Grade 'Down the Rabbit Hole'


Premium Member
CSI:NY meets Second Life tonight--what did you think? :cool:
Interesting episode, much better than last week. Had me interested all the way through. Although I don't quite get "Second Life" it was fun to see Adam geek his way through it. Very good.
I'm confuzzled. The episode doesn't even air on the east coast for another 45 minutes. Has it allready aired in, say, Britian or something?
This should be good, for 2 reasons:

1) It just seems cool.
2) The writer's the writer of last season's finale, which was GREAT IMO.
Nope, it's aired in Canada on a station on the East Coast. Anyone with a satellite dish can pick up the feed 3 hours early.
Ok, it's not over yet, but oh. my. god was Adam hilarious in that battle scene or what?? :lol:

"Who's your daddy?"


Adam wins, hands down. :D
Fun ep. Solid B grade.

To be continued I guess?

Who was the bald guy in the preview? He looked vaguely familiar.
kay, adam totally stole the show tonite, and i luved it! It kept me on my seat from beginning to end. Gotta say the tango with the mannequins - a little bizarre (i'd rather tango with Flack thanx!) It was hilarious to see Mac try to be geeky. And really liked the scene with Mac and Flack, all serious about Peyton - i really liked that Flack felt no need to offer relationship advice or anything - he just listened - nice touch...
Glad Adam is back...I missed last week's epi :(...and was very happy to see much more of adam this week...let's keep it that way!
flackfan_82 said:
the tango with the mannequins
I gotta admit, I loved that scene a little bit. :p

Best part of the episode: Adam
Worst part of the episode: No dirty man sex under the tables in the AV lab.

...what? :p Adam kept calling Mac 'boss' and trying to impress him and save the day was totally hot. ;)

The episode itself was hit-or-miss. Sometimes it was great (usually when Adam was involved, imagine that ;)), other times it just didn't grab me. Personally, I thought the Second Life thing looked kinda lame. :eek:

Of course Danny and Flack had to chase the kid. It's like one or both of them have to tackle someone every week.

Stella's boobies were not on display for most of the episode. I kind of missed them. :(


KEVLAR! Not just Flack, but everybody. It was sexy. ^_^

Not satisfied with the ending, especially since the conclusion won't be for several months. And you can bet they probably won't mention it again next week or anything. *le sigh*

I guess I'll shut up now and do my usual note-taking tomorrow after re-watching the episode.
My big question: If Adam is such a Second Life guru, why have fogey-Mac with no computer skills operate at all? Why not have Adam play the game while Mac tells him what he wants accomplished?
Loved every single Adam/Adam & Mac scene!! Mac, trying to make his avatar "cool" with horrible pickup lines :lol: And Avatar Mac dressed in drag (Stella: "Who's the tacky dresser?" Mac: "That's me!") That has gotta be a first! :D And of course Adam totally geeking out during and after the fight scene was a show-stealer. Also got a laugh from the exchange of looks between he and Mac when Adam asked him if he wanted his avatar to be a man or a woman... And I :lol: when Adam slipped and called Mac "Duuuude..."

Really liked the quiet scene between Mac/Flack when Mac opens up to him about Peyton, very nicely done, and also very In Character for both guys. Poor Mac, everyone must think he looks really terrible, all asking when was the last time he slept... ;)

I liked the beginning scene with the old man and the mannequins...totally had me fooled what he was really doing in there, ended up actually being very poignant, with him keeping the Anniversary Dance with his late wife :(

Nice cliffhanger, I do wonder if/when it will be resolved, or if she's one of those villians who just ends up never being caught? I'm glad they at least solved the "Why" behind the murders for us, so I didn't mind all that much not quite getting to the "Who" behind them.

Finally, Sid, you sly dog, you! I never took you for a "Cosmo" kinda guy... :lol:
I fell in love with Adam even more in this episode. Of course, so did the DH. :rolleyes: And flak for more than Flack was pretty great, though why it was a family trip I don't know. :confused: Because I am big geek with too much time, I am certain I will get sucked into Second Life, but I promise only for the CSI part. ;) More to come later after re-watch.
MBGrissom said:
Loved every single Adam/Adam & Mac scene!! Mac, trying to make his avatar "cool" with horrible pickup lines :lol: And Avatar Mac dressed in drag (Stella: "Who's the tacky dresser?" Mac: "That's me!") That has gotta be a first! :D And of course Adam totally geeking out during and after the fight scene was a show-stealer. Also got a laugh from the exchange of looks between he and Mac when Adam asked him if he wanted his avatar to be a man or a woman... And I :lol: when Adam slipped and called Mac "Duuuude..."

Really liked the quiet scene between Mac/Flack when Mac opens up to him about Peyton, very nicely done, and also very In Character for both guys. Poor Mac, everyone must think he looks really terrible, all asking when was the last time he slept... ;)

I liked the beginning scene with the old man and the mannequins...totally had me fooled what he was really doing in there, ended up actually being very poignant, with him keeping the Anniversary Dance with his late wife :(

Nice cliffhanger, I do wonder if/when it will be resolved, or if she's one of those villians who just ends up never being caught? I'm glad they at least solved the "Why" behind the murders for us, so I didn't mind all that much not quite getting to the "Who" behind them.

Finally, Sid, you sly dog, you! I never took you for a "Cosmo" kinda guy... :lol:

Why were the judge and the politician killed?

So far, having major problems with the Second Life download.