Gil <3 Cath #27: PureJoy--He Enjoys Her Slaps

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*likes Harry/Hermione, but that's not the point here*

Closet GC Shippers
Doc Robbins
Lt Brooks
Vet from jackpot
Teri Miller
Nick Stokes
David Hodges

I added Mandy because she's had some great scenes with GC, including...Anonymous was it? When they found Grissom's thumb print at the scene. Mandy rocks.
Oh the list? Ummm, well they like Grillows or have directly/indirectly showed signs of support! :) I'm sorry, but are you suggesting anything else...?
We're just having some fun here. :D

Drum: YES, Mandy must be a shipper! :D *Heheh, Harmony is good.*
Hottie_Cath said:
I cant remember why Mandy is a closet GC :D
I think it has to do with the Millander episode where she asks Catherine to leave the room so she can talk privately with Grissom about the fingerprint match. Gil says "anything you have to say to me, you can say to her". So, I guess Mandy knows the two have no secrets. ;) Interpret that however you wish. I know MY interpretation of it! :devil:
Are we getting a new thread soon?

Anyway, was just looking at my backgrounds posted on my LJ and realized that they were resized the wrong way. -_-;;; I'm not really used to imageshack. I've always been using photobucket. How do you all do it on imageshack? It's really confusing. Reposted the backgrounds for those of you that actually gave them a look. :p

But I love that line by Gil ^^, although it wasn't anything personal, just showed the level of their relationship. Quite a stellar line. :lol:

EDIT: OMG A FELLOW HARMONY SHIPPER?! wow. Yeah Harry/Hermione are so having an affair behind Ron and Ginny's backs. lol
Would it be extremely masochistic of me to say that I actually think Sara is a closet PureJoy shipper too?
You know i've always thought that, if he wasn't with her, maybe she'd think it best (and it would be LOL) that he was with Miss Willows. ;) Yes, I enjoy clutching at straws too lol.

I've always had a week spot for that line too, like you said Gravey, wasn't romantic as such, just shows how good friends they are lol.

Uni's going pretty darn well, in a flat with 4 other girls which is a bit, urk, I woulda liked a coupla guys to mix it up. Nobody to talk about sport with lol. S'all good though :D Woot.
my sister is obsessed w/ harmony. and i love reading fanfics about them. they are soo much more than brother/sister, they have to be!!

thanks for explaining the list, i wasn't here when it started, i guess, so i wasn't fully understanding it!
Well alrighty then - I'm adding Sara to the list:

Closet GC Shippers
Doc Robbins
Lt Brooks
Vet from jackpot
Teri Miller
Nick Stokes
David Hodges

We must remember to put this at the top of the new thread...otherwise I'll lose it again *blush*
Hey ams, glad that uni is turning out well :)

oh oh, closet shippers! Can we include Lady H in the list too? Cuz with her anthropologist skills she wouldn't had missed the connection between gc.

Almost forgot...welcome aboard, bethybug !

OT: Harmony? I didn't know that is the name of the ship, I'm a fan too!
me again, and my naive newbie ways.
if it's not too much to ask, could someone explain each person in the list? you don't have to, i'm just curious. and if it would be a problem in the thread, a pm would be fine.
i thought the vet in jackpot was great. gil and cath do act very *married couple*-ish!!
No problemo. I'm happy to do that, for everyone in case we need a refresher course ;)

Eddie - "I always knew you two had a thing". He's always been jealous of G and C's relationship. "Was that your boyfriend?"

Greg - He knows that G and C are tight. And well - supervisor porn :D

Ecklie - He's always had a thing for Cath, but when he sees her with G - he's so jealous.

Jacqui - She wants what's best for Cath - and Jacqui rocks, so naturally she'd be GC

Doc Robbins: "Fallen asleep in Grissom's tub again" *snicker* I love that one.

Brass - he knows. He SO knows.

Max: "Cathy, how's Gilbert?"

Sam: He loved his Mugs, didn't much love Gil, but knew that Gil loved Mugs.

Sofia: Sofia's a smart cookie. She backed off from Gil because it was Cath's territory.

Lily: I love Lily. And she knows. Catherine and Gil are like a young version of her and Sam.

Lindsey: Gil gives her birthday presents, and she knows him so well. She's so a shipper.

Mandy - Mainly from Anonymous, when she found out that "anything you tell me you can tell her"

Lt Brooks and the vet from Jackpot - self-explanatory

Teri Miller - Even though Catherine kind of urged Gil to date her, Teri knew his mind was elsewhere. She sensed it.

Nick - Good old Nicky. He knows ;)

Hodges knows - he's seen it

And Natalie, Henry and Sara we've just spoken about :D
We can run them down for you. Here are a couple to start with

Eddie (The original PureJoy shipper) - "I always knew you two had a thing" {Too tough to die}

{Blood Drops}
CATH: That would be Grissom.
EDDIE: How is your boyfriend?

Greg: -
{To halve and to hold}
GREG: Yeah. I heard Grissom's lady friend was in town.
CATH: Ladyfriend? Hmm. Wouldn't know anything about that.
GREG: Really? I thought you and Grissom were tight.
CATH: We are.
GREG: Okay. Got it. Private.

Sam (my favorite PureJoy shipper):
{No more bets}
Sam (to Gil): "I'm curious. What bothers you more? The fact that you couldn't pin a murder on me or that Catherine cashed my check?

The question to be asked would Sam know that Catherine told Gil about the check? Obviously, Sam knows how close the two of them are.
rebec said:
Can we include Lady H in the list too? Cuz with her anthropologist skills she wouldn't had missed the connection between gc.

I might have to agree with you on LH.
She is good at reading people, and she knows Cath and Gris are 'tight'

I like the idea of Sara being a closet GC shipper too. ;)
Thank you! I didn't know that Mandy was on CSI since Season 1, I've always thought she's a newbie like Henry. I was so giddy w/ that GC scene that I forgot Mandy was even there in the room when Grissom said 'anything you say to me you can say to her' *pats Mandy* she totally rocks!

I can't really remember the older episodes that much anymore, lol..I can't remember why Jackie is a closet shipper... :D is there any particular quote/scene about her and GC?

Nick- In Season 7 Leaving Las Vegas..
CATHERINE: Maybe he's got himself a girlfriend.
NICK: That's what I'm saying. You know, I thought you were.. (then there was this odd pause for 3-5 seconds before he finished his sentence. just watch the episode! you'll see)

Lily - she was there in Weeping Willows when Grissom made a booty call :lol: and Lily was pissed off at Cath for going out again... despite Lily's constant nagging Cath still went out just to help Griss. She also said something in Kiss 2x Bye 2x 'We have a history together, Catherine. We were young together. Some day, maybe you'll understand.' which we thought was a cute quote for G/C..

Brass- in the end scene of King Baby and a lot of other episodes.

Teri Miller- forgot the epi but this was probably in S1 where she tells Gil 'your girl's probably a blonde.'

Lindsey- Grissom gave her a chem set and also Grissom still remembers the joke she told him way back when she was 3.

David Hodges-somebody posted a screencap where just like Ecklie he looked suspicious/pissed in a GC scene.

Ecklie- he and Sofia were on a double date w/ Gil and Cath hahah in Formalities.. and I think we found a pic where Ecklie look suspicious/pissed when G/C were together.

Speaking of Ecklers, I remember this despicable guy in Season 3 Play with Fire... Director Robert Cavallo he's a closet GC shipper too!!! PWF was the episode where Grissom was fighting for and was backing up Catherine... Cavallo kept telling Grissom that he shouldn't protect her and that he has heard rumors about Grissom & Cath hahah.. He knows. ;) Plus Cavallo hosted the dinner party in Formalities, without him there'd be no hot bowtie scene.
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