Grade "Dead Reckoning"

How would you grade Dead Reckoning?

  • A+

    Votes: 13 18.6%
  • A

    Votes: 13 18.6%
  • A-

    Votes: 9 12.9%
  • B+

    Votes: 8 11.4%
  • B

    Votes: 7 10.0%
  • B-

    Votes: 8 11.4%
  • C+

    Votes: 1 1.4%
  • C

    Votes: 4 5.7%
  • C-

    Votes: 3 4.3%
  • D+

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D-

    Votes: 1 1.4%
  • F

    Votes: 3 4.3%

  • Total voters
I was so, incredibly, immensely freaking beyond belief fidgeting and gawd almighty BORED. Bored. Bored bored bored. Bored.

There are many points by earlier reviewers I agree with completely, and noticed the same.

NY is having an interesting relationship with the relativity of time this season. Evidence is collected and subsequently processed before Mac & Don have left the scene with a confession. Well. Ok. Apparently only the murder weapon. Otherwise there'd have been nothing left for anyone else to do the rest of the ep, or ways for Haylen and Lindsay to show off their respective awesomosities. Danny goes from I'm Done to walking his daughter (ten months old btw) by ep's end, and gets the fade to black, no less. Danny's beard is back and Flack's stubble is gone, as are his suits. Haylen was to be part-time but is now apparently full-time, while Adam gets no time at all. There's a sudden leak to the press and pressure from upstairs resulting in Sinclair's return but with little sense of urgency for all that.

Who says "curvature of lettuce," btw? :lol: Even in explaining to your supervisor an uneaten element of a meal documented at a crime scene? Elicited the first outright snort of bemusement. Eyebrows had already been wearily tweaked by NY's theory of relativity.

At least the temporal inconsistencies with the dinner of steak and asparagus etc seemed eventually logically worked out, though that also included Sid pointing out seemingly curious properties of corn. Thank you Sid :lol:. Nice to see him again. Appreciated that there was at least a second follow up scene of Danny at physio and that he didn't simply waltz into Lucy's room at the end of the ep thru sheer willpower after being frustrated earlier. That woulda been too much. (And it was too much as it was). I guess waltzing comes back next week, right before hand-ball and Harley riding, and playing in the leaves at Thanskgiving or snow for Xmas. After a lot of Uber Processing Montages, I liked Stella and Flack going repeatedly door to door to door to door, and at least a hint of the "tedious side of investigating" with regards to newbie Haylen's taskings. I also thought the calling out out of "what about the compass killer" was a nice tiny continuity bit tossed in when the press conference finally went ahead. (I hadn't at all caught the World Send reference). Not enough to wholly balance the temporal distortion of S6NY so far, but all the aforementioned is appreciated nonetheless :p.

I didn't feel this week was at all an example of Mac taking or making a case personal. Which was a bonus. After a minor brow wrinkle for the phrasing, I did kinda like Stella's scene with Sinclair. I suppose I liked it more for the implied history between them and the stature she was accorded. It otherwise did seem a bit ...blunt. I also appreciated that Mac didn't get solo credit for figuring out how they'd Messed Up, though in the end of course none of them really had. Feel free to keep faith in the System folks, it's the suppliers ya gotta watch out for :p.

Things not so keen on. The doubly married guy was the meh basis for motive. Had to up it a bit from just cheating. Can't have mundane in NY. Drugs might seem to fit that bill with the second perp, but she turned out to be a serial killer of sorts, with three victims of her own regardless. The sound effects puncutating a lot of the processing scenes, especially the flash back bits. Irksome. The early muddlesome dealings with regards to the unknown mystery female dna donor/perp. Uber processing. Super guru lab wonder Lindsay. Where o where tf is Adam? Anyone. Plz. Find him.

Was also admittedly mildly peeved if bemused that the first, early confession and the ep's compacted introduction stood the test of time, such as it is these days. The notion of evidence processing supplies being tainted by poor enforcement of quality control was interesting, but it also made for an anticlimactic conclusion to the case. And that's really quite a feat, after the incredibly slooooow hour of airtime that had passed to get there at all :lol:. I sat thru an hour of that ...because a line employee didn't like how gloves made her hands sweaty? That's your revelatory twist? ...Thanks. Thanks a lot. Mighta been a more interesting Twizt had any of the preceeding drawn me in to be invested in the goings on at all. Not hardly. What a grind of an ep, and to get to that, of all things, and then the tacked on Flack At A Bar, Haylen Working Solo, and DLL sequences at the end. Ack.

Danny's physio scenes, while nicely played, were both a little perplexing and a little predictable. Predictable for the first struggling moment that induced Hawkes giving him a mental adjustment; perplexing for having Danny struggling to the point of giving up, after Long-Shot Miracle 10% Rain, and how he was literally pumped just last week. I guess even more time musta passed. It is so very hard to keep up :shifty::p. As for Danny/Hawkes in particular, was well played and all, and I kinda took the "shoulda been out of the chair weeks ago" more to do with the physio rehab itself than walking outright.

Something that induced another bemused snort: the rather long, drawn out, close up of Mac ponder-scowling, while Stella was in interrogation with the second suspect, Lindsay slowly and carefully frowning at him and then observing "...something's bothering you..." :p

What else. Can't avoid this. DL. And DLL. Ack. Cannot even go there. Meh and bleh. I don't care how Cute the ending was intended to be. Duly recognized as such. But. Christ. Plz. Mighta been more tolerable had the rest of the ep been more engaging. This was just another sledgehammer brought out. And man it was a doozy tonight. And I will stop there.

Also can't avoid this. From the moment I saw Flack and Lindsay in the car, I had a sinking feeling in my stomach about the contrived nature of what was going to follow. And I somehow exactly knew what was going to follow. Aaaaand, it did. F*ck. Suicide by cop attempt thwarted by a Troubled Flack, Lindsay taking down the knife wielding perp. Don actually asked a lot of the same questions that crossed my mind, and yet I also hafta admit that Mac's point about it being an involuntary result as opposed to a choice was also true. Mac did come across a tad agressive, for lack of a better word, but that felt kinda an exemplar of the writing & dialogue style overall.

I do rather laugh at the notion that Lindsay "saved Don's ass." It coulda been Stella or Sheldon and I'd feel the same. (Yes, for me it's a helluva lot worse cos it's Monroe :lol:, but I'd generally feel the same had it been one of the others). Makes for a great sound bite but I somehow doubt the woman could have easily killed Flack, no matter how carefully the scenario was set up to provide Flack with a moment to illustrate his Ongoing Disintegration (nor Lindsay a moment to further illustrate her uber Montanaism).

I liked that Flack got a few good lines to read into a little. "No matter how much you think you're okay, when you close your eyes it's going to haunt you." The good side of the Freeze segment, I suppose, was Mac finally calling Flack out directly, even if the response was equally foreseeable, complete to another vignette at a bar swigging a beer. (And if they don't find a way to bring Sam back into this, I will be sorely disappointed). At least Terence is something else to look forward to. I suppose the Mac/Flack scene could also make the future ep of Mac trying to help cover for Flack with Sythe a little more interesting, given the ultimatum Don essentially presented him with, while shutting down on both Mac and the relayed concerns of the others.

Flack's storyline is the most interesting thru line of everything so far, and the writers are demonstrating an unfamiliar patience and discipline with it's portrayal. I've been generally wary of it, and mostly impressed. But tonight's Freeze was the hardest to swallow for me, even over the barhopping playa scene from earlier this season. Felt more than a little contrived, and didn't sit easily.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but all the flashbacks have dealt with his relationship with Jess, inlcuding her getting shot (which he didn't see, as opposed to him arriving or rushing her to the hospital), and none of them have actually been of the sequence where he shot the suspect. Perhaps that's an element of why the Freeze felt a little odd for my own reading of his character, and a little forced in terms of a tevee set-up, given what they've been focusing on with Jess, though I don't doubt the shooting did effect him. *Sigh*. Do I at least think he'd have pulled the trigger had the woman actuallly lunged at him, instead of simply screaming at him to provoke him? Or had she directly threatened someone else to do the same? Might be moot, but yes, I do.

The general grieving slide into alcoholism is a little easier to swallow than what we got tonight, for what it was and for how it was done. It's all a mixed bag for me, but the storyline is still the most interesting and compelling part of the season so far. Right now that doesn't necessarily seem to be saying much.

They seemed to be making an overt effort to mix up a lot of work pairing in this ep, which I like. Stella/Flack. Danny/Hawkes. Haylen/Stella. Mack/Flack. Haylen/Hawkes. Stella/Sinclair. And goddamn but Lindsay was freakin everywhere alluva sudden :shifty:; can't say I enjoyed that :lol: I'd much rather she go back to background, thanks. I liked Hawkes being Persistent and Charming. I did find Haylen calling him Dr. Hawkes oddly formal, especially given the contrast with how bold she's previously been with Mac and also in how she addressed Adam with regards to her intentions, and the fact Sheldon called her a crime scene hottie, if only to poke at Ross. What the hell happened to the personality that got Haylen into the labs in the first place? ...I guess she was just tooooo tired. Dare I say it? :shifty::p. Already, it's come to a Poor Dear portrayal? Oh I hope not. I really hope not. (Sheldon's been moonlighting too. No poor dear him).

Haylen's final scene, I was kinda wondering why it was there. Was looking at the clock and wondering what else was gonna happen. And, she's still continuing to do her Kleen Up gig solo (??). Still seems strange to me. Budget cuts really are a bitch. Still not sold on her. Should be more compelling. There should feel like there's a reason she's here. What does she bring? All her defining drive previously seen was gone. Disinterest is very rapidly settling in.

What an odd rollercoaster introduction to the season so far. I'm expecting more and better. From the whole show. It looks like it could be another very frustrating season. Not a good show tonight. Not an impressive start to the season overall.

Odd, slow, boring, disjointed. Still waiting for an ep that will manage to put the pieces together for a solid hour of tv. Mebbe Stella's Battle Scars or Sheldon's money woe ep will be the one.

Gave it a C. A very generous average, all told, for the hour that was spent. Shoulda given it lower.
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That episode reminded me of a story going on in Austria and Germany:

[B]"Phantom von Heilbronn" existiert möglicherweise gar nicht[/B]

 	[B]Das von der Polizei fieberhaft gesuchte "Phantom von Heilbronn", eine unbekannte Täterin, der mehrere Morde angelastet werden, hat es möglicherweise nie gegeben. Das LKA in Stuttgart untersucht, ob Wattestäbchen, mit denen Spuren gesichert wurden, schon vorher mit DNA verunreinigt waren.[/B]

It says, that the police is looking for a woman, wo committed several murders. They've been looking for years now and don't have a clue. Recently they've been thinking about a contamination of cotton swabs.
Stella ran the worlds fastest DNA test. So fast in fact that Mac and Don hadn't even left the scene with the suspect before they'd found there was a secondary donor! Dun Dun DUN! They really need to work on their concept of time on this show.

NY is having an interesting relationship with the relativity of time this season. Evidence is collected and subsequently processed before Mac & Don have left the scene with a confession.

ah, well i thought something different about that - i did initially go "blimey that was fast" but then i thought - well, the way mac was at the crime scene right at the start, it wasn't like he was processing, he just seemed to be looking at it - there was no sign of kit or markers or anything else, so i assumed that he'd *returned* to the crime scene after getting all the evidence in/processed, so that he could meet flack with the woman, who had presumably been at the precinct for a while being processed herself, which would've given time for the scene to be processed, assuming that the CSIs were sent as soon as the woman turned herself in and before she was processed. bloody hell, that's a lot of assumption on my part and a lot of processing!:guffaw:

No Adam. Minus ten points right off the bat. Maybe Haylen effectively squeezed the poor guy right out of the office already!?

i was thinking maybe he just had a day off because he knew she'd be there that day and wanted to avoid her! or he had a day off and she was drafted in instead to make up numbers. either way i assume adam is allowed the odd day off? hell, even mac's allowed the odd day off!:guffaw:

but perhaps Mac will have to call Don on his last words on the matter and make it official before Flack'll admit to anything. Either way this is still the most intriguing thing going on this season.

yeah, i think he might have to - i suspect terrence will get there first but that might then lead to mac having to be more official.

Also? How many times are these shows going to use the 'man has multiple wives' storyline? I'm pretty sure the CSI franchise has done it at least two or three times already. And didn't Miami have an episode that included contaminated swabs?

i don't know about miami, but yes, it's been up at least once, probably more. the one that i instantly remembered was in turbulence - when mac was convinced that superman (sorry!) was the killer because he was acting shifty, but it turned out that he was just lying to two wives.

BTW, wasn't World Send the packing company from "City of the Dolls"? If so, yay for continuity. ;)

but i guess it kind of does work with continuity if the same company is still in business - i mean, if fed ex did things more than once no one would think that was an error! although the worldsend packaging, logo, uniforms, vans etc had changed drastically - red, white and blue? in city of the dolls they were brown. at least i think they were....

Stella's discussion with Chief Sinclair was not what I was expecting. Given the animosity between Mac and Sinclair, I had assumed that she would be seen as a stand in for Mac and the Chief's anger would be directed at her instead. But the fact that he didn't, and instead listened to her, was surprising.

yeah, that was a nice scene - maybe his animosity with mac will resurface and stella will be due a promotion?!!:lol::eek:

Who says "curvature of lettuce" btw? :lol: Even in explaining to your supervisor an uneaten element of a meal documented at a crime scene?

haha yeah that made me chuckle too, it's an expression i'm definitely gonna try to use in future!:lol:

Sid pointing out seemingly curious properties of corn. Thank you Sid :lol:. Nice to see him again.

yeah, that was great!

I liked Stella and Flack going repeatedly door to door to door to door, and at least a hint of the "tedious side of investigating" with regards to newbie

the stella/flack door to door reminded me of consequences, where flack went door to door and met alien woman.

I also thought the calling out out of "what about the compass killer" was a nice tiny continuity bit tossed in when the press conference finally went ahead.

yeah that was quite good, made a nice change!

Don actually asked a lot of the same questions that crossed my mind, and yet I also hafta admit that Mac's point about it being an involuntary result as opposed to a choice was also true.

yeah, me too - i'm glad they brought up the notion of choice/no choice, and i liked that when mac said that flack managed to show a flicker of something that related it back to him having a choice in shooting the guy in the warehouse - they could've ignored that aspect of it so i'm glad they didn't.

as for what i thought - apart from what's been said already... i dunno, i thought it was ok, it wasn't great but it wasn't terrible. i quite liked all the food stuff, when they showed it all falling on the floor, and then again when sid was scooping it out!

the two wives thing was a bit ... meh i guess, they've done it before at least once and it was a bit tired, but on the other hand, i remember wishing they'd gone further with that aspect in turbulence so in a way i'm glad they actually made something of that particular story idea.

the whole DL thing kinda bothered me. actually i think lindsay's been ok so far this season and i even thought so in this ep, she's back to being less mushy - or she was until the last scene anyway. i was quite surprised hawkes didn't say anything to her about danny, but then on the other hand maybe he felt it wasn't his place to communicate between them. the whole danny walking thing.... gah. it seems such a shame to take a massive change to someone's life and dispense with it within 4 episodes. it just seems far too fast. i kind of agree with the person (can't remember who, sorry!) who said it was too big a storyline for a show that is meant to be procedural, not personal. the only way around that, for me, would be if they spread it out more thinly over a longer period, which you might also expect, given that these things do tend to take time. it seems a real waste to just get rid of what could've been really interesting as if to go "oh well, that's done, let's forget danny was ever injured and stick him back on his harley with lucy in a sidecar." :rolleyes: as for the last scene - i was a bit disappointed to see the mushy side of DL back in action, and it kind of made me a bit nauseous - however, lindsay's reaction didn't bother me so much. i mean it did in the sense that i went "oh god, lindsay's crying, yay...:rolleyes:" but i suppose seeing hubby holding baby and standing etc after not being able to would kind of warrant a little snivel, so it wasn't *so* bad. that said i wish they'd not put the entire scene in, i don't really want to watch happy families chez messer, i don't really care...

i *really* liked the scene between mac and flack - i'm glad mac has finally come out and said that there's a problem rather than just leaving flack to it, i also think it's interesting that flack's giving mac a good run for his money on the whole "closing up and not saying a word" thing - i quite like that, and as i've said before i think mac being such a contained character will make it hard for him to get to flack, but at least he seems to be trying. i thought it was interesting that he said "people are concerned about you" - it was a fair enough thing to say, but maybe he could've been a bit more personal about it, after all they are meant to be friends of a sort, and maybe then flack would've been able to open up a bit more. that said, i'm a firm believer that mac has very clear work/personal boundaries so saying anything more emotionally invested, even a simple change like "i'm concerned...", would be highly unlikely.

as for the result - the contaminated swabs, well i can see why they did it, it's a point i guess they felt they had to make on behalf of crime labs around the world who can't speak for themselves or some such :rolleyes: but one thing that struck me was that this is the 2nd time this season (and in only 4 eps so pretty good going!) that the result has been not a big reveal of some evil vendetta-ed up maniac but just a bit of a cock up. ok so it's slightly different in epilogue, in that it was kids just being stupid, whereas this was an inadvertent thing, but even so, two eps out of four where we get a big build up of a frantic crime scene chase type thing and then find out that actually it was all much ado about nothing seems a little weird....:confused::confused:

i gave it B. i wasn't blown away (by any means!) but i didn't hate it either, it was just kinda ok, more exciting than french grammar homework :)lol:), but not as much as earlier eps.
Someone wake me up when this episode gets interesting.
Eww...I could do without the stomach contents scene.
Unlike Haylen, I'm yawning cause so far I find this episode boring.
I may feel different after I watch it again on ON DEMAND later tonight.
YAWN!!! At this rate, this episode will be lucky if I give it a C. Right now...D+.
I got $5.00 that says Zoya's DNA won't match the mystery lady's DNA. Do I have any takers? Oh yeah, no one will read this till the episode is over here in Alabama...NEVER MIND.
Just thought...where's Adam?
World Send...all of them got a package from World Send. My $5.00 now says the mystery lady works for World Send.
Get her, Flack!!!
DANG!!! They lost her.
Flack spotted her. Go Flack!!!
Nice tackle, Lindsay. That's the most exciting thing that's happened in this episode.
Back to boring.
They messed up or Miss World Send has an identical twin.
:eek: :wtf: Q-Tip lady contaminated the swabs.:guffaw: Some reason I find that funny.
WOW. Danny is standing.

OK...What do I give this episode? Not sure. I'll come back and give it a grade after I watch the replay on ON DEMAND after midnight...Alabama time, of course.

I just finished watching it on ON DEMAND a few minutes ago...still found it boring. However, because of Lindsay's great tackle, I'm gonna be generous and give it a C-. That's one grade higher than it deserves, in my opinion.
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Not one of their best, but not one of their worst. And they mostly get that benefit because of the Flack storyline and because of the Danny/Hawkes scene.

By the way, did anyone else notice that the baby playing Lucy didn't really look 10 months old? I'd place her more, like, 6-7 months old. I mean, I know casting children is hard, but if you're going to bother to age the child that much in the storyline, wouldn't you make sure you cast that age? Unless they cast Anna's real child, then... don't mind me! :D

Danny miraculously walking to the crib was another thing. I'm all for great recoveries, but I think even with all the physio, Danny would still need something to hold on to.

Hooray for Hawkes giving Danny a well-needed kick in the ass! And, I think if this had come from any character besides Hawkes or Stella, it might have annoyed me. Because it'd be OOC for Adam and Sid, Flack's in his own world of hurt right now, Lindsay's been trying and getting nowhere, and it'd be another moment of Mac having a stick up his butt if it came from him. Hawkes delivered it beautifully, and the fact that he had seen this before and had patients who would LOVE to be in Danny's position was great. Reminding him that he (Danny) still has the chance to walk and that he was lucky was great, and exactly what Danny needed. So, massive kudos to Hawkes on that. :D

I think there was a point or two during his speech to Flack that Mac came off a little... harsh. And what I mean by that is that Mac came at him more like a colleague/superior as opposed to the friend he is. Or at least that's how it seemed to me. But it was good, and definitely something Flack needed to hear.

Minus the part about how the tiny girl could've killed him.

If their suspect had been a big guy, then I totally would've agreed with Mac 100%. But a tiny girl? Not so much.

Haylen didn't bug me as much, but where in the world was Adam? I'm with Faylinn, I'd love to see that mean he was shooting something for Supernatural (but I doubt that was it). I also understand the concept of time off, but now I'm feeling like Haylen was brought in to replace Adam in an already crowded lab.

Kudos to the WorldSend continuity and the flashbacks when Flack froze, but overall, the storyline was boring. I'm hoping at some point Danny might be there for Flack, but I'm not holding my breath. I feel that even when Danny is up and walking around, he probably won't have many (if any) scenes with Flack. Because they haven't had that many together yet this season.

I gave it an A only because Messer holding the baby was just so cute...which made me tear up...damn girly emotions

I love Mac...but the superhero attitude has to stay in Miami...please

Where the hell was girl can go now

Stabbing someone 17 times is love, so that's what I am doing wrong...LMAO

Hawkes & Danny...I love the moment between the two of them. I love how he pushed him...Hawkes is wonderful

Flack, my heart is breaking for him more & more as each episode goes by. He is struggling with the things he did after Jess's death. Eddie Cahill is playing his character perfectly. He is a very proud person and to admit that this is bothering him will show a sign of weakness and Flack does not do that. We can see exactly how he is struggling. I am glad Mac said something to him, but I would much rather prefer that Stella, Danny or even Hawkes confront him.

BTW, loving laid back Flack, but I would love to see more scruffy... :)
By the way, did anyone else notice that the baby playing Lucy didn't really look 10 months old? I'd place her more, like, 6-7 months old. I mean, I know casting children is hard, but if you're going to bother to age the child that much in the storyline, wouldn't you make sure you cast that age?

or if they were having trouble casting a baby of the right age, they shouldn't have mentioned its age - its age being put at 10 months didn't go down that well in the first place, i think there were a lot of WTF moments, and it really doesn't help them if they then have to show a baby. if they mention its age, it has to be right. if they don't want to dig a hole for themselves, they should leave the age out and just let us see the baby and make our own conclusions.

I think there was a point or two during his speech to Flack that Mac came off a little... harsh. And what I mean by that is that Mac came at him more like a colleague/superior as opposed to the friend he is. Or at least that's how it seemed to me. But it was good, and definitely something Flack needed to hear.

i think he came over as a colleague/superior too but then, i think that's just mac - he doesn't do personal interference very well and i guess the fact that this is related to flack's SO dying makes it even harder for him to discuss it with him, as it might be too close to home - so keeping it boss-like seems to me anyway to be mac's little defence mechanism. and actually, maybe flack needed it to be on a professional level too - and the audience as well, so it's more explicit that his problems are starting to affect his job.

Minus the part about how the tiny girl could've killed him.

If their suspect had been a big guy, then I totally would've agreed with Mac 100%. But a tiny girl? Not so much.

haha, yeah i thought that too!
I loved this episode! XD A+ for it! but could've dropped the ending, even though it was a little bit cute :]

The Flack and Lindsay scene was so exciting! :O YAY LINDSAY \o/ LOL
I gave it a B+, am I crazy? :lol: The case was dull, predictable and unoriginal, but the personal stories definitely worked for me and I've been waiting for so long for an episode that made me love the characters again, that I guess this feels like a good episode, even though two seasons ago I'd have gave it an C+.

Ok, some thoughts that I had while watching:

- First scene, you go girl! I'd have done the same if I caught my boyfriend cheating/already married. Ok, I was just kidding. Really. :lol:

- I knew there would be something more to the case, I suspected that she was covering for a girlfriend, but when they mentioned that it was his favorite dinner, I knew he had another wife. Even before the wedding anniversary flowers were mentioned. It's been done before. Reusing plots it's not cute.

- I'm loving Flack this season. I'm glad they killed Angell *ducks to avoid flying objects*.

- Danny/Hawkes was the moment we've all been waiting for, and it was well played but it felt too little, too late and too predictable. What a waste of Carmine's potential AGAIN.

- Haylen is so smug and obnoxious. I've been trying to like her, but it doesn't help that she's processing evidence instead of learning how to do it. And she noticed something the others didn't. The writers should try to make her less Mary Sue. Stella seemed to treat her like Lindsay, which for some reason bothers me --maybe because I think Haylen is headed to Lindsay territory.

- Lindsay/Hawkes were cute together. REALLY. I hope we see more of them. Yeah, I said it. :lol:

- I like when Sinclair and Mac butt heads, but it's nice to see them in good terms every once in a while.

- Why isn't Adam doing Haylen's work while she's observing and learning? And Haylen is so smug. Wait, I already said that, right? :rolleyes:

- Lindsay unattached to Danny is a first this season and it feels GOOD. I don't care how much I dislike the character and the actress, the more we see of her, the less I'd fear that Danny is never going to be interesting again. More of solo Lindsay, PLEASE.

- Delivery woman was petite, but Lindsay seemed tiny in comparison, so it was a silly situation. I guess we are to believe that she posed a threat to Flack not because she was strong enough to kill him, but because he froze and wouldn't have reacted if she attacked him. I guess.

- I'm glad Flack is not opening to anyone. I'm really glad. He reminds me of Danny and it's a good thing because it means we'll have more Flack moments. Can't wait.

- OMG Anna's crying was convincing!!!!!!!!! Seriously, kudos to the actress because she managed FOR ONCE to convey Lindsay's feelings. I hope that's not the last time.

- DL moments were cheesy and predictable but didn't feel so nauseating and shoehorned, so I can't complain this time. Lucy is one cute baby and like someone else said, she doesn't seem like she's 10 months.

As usual they have a hard time seamlessly merging a case with a personal interest plot line and it shows up more in the end than the beginning. By the end I don't really care about the case, and I don't really have to because it turns out the whole thing is just some big mistake on the part of a worker at the cotton ball factory where CSI gets their swabs. Pretty anticlimactic and I feel like I've seen that somewhere before no? Maybe it was on another CSI, but still it feels recycled. Actually the most striking thing in the second half of the episode is probably hearing Mac say "we messed up". That must have been hard for him.

I knew I had seen that before, but I didn't know if it was in any of the CSI shows, a movie or another TV show. Anyone remember where it was used?

Also? How many times are these shows going to use the 'man has multiple wives' storyline? I'm pretty sure the CSI franchise has done it at least two or three times already. And didn't Miami have an episode that included contaminated swabs?

Probably Miami, I'm still trying to remember. The multiple wives story it's been too used, frankly.

Hawkes needs to quit his job at the lab and become a motivational speaker. He only yelled at Danny once and he had the guy up and walking in a week. Dude's got some mad healing skillz.

That's weak. I mean, it made for a good Danny/Hawkes moment, but it was just the same as the rain scene in "Epilogue". Couldn't the writers come up with more original ways to make Danny interesting this season?
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Hawkes needs to quit his job at the lab and become a motivational speaker. He only yelled at Danny once and he had the guy up and walking in a week. Dude's got some mad healing skillz.

That's weak. I mean, it made for a good Danny/Hawkes moment, but it was just the same as the rain scene in "Epilogue". Couldn't the writers come with a more original ways to make Danny interesting this season?

If this is their way of making Danny interesting, they're failing miserably. Even if they weren't being terribly original, they could still make Danny interesting. By rushing this story so they don't have to have the hot guy in a wheelchair for more than four episodes they've taken out everything that should've and could've made him interesting.
A so-so episode saved by Flack moments! How come no one talked about all the cases that would have to reviewed because of the dippy lady at the cotton factory?

I guessed the plot line about the Carters too. My husband kept telling me to be quiet. :)

Yeah, should have been a bigger perp coming at Flack to make that scene believable. Flack NEVER likes pulling the trigger. Remember Snow Day? No one said he froze then. And they all seemed to think he should have shot to kill? Not believing that at all. The perp never got close enough to Flack to put him in true danger. Still, any Flack scene is good!!

On a personal note, we just got a new TV. High definition is certainly a change! Mac and Stella look older. Flack just looks better. :::snicker:::
Dear Hawkes,

Permit me to erect a statue to your awesomeness in my backyard and do my Boobie Dance of Joy in honor of your beautiful smackdown of Danny "Woe Is Me" Messer. Danny deserves compassion for his pain and struggle, certainly, but he also needed a kick in the ass. Danny is often most comfortable being miserable because it is the emotion and the circumstance with which he is most familiar. If Hawkes hadn't cared enough to render yon verbal bitchslap, I suspect Danny would still be wallowing. Danny needed someone to pull him out of himself; Lindsay is too close to the situation, and Flack, Mac, and Stella are too busy wandering their own deep and terrible wood. It had to be Hawkes. His history as a doctor lends his rebuke even greater weight. Each body heals differently, but that doesn't excuse Danny from trying.

That said, I don't blame him for whining. Therapy hurts. A lot, and sometimes therapists get so fixated on the end goal and the "norms" for recovery time that they push harder than they should and alienate the patient, who feels more like a prisoner under torture than a person working towards their recovery. I don't think the therapist was pushing too hard. In all likelihood, Danny, who often crumbles at the first whiff of adversity, was being a whingy milksop, but he is right in that no one can fathom his pain level, and it irritates me when a person's pain is minimized by healthy, athletic people who've never experienced it.

Hawkes must have super-special magic powers, though, because one therapy session after his talk, Danny is out of his chair and rocking Lucy. My ass. It was a sweet image, I'll grant you, but it was also complete bollocks. After months of not walking, Danny should've been exhausted and trembling by time he made it Lucy's crib, not merrily swaying with her in the dark while Lindsay looks on in dewy-eyed adoration. It's the stuff of fantasies fashioned by folks who'd rather not be bothered by the unpleasant realities of serious, long-term injuries,

It's hard to believe that the same people churning out such treacly drek are also responsible for Flack's well-played slide. I hate Mac and was secretly applauding Flack's display of spine when Mac approached him about the incident in the diner, but Mac was right. If it hadn't been for Lindsay(and I can't believe I just wrote that), Flack could've been hurt or killed. Flack no longer trusts himself to decide when the use of his gun is justified. As he hinted to Mrs. Carter when they were alone in the interrogation room, the decision to shoot Angell's killer haunts him. He's frightened by his capacity to be That Guy, the guy who steals a loved one frome someone else. I think he wondered who would be left behind to mourn and suffer if he pulled the trigger. He didn't want the burden of being someone else's bogeyman. In the past, he could pull the trigger because he was able to Otherize them as Bad Guys, but Angell's murder has forced him to realize that everyone matters to someone, and that even if she is bad, he is killing someone's daughter, wife, or sister. He's being That Guy. I don't think Flack can handle that. Hence, the inability to shoot.

Still, I applauded Flack's chutzpah, because too often, folks roll with their tails tucked whenever Mighty Mac gets his self-righteous spandex on. I was thrilled to see Flack call his wang-waving bluff. It's just too bad that Mac is right.

I am curious, however, as to how Flack could have flashbacks to Angell's murder since he wasn't on the scene until the shooting was over. If anything, he should've flashed back to finding her on the floor.

Dear TPTB,

If you expect me to buy Flack as a blossoming alcoholic, I'm going to need more than one half-empty beer. Flack drank more than that on social outings with his friends. Show him with five empties, or being cut off by the bartender. One beer to cope with stress, while a bad idea, doesn't not make him a closet boozer.

The case itself was hampered by unrealistic forensic fu. From a genetic profile, you can tell if a person is well-groomed, athletic, or neat, with lots of friends? I'm willing to buy that genetics can predispose one to a lot of things, like violence or obesity, but I refuse to accept it as an absolute determiner.

Haylen's dinner dissection was annoying, but at least it was plausible.

If the idiot cotton handler had been working there for six months, can we assume that 75,984 defense attorneys will be stampeding to the courthouse to claim that evidence in their client's cases was tainted? I wonder if that will reemerge later.

Kudos for not making the case a vast conspiracy, but it was mildly interesting at best.

yeah, that was a nice scene - maybe his animosity with mac will resurface and stella will be due a promotion?!!:lol::eek:


Noticed something else about Stella/Sinclair. When the final press conference aired, Sinclair said that the investigators led by Mac Taylor and Stella Bonasera. Every other time it's been said that Mac was the leader, and that it wasn't a joint partnership. It's about time Stella got some recognition, and may foreshadow a change later on down the road.

Slightly unrelated note, glad to have Sinclair back. I know Williamson is now on 24, but it's nice that they've kept Sinclair instead of suddenly having a new Chief because the actor wasn't available.
Does anyone know the name of the actor who played Kevin (the vic)? He looked familiar, but I can't place him at the moment. :lol: