Gone Missing at a Convention: RPG

Re: Gone Missing at a Connvention.

The elevator doors open and Danny takes Montana's hand and they walk down the hallway to the room. Danny was still shocked about the kiss he had recieved and the pat on the stomach from her either. 'I've got it good.' He thought to himself as they arrived at the room. "Care to open her up Montana?"
Re: Gone Missing at a Connvention.

She smiles widely at him, loving this side of him, even her nickname, 'monatana'. She replied with a slightly southern sounding, "Yes, Messer, I'll be glad to.........." and she lushes slightly as she realises theres two meanings to his words. one completely inoccent, and the other, terribly erotic, she likes both, so she open the door, thinking about what she'd say to him if he realises her minf is currently in the gutter. Well not really, On the curb, kicking the water in the gutter.
Re: Gone Missing at a Connvention.

"Hey Delko, nice of you to show up," Horatio chuckled as Delko jogged over to join the group. "You remember Catherine and Warrick from LV, and this is another one of their team members, Sara." Then, he spoke to Calleigh, "Where are your bags? I'll take them up to our room with mine, if you would prefer."
Re: Gone Missing at a Connvention.

Messer followed her into the room. "Nice digs." He said as he walked in. He walked next to her and grabbed her butt. "Sorry." He said as he moved to one of the beds. He put his kit on one of the beds along with his bag and said. "Wanna share a bed and put all of our stuff on the other?"
Re: Gone Missing at a Connvention.

She giggles to herself a little, but she says in a warning tone, "Yeah, but don't try anything sneaky on me......." She grabbed his butt as she walked past him to chek out the bathroom, "I'm not sorry"
Re: Gone Missing at a Connvention.

"I was only sorry because I thought you would hate me for it." He watched her walk into the bathroom. He watched her in the merror and said, "Lindsey Montana looks HOT!" He said as he couldn't help but lick his lips. He walked in and gave her a kiss on the neck.
Re: Gone Missing at a Connvention.

She smiles at him, saying "Well, it's all fine with me......" She trails off as she moans 'cause of dannys kiss.

(sorry, writers block. and to sissy, please don't kil me for the exetremely short post! :D
Re: Gone Missing at a Connvention.

Danny kissed her neck again. He looked at his watch. "The ceremony starts in two hours. Why don't we catch up on our sleep?" He asked as he looked at Montana. He moved her hair from her face and held it in his hands. "What do you think?"
Re: Gone Missing at a Connvention.

She sighs happily and smiles at him, saying "Yeah, whatever...." "Carry me to bed, Messer" She yawns and wraps her arm around his neck. (sorry for the short post, I'm rushing between 3 rp's atm)
Re: Gone Missing at a Connvention.

"Your wish is my command." Danny said as he picked her up and carried her to the bed. He layed her down. He looked at her and laied next to her. "Night beautiful." He said as he kissed her before he went to sleep. He put his arms around her waist and held her as he slept.
Re: Gone Missing at a Connvention.

Lindsay smiles as he kisses her, and snuggles into him as he wraps his arms aroun her, "Night, Handsome" She says as she dozed off, to be greeted by wonderful dreams of her and Danny, happy, without a care in the world
Re: Gone Missing at a Connvention.

Danny had the best dream as he was dreaming of Montana and himself married. It was wierd but if felt so real to him that he thought it was real. He squeezed her just to make sure that she hadn't ran off and left him alone again.
Re: Gone Missing at a Connvention.

Lindsay rolled over in her peaceful sleep, her lips are now touching danny's cheek, and she smiles, probably dreaming about something other than the convention, if you know what i mean ;)
Re: Gone Missing at a Connvention.

"Of course I remember Catherine and Warrick," he said as he chuckled. "And it is a pleasure meeting you Sara."
Re: Gone Missing at a Connvention.

Sara extended her hand to shake Delko's.

"The pleasure is all mine."


Calleigh picked up two suitcases and put them in front of Horatio.

"Right here, but I'll be fine. I can take them up to our room. But if you insist, I won't stop you."

She flashed him a smile and blushed.