Had a few good personal moments, but the case was kind of a dud (I don't even remember if they even mentioned the killer's motive for any of the murders

And parts of the episode were just too, too cheesy for my tastes.
Mac was getting borderline too-personal about the case again (I was almost relieved when it turned out at the end that there wasn't a second killer, especially since he seemed to be expecting one).
Sinclair bored me. This is particularly disappointing because I used to
love his scenes. And his little frenemies relationship with Mac. But he was entirely too tame here, gave the team no trouble; barely even put up a fuss when Stella told him he had to cancel the press conference. Gah.:scream:
Liked the Hawkes/Danny moment. That was nice to see (I couldn't see the sneak preview on CBS), and Hawkes gave Danny just the right kick in the pants that he needed. I still feel like they're simplifying Danny's storyline a little too much, but they handled it well in this episode, and I loved seeing Danny in therapy twice

I'm sort of fond of his therapist, too. Hope she's a recurring character. And I did appreciate seeing a bit of depth in Danny's response to being in a wheelchair -- he couldn't always be filled only with determination to walk again, it made tons of sense that he'd want to give up every now and then. Which is why I liked the Hawkes "pep"-talk. It was nice that
someone else is responding to what Danny has to be going through.
Thankfully skimpy on the DL moments (save for one at the end, so cheesy it feels like I'm gagging on Kraft Dinner again); and Lindsay had some moments of pure awesome in this episode; and some cute ones with Hawkes, too (heart). I'm proud of her. Again.
Thank you for letting her tackle someone again...do you know how long I've been waiting to see that?

Ugh, ugh, ugh though, I wish they'd kept her old hair :shifty: Don't know when she was supposed to find time to get a haircut if she was also supposed to be super-busy at home, what with Danny in the wheelchair.
I finally got the sense that Flack was feeling terrible not just about Angell's death, but also about what he did
because of Angell's death. This part of the episode...seriously came off amazingly. I mean, I kind of wish it was someone other than Mac who had approached him about freezing, but you can so feel his pain. This may be the most invested I've ever been in a CSI: NY storyline since...well, a really long time to be honest :lol: Although I can't believe they've shown Flack turning to the bottle
this many times without even one mention of Sam. That's just flat-out lazy.
Seriously. Seriously -- where the
hell was Adam? This wasn't even funny. It's what's bringing my grade down to a B-. We got plenty of Haylen (who I'm still iffy on, she didn't do that much) and no Adam. I'd be freakin' worried about my job security too, if this is going to be a repeated occurrence. And if the cast is now so stretched that not everyone can get a decent amount of screentime in each episode, they probably shouldn't have taken on a new cast member. What is with the disappearing characters on these shows this week? I'm going to watch the episode again...I'm not sure if I just blinked and missed Adam, but I don't remember seeing him and it's bothering me.
Although it gets a half-point because Sid came close to having a creepy-moment.