Lab Technician
I’m sure everybody does things each day that make others feel happy or you do something that just makes the world a better place! 
It can be the smallest thing, for example you showed a tourist where the nearest cafe is or you stopped your car to let people cross the street (at least it makes me happy when someone does it :lol
or it could be the simpliest smile that you know made someone else’s day a better one!
I hope you get the main idea behind this and find this interesting!
So to start, my good deed for the day was that i cleaned up the house before my mom came home, she was happy she could do what she wants instead of doing the washing up etc.
It can be the smallest thing, for example you showed a tourist where the nearest cafe is or you stopped your car to let people cross the street (at least it makes me happy when someone does it :lol
I hope you get the main idea behind this and find this interesting!
So to start, my good deed for the day was that i cleaned up the house before my mom came home, she was happy she could do what she wants instead of doing the washing up etc.