So you have a delusinal, angry patiaint who saw his wife murderd and you just let him walk out of the institution and you don't think it a problem Miss treatment center lady?
i don't think it was intentional! and it's really not that difficult to escape from a psych institution, even a locked/secure one, if you're determined enough (i've done it, and if i can do it, skeet sure as hell can!).
but it appears the Black Hole of Continuity got ahold of the scars from the bombing in "Charge of This Post". I guess you don't just heal in NYC, you heal. :scream:
yeah, they all just channel claire from heroes. flack would make quite a good cheerleader!:guffaw:
i actually really liked this ep. there were some issues i had with it, namely:
1: impending misery/alcholism doesn't just vanish after one stern chat. it may start on the road to improvement, but it's not an immediate thing, even if it is mac doing the chat! i'm concerned that they've "done a danny" on this and will make flack miraculously bounce back in about 3 seconds flat. also his little speech to mac later on was just... oh god, so corny.
2: the thing about danny walking - just stop reminding us how ridiculously fast that whole thing happened. however i did like the look of wincing in pain that he was trying to hide from stella which i assuming is a subtle (for once!) precursor to the upcoming issues he's going to have.
other than that i really liked it. i often find eps that deal with mental health issues quite tough to watch, having been in situations similar to some of the ones that come up, it can be a bit weird seeing it happen to someone else, even in fiction. this was one of those eps (and on 2 situations this time which is quite impressive!).
i thought flack was great this ep, it was quite triggering, especially the scene on the tube, which although annoying is actually a sign of something done well - if it can evoke that reaction in people who've had similar issues, then it's been done properly. apart from the uberspeedy recovery of course.
terence coming to flack's rescue was great - how convenient that he should be on the same tube train! i thought mac and terence's interaction was really good too, i really liked that terence overlooked his own reputation and let mac get involved, and i also liked that mac saw past terence's criminal circumstances and treated him as a friend/ally.
also i was really glad to hear a reference to sam, woo, the lure of the black hole of continuity may not be as strong as we thought....:lol:
i liked how they explained why skeet was how he is - and it was nice to see the vindication for all those that assumed the woman was a hallucination. i got quite excited to see them reference yet another drug i've been on (a couple this time actually), but it was pretty triggering when they restrained & injected him at the hospital, that's one i've been through a few times and it wasn't pleasant to see it again, so thanks, producers
i loved mac this ep, well not that i don't always
i thought he resisted the temptation to preach - that line about not being a priest was pretty silly, even though i liked the point it made. uberangry mac was great though, and i thought his and flack's interaction was excellent (apart from aforementioned flack's corniness). as someone said you could see that he wasn't getting angry out of professional duty or anything but because he was concerned, i'm glad they finally got that side of mac into this storyline as opposed to stern boss mac.
i also quite liked stella and sid's chat about missing dinner
adam and hawkes were cool as usual, the whole scuba scene was pretty implausible but quite watchable so i'll forgive it. i liked the obligatory shopping trolley on the sea/riverbed shot too.
i'm giving it an A: i would've gone for A+ as i really liked it but flack's too speedy recovery has taken a mark off.