't they? i think they should rename it csi: rat city :lol:
6: i really thought mac telling adam to ask if he needed help was a cue for haylen to show up, in a way i'm glad it wasn't, adam i think needed to re-assert himself, but on the other hand i think it could've worked if they'd had to work together and been forced to get along!
7: i loved the end scene - sure it was cheesy but it was nice cheesy. i liked that danny made a reference to the pain by asking for ice, and that lindsay and he seemed to be happy at least at that point. i wondered whether flack should be drinking though! the look stella threw to adam was quite cute, and even more so was adam's reaction - i agree they really should do something conclusive with that storyline, either end it properly or take it somewhere, don't just leave it hanging. i liked sheldon's comments about his apartment, and it was lovely to see mac being casual and relaxed, it doesn't happen often! also i agree with whoever said that that scene nicely linked back to the scene with the shootout in s5.
overall i really enjoyed it, much more than i expected, given it was just a chase ep. i really empathised with the killer, on many levels, including the mental chaos, and i thought they depicted that side of it pretty well, they didn't make it too ridiculous. i liked mac throughout (there's a shock for you!:lol:

), i liked how he went from angry intense mac to relaxed happy mac. i thought all the others chipped in nicely, and it was nice to have an ep where it was a genuine team effort with everyone making a significant contribution and working well together.
i gave it an A, it would've been more but that timeline issue really bugged me:lol: