I liked it. Reminds me of previous episodes of CSI. Grissom had his standard eyebrow arch we haven't seen in a while.
The case was creepy. The girls parents wanted to cast out the devil from their lying, manipulative daughter (side - did the girl who played the daughter sort of look like a cross between a Cupie Doll and Natalie?? or is that just me?)
Anyway, what I Don't get is that if the parents wanted to 'exorsize' their daughter, how did they hear about The Rev.?
And wouldn't you do a background check on this guy if you wanted him to cast out the demons? I mean is IS a former pediphile, wouldn't they have gone with someone else??? Again, thats me.

And, I didn't get the fast food wrapper connection either. When did the parents eat that? When they were in the room when they weren't supposed to be? Or was it the teenagers that were hanging out in front of the church? Something I probably missed.
Cath's expressions were so sad when the girl did eventually fall (or was pushed) from the balcony. She (I'm sure) had some sort of flashbacks of Lindsey's younger days being a rebellious girl. I'm sure Cath will keep a lock and chain on Lindsey!
I did like Ronnie too. She annoyed Sara to no end, and I was glad to see Sara back in fiesty mode. ROCK ON! I like Sara when she's fiesty.
I did like the tie in between the shows too, that was a slight jab or prop.
Overall this was a good episode. I have liked all the episodes so far this season.