Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – Sexy CSI Soul Mates

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Re: Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – Sexy CSI Soul Mates

Oh, oh! I just watched Jackpot. I love, love, love, LOVE that episode. Every time Gil calls Catherine his wife I just squealed. It is totally how karu mila said it. They have a common law marriage, and in that episode it is so obvious. They're just right together!
Re: Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – Sexy CSI Soul Mates

In response to Kaylyne's very intriguing question, I have the answer that everyone has has been posting.

We've never sunk !

I think it also kind of depends on how you define whether a ship has "sailed" or "sunk". For me, there have been so much *concrete* evidence (not looks, which can be the domain of the actors) like...lines and situations that have suggested more than a working relationship between these two. And I know our shippers are not alone in thinking that. Even Marg admitted that people speculated about them. Speculation means that there is something there and that means that the ship had been given the okay to go ahead.

I've been more happy with our ship recently, I suppose and although we aren't the official "office romance" of this series, I know that we were never in the wrong. Billy and Marg are best friends in real life and obviously that came through to us. And that is the solid *truth*! We were there to read not only the lines themselves but between the lines and see the true emotions behind the relationship.

I love us. :)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – Sexy CSI Soul Mates

I think the Gil/Cath ship is about... knowing that he's upset about a baby that's missing/kidnapped and not getting in his face about him being suddenly emotional about it ... noticing that he's losing his hearing and seeing him before he goes in for surgery for it ... getting in his face about taking over her case and knowing he hasn't realized what he's done ... not being afraid to point out to him the he has no personal life... discovering that they've both come to the same conclusion on where a missing boat is and complimenting her on finding it but not telling her that his experiment also pointed to the same place ... knowing where he keeps the stamps on his desk and knowing when he's looking for them ... giving the team their assignments at the scene when she realizes that he's flustered because a serial killer's killed again when he unknowingly let the guy get away on the previous murder ... having a conversation about your daughter who was caught hitchhiking and actually taking his advice and show your daughter a dead body... telling him your father, who was a murder suspect, gave you money, then later after your disagreement, you come to ask him if you two are still okay...
And knowing he needs a change in his life even before he knows. :)

As I've already said, k, that was beautiful, and I couldn't have said it better. What absolute certainty?! *snickers* Another poster over at BTA offered a different opinion and I have to say that I absolutely agree with her. The person who asked that question talked about us not getting our "hope-for" ending. And this poster said that's where this ship is misunderstood. In fact, a very large amount of the C/G shippers were satisfied, and happy with the friendship Catherine and Gil shared. That was, and still is, what our ship is based on. It was as canon as anything we saw on the show, but suddenly, when Gil is with someone else, there encounters become rare. He seldom works with Catherine anymore, and they rarely talk with, or even look at each other anymore, as if the friendship never existed. I think that was what upset the C/G shippers the most, because TPTB had to keep the C/G friendship to a minimum, or even destroy it, to showcase his romantic relationship. Some of us don't have to see them romantically involved as long as they remain the good old friends they used to be, but when even that is taken away, it would be naive to expect C/G shippers to be okay with it, I guess.

It's a good thing that they seem to be getting that friendship back. Better late then never, huh? It's funny, though, that it's only possible when Sara is gone.

Have a merry Christmas, everyone. :)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – Sexy CSI Soul Mates


Second, I love all the replies to kaylyne's question. Each time I've read a different response, for me it was like Christmas come early.

I've been watching some of the earlier episodes and it makes me happy and sad at the same time to see how Catherine and Gil interacted. I was happy because in the earlier seasons there were lots of scenes for them, but sad because as EricaSJ said, they didn't get much air time when Gil and Sara were 'together'.

My all time favorite scene that I've ever seen, and it probably isn't the best, but it strikes my heart with warmth is in After the Show:

Catherine: So, do you have my back?

Gil: I always have your back.

Merry Christmas to you guys and to Gil and Cath. Hopefully they're together and spoiling Lindsey rotten.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – Sexy CSI Soul Mates

I think that was what upset the C/G shippers the most, because TPTB had to keep the C/G friendship to a minimum, or even destroy it, to showcase his romantic relationship.

TPTB shouldn't have to do that... Gil's friendship with Cath is important to him as well and he's not gonna give that up easily. It's just like in After the Show. He's always got her back no matter what and TPTB should at least acknowledge that. *smacks them this time*
Re: Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – Sexy CSI Soul Mates

I'm so glad Kaylyne posted that here, because what she wrote is just the crux of the GC relationship. It's because of all those things they just are - no matter what tptb do, they can't kill it!

Now that the other relationship is presumably over, perhaps we'll get at least a couple more scenes like that last one in his final episode.

And there's always episode 200. GC RAWR
Re: Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – Sexy CSI Soul Mates

It's because of all those things they just are. -- I love that, Anne. You're right. They just are. No matter what others do or say, they just are and there's no use denying it. :D I'm not sure that other relationship is over yet. Knowing TPTB, it probably isn't. lol. But that doesn't bother me as it will always be Cath and Gil to me. :) And yes, there's always the 200th episode. :D

Oooh I so need to finish my part of the C/G calendar for Graveyard Shift Home that's due tomorrow!
Re: Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – Sexy CSI Soul Mates

Hey guys, hope you all enjoyed the holidays. Sorry I haven't been around much. Well I'm really looking forward to seeing season 9, it sounds like we've had some great G/C moments. Usually I watch online, but with Billy leaving, I've wanted to delay my watching as long as possible... :lol: I'm quite excited to see what happens with them in his last ep, I hope that we have some really cute moments between them, and like you guys have said, even if it's been denied to us, we know that they're really together. ;) Is Billy coming back for the 200th ep? Aww, that would be exciting, I'd love to see a little reunion between Gil and Cath. :adore:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – Sexy CSI Soul Mates

Hey Steph. Glad to see you back. Hope you're enjoying the holidays hehe. You'll love season 9, I think. At least I like it pretty much so far. The writing has been hugely improved compared with it was in seasons 6, 7 and 8. It's definitely more like old-school CSI to me, although it's still got a long way to go to get back to what it used to be in the early seasons. It's really great to see scenes of the team together again, and it's even better that we're getting the Cath/Gil friendship back. They haven't really shared a lot of scenes, but when they do, they make the best scenes, especially in the latest two episodes. :) With that, I hope we'll get to see them share some tender, intimate moments in Gil's last episode. I really think being old, close friends and partners, they deserve that. :)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – Sexy CSI Soul Mates

Is Billy coming back for the 200th ep?
I'm pretty sure he is because, if I'm not mistaken, Marg said he would be....and you know he can't come back and leave without seeing Catherine.;) He'll also need a place to stay.:devil: That is, unless he's still got his townhouse.
It's really great to see scenes of the team together again, and it's even better that we're getting the Cath/Gil friendship back. They haven't really shared a lot of scenes, but when they do, they make the best scenes, especially in the latest two episodes.
I feel the same way. Every moment that they've been together, it seems they've made the most out of it. The conversations tend to be more personal than they have in awhile. It's like they're getting back to where they started and it's amazing that they've done it so quick. Then again, this is Gil and Cath we're talking about.:)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – Sexy CSI Soul Mates

Hey Steph. Glad to see you back. Hope you're enjoying the holidays hehe. You'll love season 9, I think. At least I like it pretty much so far. The writing has been hugely improved compared with it was in seasons 6, 7 and 8. It's definitely more like old-school CSI to me, although it's still got a long way to go to get back to what it used to be in the early seasons. It's really great to see scenes of the team together again, and it's even better that we're getting the Cath/Gil friendship back. They haven't really shared a lot of scenes, but when they do, they make the best scenes, especially in the latest two episodes. :) With that, I hope we'll get to see them share some tender, intimate moments in Gil's last episode. I really think being old, close friends and partners, they deserve that. :)
Aww, thanks for the welcome back Erica. *Hugs* My holidays have been great thanks, spent Christmas day with my cousin's so that was alot of fun. Hope yours have been great too? Awww, I'm so glad to hear that season 9's been good for our couple... Glad to hear that they have their friendship back, I'm excited to see the cute moments that they've shared, especially their walk... :adore: I'm also holding out hope that we'll get an intimate moment between them in his last ep... You're right, they totally deserve it. I'd love to see a hug between them, a kiss would be nice too, even if it was only on the cheek, that would make me so happy... I mean, that is a realistic thing to do when your best friend is leaving... Come on TPTB, give us a scene we can remember forever... Please? :adore:

Miracle4Christmas said:
I'm pretty sure he is because, if I'm not mistaken, Marg said he would be....and you know he can't come back and leave without seeing Catherine.;) He'll also need a place to stay.:devil: That is, unless he's still got his townhouse.
Oh I'm really excited that he'll be back. When is the 200th ep? Oh, now that's an idea I like very much!! I'd love to see a cute little reunion scene, especially if it was at Catherine's house... :devil:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – Sexy CSI Soul Mates

Wow I haven't posted here for a little while :eek:. Sorry about that, the past few weeks have been hectic, with Christmas and the end of my current semester at university, so much studying that last week :)

I have been lurking though, don't you worry :lol:.

I'm also holding out hope that we'll get an intimate moment between them in his last ep... You're right, they totally deserve it. I'd love to see a hug between them, a kiss would be nice too, even if it was only on the cheek, that would make me so happy... I mean, that is a realistic thing to do when your best friend is leaving...

I agree. I am also holding out for a lovely scene between them in Billy's final ep. A hug would be wonderful...a kiss...even better :devil:. Even if it is just a peck on the cheek, we deserve something between them.

And Erica you are so right. Gil and Cath may not be sharing a lot of scenes lately, but when they do they are so comfortable around each other. The scenes are filled with the silent emotion between them, the way they look at one another is a plain way to tell. It would also be lovely just to see the old friendship back in a tad more detail than it has been the past few eps, even though we have seen slight hints of it returning.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – Sexy CSI Soul Mates

I with you, Steph and MissMurder...I'm hoping for that last scene between them to be an intimate one. Personally, I think a simple hug or, at the chance that we get a kiss on the cheek, would be the sexiest thing they could do....well, except for the whole roll in the sack thing:devil::lol:....serously though, with the kind of relationship they have, a simple gesture like that wouldn't be inappropriate at all. It would be the natural thing to do.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – Sexy CSI Soul Mates

with the kind of relationship they have, a simple gesture like that wouldn't be inappropriate at all. It would be the natural thing to do.

Oh of course. A simple gesture of their affection would not be inappropriate, it would be a dream come true for all of us PureJoy fans. Just to see them display their affection for one another, even in a small way such as a peck on the cheek or a hug before Gil leaves would make me a very happy shipper :hugegrin:. Though I agree that a roll in the sack would be an awful lot better :devil: And a completely natural thing to do, as you have so rightly said dear :)

The writers have to give Gil and Cath a decent send off. I mean they cannot make it that they have been friends for over 20 years for him to say "Nice to know you, goodbye!" He is much closer to her than that. I have a feeling the last scene is going to cause some tears. It will be sweet.

Marg did say that they share a scene. So hopefully our wishes will come true :thumbsup:.
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Re: Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – Sexy CSI Soul Mates

I with you, Steph and MissMurder...I'm hoping for that last scene between them to be an intimate one. Personally, I think a simple hug or, at the chance that we get a kiss on the cheek, would be the sexiest thing they could do....well, except for the whole roll in the sack thing:devil::lol:....serously though, with the kind of relationship they have, a simple gesture like that wouldn't be inappropriate at all. It would be the natural thing to do.
:devil: Well now that I'd love to see, but I very much doubt that we're going to get it, so I'd settle for a hug or a kiss on the cheek. :lol: Like you said, it wouldn't be inappropriate, they've been best friends for a long time... Definitely the natural thing to do...

I really hope you're right Karen, I hope that we get a really cute scene between them, and you're right when you say they need a proper goodbye, when you're friends with someone for over 20 years, and they're leaving, you're going to get emotional... So come on TPTB, give us one great scene... Please?
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