I've said it before but I'll say it again, I'm sick of hearing from felons without any grander aspirations than making Mac's life more action packed. Like there are no other crimes being committed against anyone else in all of NFY (New F#$&ing York). Thankfully they worked a few innocent by standers into this case, but still they managed to gloss over them both pretty quickly once it was personal for Mac.
haha, i don't mind that, but then i'm a mac fan, so that makes sense. although i can see why people get frustrated by it!
On the plus side we got a lot of prime backstory about Mac here. Actually seeing his parents and hearing them talk about Claire no less is probably more than we've ever had on the topic of Mac Taylor since God knows when and it stirred up some dormant excitement in me! This interesting relationship he had with this father that even as a grown up he referred to him as Sir, and even more interesting --provided they don't flounce on this and forget it ever happened-- how they've set Mac up as being at risk for developing small cell lung cancer (or some form of cancer perhaps) in the future. I'm glad most of the Taylor chronicles that played out in tonight's ep took place through flashback because I've had enough of learning interesting factoids about Mac through the mouths of lunatic strangers, and stalkery criminals. Honestly, Mac must have like an incredible fan-page or massively in-depth wikipedia document for this many people to be pulling up all that info on him all the damn time.
:lol: he must do, yeah, it seems so easy for people to find out every detail about him and use it against him! i really liked the backstory stuff too and i'm glad they fleshed it out with flashbacks. like you say the "sir" thing was really interesting, very proper! and it was lovely to hear more about claire and why he took the job and so on.
BTW, the 'Grave Digger' sounded a bit like Zach Quinto to me.
haha, me too!!
I totally saw Stella touch Adam's shoulder, by the way.
yeah i'm glad i wasn't the only one to spot that - it was quite funny i thought, like she went to put her hand on his shoulder - as if my memory serves, she's done a million times before (and not just with him), but the way she took it away again very very quickly was interesting....
it makes you more aware of how many surveillance cameras and whatnot that we encounter every day
absolutely, all kinds of dastardly things can go on with surveillance - the uk is the most cctv'd nation on earth so we know all about it:guffaw:
I liked the choice of Hawkes to be with Mac in the car when Grave Digger called - Hawkes is the one Mac told about his father before, plus he's a doctor. I like the friendship between the two, and I'd like to see more of that. (But didn't Mac say in
"And Here's to You, Mrs Azrael" that his father asked him to help him die? Now he's saying his father faced death courageously - the two ideas aren't mutually exclusive, but I just thought I'd point that out. It's possible for both to be true.)
The thing that made me think about what Mac said in "Azrael" wasn't the flashback so much as when he told the 'Grave Digger' guy that his father was 'courageous' in the face of death - as I said, the idea of him being courageous and wanting to end his life on his own terms (with dignity) are not mutually exclusive, but that's just something that stuck out to me.
i liked that it was hawkes too, although it crossed my mind that it was a bit convenient. if it had been someone else, perhaps there could've been room for an awkward rest of the drive while mac tried to avoid the inevitable questions. and yes, he did say that - but i really don't think they're mutually exclusive. in fact i think it's *more* dignified to use assisted suicide in those situations.
Mac showed emotion, and I damn near showed it with him.
yep, me too :thumbsup:
Once again an episode that was Mac-centric, but we all knew that was going to happen.
it was, they have to have at least one a season apparently. not that i mind it, like i said, as far as i'm concerned, the more mac the better, but i hope they allow other characters more screen time later on as well.
There were some good character moments with Flack flashing back to Jess' murder, Lindsay and Stella sharing information about Danny with Stella showing her support for Lindsay and Hawkes and Lindsay discussing her wardobe all being earped on by Lucy, but that wasn't enough to save this episode.
i liked those bits too, especially the flack bit.
Sinese was playing young Mac was just . . . :guffaw:

hmm i'm not sure i was entirely convinced either but i'm not sure who else could've done it apart from maybe his son but he would've been a bit young i think.
Dear actress who played Kim,
You're appearing in a Prime Time procedural show, not a third rate slasher flick.
yeah, i thought the same, she was almost hilarious.
Poor Sid didn't even appear!
he did in the credits

This villain got bonus points for not only having a slightly-sympathetic motivation, but also because he didn't purposely set himself up as one of Mac's numerous enemies. Which I have to admit I was worried about. It was more like he had a mission to accomplish, and if he managed to irritate Mac along the way, so much the better. Even though he made it personal by bringing up Mac's father, I never got the sense that he intended Mac to be his next victim or whatever.
Mac: For once, a episode about Mac that doesn't contain a villian that is out to get him! Loved the flash back sequence with him and his parents, especially his dad. I'm glad we got to find out things about his military career, why he joined the NYPD, and his marriage to Claire. One inconsistency though. Taylor Sr. said that Claire was from New York. But in 'Taxi' Mac said that Reed was from Chicago. So I guess Claire lived in Chicago before she and Mac met...which would make sense I guess. *shrug*
i agree, much as i always like mac-centric stuff, i do think it's a bit far fetched when every criminal ever in history has a personal vendetta against him, at least this time it was just a kind of side order. as for claire, mac's dad said that claire was from NY, which to me suggested that she was currently living in chicago (ie with mac, when he was home), i think it's plausible that she moved to chicago for a while and then they moved back to NY so she could be back home.
ETA: Watching it for the third time, and I totally forgot about having to suspend my disbelief when Mac cracked that mop over his knee before they pried open the elevator :lol: Seriously, those things feel like steel sometimes, how the hell did he manage that?
haha, yeah i was quite impressed as well!! perhaps he just has very strong knees?!
ps - i said A- - i really liked it and i love the mac centric episodes (although i think i'm in a minority!), but one or two little things bothered me and i think although i loved this ep as a mac-backstory-thingie, i preferred last week's in terms of a csi episode. make sense?