Gone Missing at a Convention: RPG

Re: Gone Missing at a Connvention.

Catherine smiled at teh girl.
She had been happy when Eddie proposed her, too. If only she had knew how it would end, she would have thought twice.
"Sweetheart, see? Everything will be fine. You're gonna be the most beautiful bride in the USA. And I want to receive a special invitation, ok?"
Re: Gone Missing at a Connvention.

Lindsay feels her cheeks flush red.

"You'll be the first one I send it to......I...uhmmm...I just wanna say you've been a good friend to me through his, Catherine."

Lindsay noticably tries to control her dizziness as she blinks and lifts a shaky hand, pinching the bridge of her nose to releive the tension in her head.
Re: Gone Missing at a Connvention.

Mac knows it's risky, but it may also be the only way. He quickly finds what things he needs and kneels next to Lindsay, still in a bit of shock that he's having to do this a second time. He looks, making sure Lindsay's ready, and then, carefully, he starts the triage.
Re: Gone Missing at a Connvention.

She winces at the pain it's causing, cursing under her breath.

But all she really cares about it making it back to NY for her wedding with Danny Messer.

This time when she swore, it was audible to mac.
Re: Gone Missing at a Connvention.

(( So is it done? I was invited to another rp with a great group of writers. No offence to you guys or anything. This is good for my first one, but I know the person heading this one up and they are really just plain awesome so I want to head to that, but I think this has to be done first. ))
Re: Gone Missing at a Connvention.

(Eric might be needed if DC wants to go to court, putting Delko up for numerous counts of attempted muder and kidnapping..... You're good at this tuf...my first RP is still going :D)
Re: Gone Missing at a Connvention.

((i think it's over soon. that will be sooo not cool... i love this RP... *cries* we can start a new RP is you guys agree with it, if this one's over, same characters, new storyline? i think we can do it, because this RP was a succes!!))
Re: Gone Missing at a Connvention.

((Oh *sniffle* so is this one over??? And yes, we should definetly try to get a new RP, this one rocked!!! hehe!))
Re: Gone Missing at a Connvention.

I just PMed sissi and asked her if she would give me her blessing to do an RP that now is around the trial of Mr. Eric Delko. I will keep you guys updated.