Gil and Lady Heather #6: Because She Has Lovely Lips

Really Lynn into angst [more sarcasm here]

and it is angsty this ship

I mean she nailed him from the first time they met
they did spend the night together

she just knows him and he is uncomfortable with that
so lots of angst !
hhunter said:

I mean she nailed him from the first time they met
they did spend the night together

she just knows him and he is uncomfortable with that
so lots of angst !

So how well do you think he knows her? I mean, even Cat knew Zoe went to Harvard. I'm wondering why she never tolded him? :confused:
Hmmmm I guess she opened up to Cat because she's a Mom.

It's fun to watch him look so uncomfortable as she describes him. :lol:

IF, she does come back would you like to see her as the Dominatrix(Goth look) or Heather(Natural beauty).....

Dom :p


Heather :p
I think you got it WPRMW, she describes him in Lady Heather's Box
she knew he was loosing his hearing, I think he covered that part up by saying.. "I know exactly who I am"
but because he was soooooooo drawn to her, he kept looking at her and she was reading his face

and in Pirates of the Third Reich, Catherine said when they were processing Zoe's apartment, "How did she go from Harvard to this?"
and Grissom asked "how do you know she went to Harvard?"
Cath: "Lady Heather told me."

In Slaves, Lady Heather said that her daughter was 18 and a freshman at Harvard
So which character do you want her to come back as Hh?

Dom OR Heather? :)

I think the only way TPTB would bring her back as the Dom, they would have to have the Dominion and her girls. I'm thinking they won't. :( Maybe because it's too costly, unless, we have another special featuring our special Lady. :D

I want her back as the DOM too and the Dominion :D
Grissom loved her as the dom.. he was impartial to her as Heather, the grieving mother, he treated her as just another case IMO but
I think his brain cells kicked in and he realized how much he still cares for her... I also think Catherine secretly told him.. not to screw it up with her again
but again that's my opinion :D
Yes the Dom character is fun to watch. And we know Grissom is fascinated with the Dominion World she lives in. Me too! :lol:

Oh Gil definitely cares for her, it was very evident in the last scene of POTTR. I love, want, need to see a scene like that again. :p

Notice how tightly he's holding her. :p Ohhh he definitely cares. :D
He cares ohh he cares
thats why we never see anything else in that scene

and I hope they do bring her back as the Dom in the Dominion
that would be SUPER COOL (sorry a bit high school I know)
that way he could see her as the person he fell in love with although he would have to get used to seeing her 'other side' ,the Heather side ,not just the DOM side
You know what Hh?

I really wonder if Grissom sees two different people or one?

Personally, I just see Heather. I love her Dom role but, I just see Heather. Do you know what I mean?

Look at Grissom, what do we see? I just see him as a bug loving guy who's married to his work. :lol:

I know we see one Grissom but I wonder if he sees two Heathers ??

the Dom role that he first met, that became a murder suspect :eek: (we all know why THAT happened)

then he met Heather, the greiving mother

obviously he cares for both of them but somehow I think mabye he sees two sides of her
upon watching Slaves Again last night it made me realize.. She figured him out from the first moment they met

(that's why I think he was so drawn to her)

especially at the end of the episode when they are having tea
she said you are afraid of being known.
and that he takes part in the 'superficial trappings of society even for a momment as if the world is civilized'

YEAH she pegged him right then and there...
did anyone else get the idea from Slaves that she knew him right off the bat

he felt comfortable or slighty uncomfortable with that idea but he kept coming back to her

"I'm feeling a little needy myself Lady Heather"
He felt more slightly uncomfortable. :)
And it was fun watching that moment when they were having tea.

LADY HEATHER: Only because you try not to be. You spend your life uncovering what goes beneath the surface of civility and acceptable behavior. So it's a release for you to indulge in something like high tea when it seems, if only for a moment, the world really is civilized.

Looking back at SoLV, the beginning with "Master and Grasshopper" was too sweet. Not to mention "Yin and Yang", yes, I know those weren't LHG moment but still.....sweet none the less. :D
The B plot storyling, I could have done without. :D

I did like that too
the Master and Grasshopper, another woman who knows Grissom IMO :)

Lady Heather said that to Grissom as her way of letting him know that she knows him..
that's why she put out the good china.. FOR HIM
I should whack you both..

I think I want to see a bit of Heather, and then she takes him to the Dominion and the DOM comes out. :devil: That's what I want!
CathStokes said:
I should whack you both..

now now lets not get violent

that's what the dominion is for.. to take out your agressions

like Lady Heather says "it's people who don't here I worry about"

and I want to see Grissom see both sides of Heather too
the DOM and the woman Heather :D