Everytime we have a "Hawkes-centered" episode is always a good one
I know i will forget some points but it doesn't matter (I was taking notes meanwhile i watched the episode. Also i'll use some comments i made in another thread
Sheldon&Kara ------> I don't think we have seen the last of them together. Nichole was really fine portraying Kara and she seems to be still in love with him after so many years.
Also i didn't find annoying a last scene with them because when my Stell caught Colin was in minute 39 of 41 (with credits included). And seriously, they didn't have time to a heart-to heart-conversation to close or to open a relationship
Sheldon---> oh my!

He broke my heart completely. When you give space to a talented actor you have scenes like these ones. He had two great scenes with Mac and Stella but my most beloved scene is when he talked to Stella. He could express all his vulnerabilty meanwhile with Mac he expressed all his frustration for not being there to help Kara
Stella--->The connection Stella had with the Sheldon and Kara was amazing but in special with Sheldon. Stella was a victim of the violence. She understands the rage and the frustration and the sadness which invaded him (and her). Also i liked how she tried to explain Sheldon's feelings to Mac. Why he worked so hard trying to catch Kara's rapist even bending rules or even breaking them a little bit. I'm glad Mac and Stella didn't argue. She disagreed with him but in a nice way. They didn't jump to each other's throat
Lindsay---> she was nice. Certainly her comment inside the Conference Room wasn't appropiate. But she wasn't being Lindsay. The Living Encyclopedia is Hawkes. I blame writers for turning Lindsay into Hawkes. Also it wasn't the right moment to a light comment because two cases connected is not exactly the type of thing to make a joke of.
But I was so glad DL monster didn't fagocitate the episode i could have accepted another demostration without making me angry:lol: See? individual Lindsay is possible. Just i wish she had more interactions with everyone
Direction---> i have not any idea who directed this episode but i truly enjoyed it. At the beginning when they found vic's body in the bathtub, the background music and the way it was filmed made me remember a thriller movie. Also i liked all sequences in the episode except one
Rambo Stella---> Awwwwww i
LOVE LOVE LOVE Stella going Rambo. Actually it tells me a lot about her this behaviour. She can't stand injustice. And she often gets frustrated when she is not allowed to catch the bad guys because of bureaucracy. It was obvious her frustration when Mac told them inside the Conference Room they might keep both cases separated until they found a stronger connection between both cases. She was to Colin's place trying to convince his girlfriend. No way she knew Colin was going to appear so quick. The only scene i didn't enjoy (In terms of direction) was this one. Perhaps it was the PC i was in yesterday but it was too obvious he never hit Stella. Perhaps there wasn't enough rehearsal of that scene. However it was good when he threw Stella over the couch and then when she shot him
Again i had a "Frankie" déjà vù
Church as home--->Awwwwww i don't think it's an homage but it reminded me "Providence" when a church was used as a clinic for free by my beloved Dr. Sidney Hansen :bolian: (Melina's former character)
Mac---> :drool: I understand him so well. It's heartbreaking to anyone but he is the boss and he MUST play Devil's Avocate reminding them they have to follow protocols if they want to use any little trace they find in court. It's part of Mac's job. because you can delegate Authority but not responsability. If any of them screw up a case is Mac's responsability because they are under his command.
In this case, it was personal and a SVU type case. He couldn't allow Hawkes to follow this case because it was affecting him personally and profesionally
The ending--> ADORABLE:drool::drool::drool::drool::drool::drool: Sid couldn't be with Hawkes (maybe he was dealing with his ghosts or talking to Kara) so he was with his closest buddies the newly roomates Mac and Stella.
It was just adorable. I'm an overseas fan so some groups won't be edited here. That's enough reason to enjoy them. I didn't know the guy was really a musician so i don't complain at all:bolian: also i liked
Sharon Little's song:bolian:
Favorites quotes:
Sheldon to Mac : Kara needed me, she tried to reach and when she did i wasn't there
Stella to Mac: "It's hard to control your emotions when someone you love is being attacked".
Flack and Angell---> their scenes were really good. I'm glad they go slowly again. They will kiss again ....in the right moment

I believe at some point Mac won't be able to keep his cold head. I felt there was a hint regarding the Season Finale

OH God the last part of the Season will be so great:drool::drool::drool::drool::drool::drool: