Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

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Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

Heyyy guys. My 100th post-- WOOT!!!! Now all I gotta do is find a cool icon...

I'd like to thing that TPTB such close attention to the viewers to add more PJ scenes at the end of this season on our behalf... Kinda makes you wonder.

I hate false advertising too. It makes me all... aghh... well... You know... Anyway...

Cheers to PureJoy. :)
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

I'm sorry you can only vote for two...I thought if you get more, then there would be a tie between several titles and we wouldn't be able to decide on which one to use. :lol:

Congrats Purejoylove, I hope you'll get a really cool icon. :)

As for the finale, I don't think we'll get more spoilers than we already have before it airs. After the incident on one GSR board that offered spoilers, we learned that several sites with spoilers are being monitored so the site runners have been extremely careful about the spoilers. Also, since the shooting was over for a while, it's normal that no more information (sides etc.) is released. As far as I know, Cath and Gil do work together in the finale. They have to. They always work together in season finales...well except WTG and you know what happened in that episode. lmao. But that's about the only thing we know about it regarding C/G. Here's hope for more C/G moments, and I certainly can't wait to find out how Catherine will react toward the whole GSR thing. :)

'N if you haven't, please go vote for our new thread title!
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

Congrats Purejoylove on your 100th post.

I'm glad Cath and Gil are working together in the finale. I havne't been reading much on the finale or the MCSK. I want to see how they are going to play all the MCSK and the GSR out and what Cath has to say... maybe we will have to wait until the season opening of next season... I hope not!
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

Congrats purejoylove, and hope you find an awesome icon. :D Give my livejournal a visit. :)

Thank lord for G/C in the finale. If I didn't get G/C for the finale this season, I swear..I don't know what I might do, but it'll probably be something I'll regret once I come back to sanity. :lol: Totally excited for what Cath will have to say when she finds about GSR. She'll be a lot more angry than she was in TGTBTD, and I don't think she'll go easy on him this coming episode. Just a hunch. :p
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

GraveyardIntern said:
Congrats purejoylove, and hope you find an awesome icon. :D Give my livejournal a visit. :)

Thank lord for G/C in the finale. If I didn't get G/C for the finale this season, I swear..I don't know what I might do, but it'll probably be something I'll regret once I come back to sanity. :lol: Totally excited for what Cath will have to say when she finds about GSR. She'll be a lot more angry than she was in TGTBTD, and I don't think she'll go easy on him this coming episode. Just a hunch. :p

One thing I found interesting was the shift in their relationship once again in TGtBatD. I'm wondering if something went on behind the scenes between the two that caused this shift?
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

^^ what do you mean by a shift in their relationship? Perhaps this feeling of tension and of being slightly angry at each other? For some reason, Gil seemed pissed off at Catherine and he wasn't being very nice :( lol
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

*slaps self* I can't believe I've never posted here before. :eek:

Well, er.. *twitches* umm.. hello! *awkward wave* I just want to say that I love Grissom and Catherine as a couple. :) And I first loved them when Catherine visited Grissom when he was about to have an ear surgery. And I love it when they hugged and that cute smile Catherine did when he walked away. :D
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

HOW BLOODY DARE YOU LUVINCSI HOW UTTERLY RUDE!¬ LOL, i'm so jokin, yes I have a strange sense of humour. Anyways better late than never luvincsi dear! Welcome. *huggles* someone needs to dig out the welcome basket! Awwwh, Inside the Box, CLASSIC purejoy eppy.

Congrats PJlove i'll be more than happy to make you an avi if you PM the pic u want? Just a suggestion.

Leather and grease huh? Could it be the LH effect?

Just when you think you've sunk no lower into the gutter, I drrrrag ya down to my level :devil:
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

Welcome luvincsi

And I believe ams there is a new thread **achem achem** for the Lady Heather effect on G/C :D ;)

yes one of the best (or at least top 10) Purejoy moments was the end of Inside the Box.

I think in TGTBATD Cath knew about Grissoms relationship with Lady Heather so she got on him for the hypocracy but they did seem more relaxed instead of constantly angry at each other.
Maybe something did happen between them ;)
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

And I believe ams there is a new thread **achem achem** for the Lady Heather effect on G/C

Ohhh I know, been there ;) Sexyness :D

Do you ladies think we could make a top ten PJ moment countdown? I think it may be too tough but we could try?!
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

Welcome luvincsi

Ams: sounds like an, errrm interesting? dream. :lol: Bad Cath, though! But I'm definitely with y'all in the gutter! :devil: Even if Cath isn't...

hhunter said: And I believe ams there is a new thread **achem achem** for the Lady Heather effect on G/C :D ;)

Oooh! :eek: *shuffles off to check out new thread*
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

It was just odd! :s '07 Bonnie & Clyde aka Cath & Grissom eh?!

I also had another one which involved Cath seducing Grissom with meyo and celary, dancing in a sewer...seriously what do I eat before I go to bed?!

*grips Caths leg* 'GET BACK DOWN HERE!' *pulls her back down to the gutter* Now thats better! :devil:

The new thread rawks! :D
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

Thanks guys.

And welcome, luvincsi.

Mayo and celery dancing in a sewer?! LMAO... That's fantastic. What DO you eat before you go to bed? Oh wow. :D
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

Yup, thats my dream! I posted it here when I drempt it but no harm to post the fun again!

Cath was trying to 'capture/lure' Gil in so she could kill him (she was being forced by someone else to do it apparently) so she took him to a dark sewer and danced for him with sticks of celery (Omg i'm laughin so much typing this!) with mayo on them to 'entice' him! Anyway she got him but couldn't kill him because she cared too much! Awwwh what a fluffy ending. Had another where PJ & SNickers double dated and they all slowdanced, too cute.
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

hey new her just thought I would pop in and say how much i loveeee purejoy!! hehe =)
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