Grade 'Happily Never After'

I can't believe nobody said the hotel lady was "cold-hearted" after the autopsy finding.......I was waiting for that line to come and it didn't.

Apart from that it was okay.......just nice to have something new to watch

It wasn't a great ep, but I think it was a fun one. The references to both Peter Pan and The Wizard of Oz were quite obvious, but I was really enjoying myself trying to catch them - Otto :lol: :lol:

Flack's 'behind-the-scenes-of-the-street-vendors' experience was too funny. :cool:

Too bad we didn't really got the chance to guess the killers on both cases, since they only made an appearance right before their arrests...

And I gave the + as a bonus point for the reference to Ruben's death and the fact that they made clear that Danny is still struggling with that and does not really want to discuss it.

Faylinn said:
I don't know the Irish chick's name in this episode, but I always think of her as Marion(sp?) from Dinotopia.
Isn't that the same actress who plays the Irish girlfriend of Peter Petrelli on Heroes?

The only thing that saved this episode for me was Flack, Adam and Danny. Otherwise, the whole episode was pretty bleh.

Yeah, I agree with LaGuera about the over-the-top reference to The Wizard of Oz, Peter Pan, etc.... And that Leona Helmley clone looked a little too much like Cruella de Vil for my liking. I'd love a little subtlety, a little bit more mystery...This was just too much.

Flack...Of course, I loved Flack in this episode. His facial expression and his banter with Stella at the street food vendors' warehouse were classic Flack...So priceless! And when he saw that mouse! Poor Flack! His facial expression had me cracking up. What a traumatic experience for a man who loves his food. :lol: Oooh and by the way, I love that Flack went into action man mode chasing down that chestnut vendor and then saying that he was not okay when Stella asked him. :lol:

Danny...I can see that you are hurting. I'm glad that there is continuity from Child's Play when Angell broached the subject of Ruben's death and asked Danny how he was coping. Even if it was a bit awkward with Danny trying to change the subject, I'm glad continuity got a nod.

Adam...waving his arms around to the beat of the music he was listening to and Mac interrupting him asking for some lab result, just too adorable. Love that scene. Adam looked charmingly goofy and endearing.

dutch_treat said:
Faylinn said:
I don't know the Irish chick's name in this episode, but I always think of her as Marion(sp?) from Dinotopia.
Isn't that the same actress who plays the Irish girlfriend of Peter Petrelli on Heroes?

Dinotopia chick's name is Katie Carr. FYI :p

It was a fun kind of ep, but not too amazing for me, really. While it was fun catching the little nods to fairy tales, there wasn't much else that intrigued me, save for the Adam and Flack moments, of course =] (and did anyone else notice that the nurse that was going to be doing the drug testing in the one scene was named Nurse Ratched? One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest?...anyone but me get it? lol)

And as everyone has said...yay for continuity =] I think the scene in the promo with Danny and Ricki was the most excited as i ever got during the whole episode. Is that online anywhere yet?
overall, i thought it was pretty boring. the personal moments saved the episode -- like adam dancing or angell trying to say something comforting to danny. otherwise, snooze fest.
I can't say i loved it nor can i can say i hated it, i enjoyed it as i sometimes find it nice when they do bring everything down a pace.

The continuity was great they get bonus points for that because of the usual lack of it, was nice to see Danny wasn't on top of it and looked like he just didn't want to be there. The bit about toy stores and schools was nice i liked Mac's reaction he didn't know how to react but he understood it.

I loved Adams dance what i found funnier was his explanation then sudden realisation and back into work mode, its nice to see the relationship with him and Mac its funny.

Flack saved it for me though his whole reaction in the Vendor place was priceless and the end after he caught the guy only Flack could pull it off so that the audience actually giggle i know i did.

I liked the cases the whole fairytale twist was clever but still expected more from it.

I'd give it a B.... it had some great moments.
This show is many wonderful things, but above all else, it really is a comedy. and that's possibly why i love it so much.

I gave the episode an A, because even though I found the cases so-so (interesting murders but fairly average means of solving them) it was just thoroughly entertaining to watch Adam dancing, Flack stopping mid-chase of a suspect to be disgusted at food on the ground, and Sid nonchalantly commenting about the fairy,.. along with so many other tidbits all in the same episode that I couldn't help but really appreciate this epi.

Nothing in a boring episode would typically save it for me but I came out of this episode unusually amused and decided I would reward them for it :D Now to rewind to the Mac/Adam dancing scene.

eta: oh, right, and I forgot to mention, the truly alarming part of the episode was when Lindsay decided to pull the VALVE OFF A TANK OF LIQUID NITROGEN ENDANGERING THE LIVES OF HERSELF AND EVERYONE AROUND HER. As they proceeded to carry on casual conversation around the open tank, I started to have some serious qualms.
This is the ep that supposedly was not completed before the writer's strike, and I thought it showed. However, I certainly didn't hate it, I gave it a solid B+.

Lots of good character moments, most of which have already been mentioned. Loved seeing Mac catching Adam dancing, and even amusedly telling him "Nice moves, there!" I thoroughly enjoy the relationship between those two, good onscreen chemistry, IMO. And Adam is too adorable!

Flack's digust at the filthy behind-the-scenes food vendor world was hilarious. Had to chuckle at Hawkes' incredulity in the beginning, when he said "Are they applauding? Yeah, they're applauding..."
Always enjoy seeing Angell, and it was nice to get some continuity with her mentioning Ruben's death, even if it was mainly to set up the Danny Drama-fest next week.

Yeah, the fairy tale stuff was very overt, but I don't mind a little light-heartedness sandwiched between two very serious eps... And speaking of next week's ep, after seeing the previews, that answers my question of whether or not Rikki has forgiven Danny, yet... :lol:
After not watching a new episode for a while, I have to say that I anticipated (sp?) this one. I thought it was great! Flack's disgust with the rats and food carts was just priceless! Adam's dancing (as someone put it "adorkable"). The rest of the cast was great too, but these moments stood out in my eyes.
Looking forward to the next new episode.
This is the ep that supposedly was not completed before the writer's strike, and I thought it showed.
I have this feeling that even if the writers hadn't been on strike, this episode still would not have been that good.

B - It was meh.

The only thing that saved it was Flack, Danny, and Adam.

Flack is adorable and I'm convinced he gets better looking with every new episode. I'm afraid his love for vendor hot dogs has been ruined but I can't say that I blame him. He was right in saying that was more than any New York needed to see. It was also more than anyone anywhere needed to see.

The scene with Danny and Angell on the bus talking about Ruben was touching. She showed concern and he didn't seem to mind but I can understand him not wanting to talk about it. It's obvious Danny still blames himself and it's also obvious he's still hurting from Ruben death's. Yay for continuity. Angell proved that there is no 'right' thing to say and it works perfectly to just say what you feel. The simple 'I'm sorry' said a lot and I'm glad that Angell chose to approach Danny instead of ask someone else what to do.

Adam....Adam is such a sweetheart. He amuses Mac to no end and there is nobody that could have pulled that scene off better. Adam is so is Hawkes.

Danny...He was looking hot as usual but I get the feeling that he's just barely keeping himself together. His comment about kids and schools was touching and I love that softer side to him. I do have to ask though, how many jackets does Danny need? :p He's worse than a woman when it comes to how many clothes he has.

Overall, I wasn't that thrilled about the cases. They kind of fell flat with me and the last scene with Hawkes and Lindsay wasn't necessary (I'm sure it would have been either cut or re-written had the writers not been on strike). It just seemed liked a weird ending to me.
This episode had a few great moments, inculding Mac actually smiling. :D

However, as far as the cases went, I think the writers need to learn that less is more. Seriously, I think that they were trying too hard with the fairy tale theme.

It reminds me of some of the episodes in season two, tghe 'lighter' ones.

On a side note, for a moment it looked like could've killed the vendor when he pulled him off the ladder, or at least hurt him pretty badly. :lol:

Next week looks much better, though. (crosses fingers) :)
I'd give this episode a B-. It was OK, but really it was the few small character moments that stood out the most, as the cases themselves weren't particularly great in my opinion.

The good parts for me: I love Flack's love of food. I hope he recovers from this terrible shock. :lol: He also had some good lines last night, and did a little bit of suspect chasing, which has totally been a theme for this year if you ask me...Adam danced in the lab, and it made Mac smile. :D Everyone does love a lab geek, even Mac. I like the Ruben's death wasn't completely forgotten and that there is some continuity there. Oh, and a bit silly, but I really liked Angell's hair, and Danny's white sweater/t shirt thing. :lol:

I wasn't that impressed with the cases. It was impossible to tell what had actually happened to the victims so no real way of guessing the outcome, not that I feel that I need to be able to do that, it's just that the cases kind of went along with no real impetus or sense of urgency.

Surely the liquid nitrogen being the cause of the frozen heart was completely obvious too, especially once they were trying to work out how the dog chain could have broken with no tool marks? I was really surprised and confused with how slow on the uptake Sid, Stella, Hawkes and Lindsay were with those bits of evidence. Ordinarily they would have known that immediately. :lol: :rolleyes: In the end I did feel a little sorry for the roasted chestnut vendor though. Not so for the quite random rapist, who deserves everything he gets, although quite why he threw the girl out of a third storey window onto a bus I'm not sure I'll ever get, I get why he wouldn't necessarily want to leave the body at the school, but drop it onto a bus and hope no one hears or notices? And why was the bus still there, because no other party goers still seemed to be around? It just didn't make much sense to me. No, the cases just didn't do it for me this time. :lol:

I agree with 1CSIMfan, writer's strike or not, I don't get the feeling that I would have ever been a huge fan of this episode, which seemed like a bit of a filler really.
The episode was pretty good. I loved Adam dancing in the lab and poor Flack being traumatised by the behind the scenes at the food vendors. I also liked the continuity from Child's Play and Angell trying to reach out to Danny. She let him know he had her sympathy and was willing to listen if he wanted to talk. Danny's line about not wanting to go to schools or toy stores to look for a killer was touching.

The Wizard of Oz stuff felt WAY too forced. (I think the worst was the lady saying the snowman was "melting... melting,") I have to say that Otto was a really cute little doggie. I can't be upset when there's a cute doggie on the screen.

I can be more forgiving of the Peter Pan stuff since the drug parties had a storybook theme.(Hence the party goers being in Alice in Wonderland mode when they were arested.) Though I'm a bit annoyed at myself for not getting the killer sooner. He got The Unesasary Closeup after all.
It wasn't good and it wasn't bad ... I'm kinda disappointed, I guess I was expecting something bigger than a dead cold hearted witch of a boss. At least they are trying to give us something during the strike. Anyhoo, the guy at the beginning was pretty cute, then Flack came on screen and I forgot what the guy at the beginning looked like. Angell is super duper pretty, I want her hair and coat. Poor Danny, we're missing his smile this week. I think Angell's sympathy towards Danny worked better than Lindsay's. And OMG that guy sneezed on the lettuce, don't think I want to eat out ever again!

Yes, it was heavy-handed with the fairy tale references (Otto=Toto, get it??? :lol: ;) ), but eh, I found that kinda fun. And the Mad Hatter? Alice in Wonderland is kind of one big drug trip, so it fits. :lol: I enjoyed the fairy tale stuff--it was cute and clever.

The scene with Flack at the food vendors' warehouse is pure genius. The writing, Eddie's acting--it all comes together so brilliantly. Poor, poor Flack! He was so devastated by what he saw. :lol: It was just hilarious.

Great continuity with Danny--I love that the writers brought that up, and that Carmine did such a great job in his performance of showing how gutted Danny is by the whole thing. Angell's compassionate inquiry stands in direct opposition to Lindsay's inability to be there for Danny last week. I liked the scene between Danny and Angell and that she gave him the opportunity to address what was so clearly on his mind.

I also liked that Danny made a comment in front of Mac that Mac clearly didn't know how to respond to. Mac just obviously doesn't know how to reach out to Danny, but at least his long look at Danny let us know that he isn't oblivious or insensitive to what Danny is going through.

I loved Mac smiling at Adam dancing, too.

Also FWIW, I believe this episode was shooting right around the time the writers' strike started. It may have been completed or mostly completed before the strike began. It's 413 and 414 that pretty much have no involvement from the writers during the shooting and editing of the episodes.

Can't wait for 413!!! :D