George/Nick: Texan Charm #11

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Loved Nick in last night's episode - the ending was well done.

I just finished capping last night's show and I agree about the ending. I found it more powerful watching it on the computer than on the TV. I don't know whether that was because I was closer and could see Nick's emotions better or not but Wow at the ending. Well done George.

Nick is certainly a different guy this year. He's becoming staid fast in his ways.

I've also noticed that George's accent seems more pronounced the more determined Nick becomes :)
Oh my gosh...I loved the scene where Cath asked him about seeing the therapist. Continuity!! :) And at the end when he asked her to go out for a beer..."You sure? We can talk about our feelings!" :guffaw::guffaw: Oh that was great!

And a little action too....gun porn and door kicking! :drool:
It seemed like his voice was shakey when he called Mitch over to the door. That was great continuity from the opener.
I think I did the spoiler thingie right!
It seemed like his voice was shakey when he called Mitch over to the door. That was great continuity from the opener.
I think I did the spoiler thingie right!

Yes, you did! And I think you're right. Besides what you said,
I think he showed good sense in calling Mitch over rather than trying to go in on his own.
Loved that at the end "we can talk about our feelings." :guffaw:

I hope he really is coping well, and this isn't setting him up for bad things. I know some of you fanfic writers like to torture Nick, but I want him happy! :D

I usually don't like when they go in like cops (like Irradiator), but tonight wasn't that bad - they more or less stayed behind the cops, and he called for backup when he needed it. He's been drawing his gun almost every episode this season. :wtf:
I was actually glad when Nick called Mitch over to help. I think for Nick that is a huge step in healing.

Oh and I loved the chit chat that he and Catherine had both in her office and the hallway.
I really miss Nick & Warrick now! :( Rock, Paper, Scissors anybody (a-la Let the Seller Beware)?

I'm glad he called Mitch over before kicking in the door. Even tho they started the promo (for the ep) off with that scene the blue light coming from under the door was kinda eerie and I was a little worried about what was on the other side.

I loved the little conversation with Catherine in her office. I am little worried about his stopping therapy after only 2 sessions. Yes it is Nick to only go the mandatory number but why bring it up if they aren't going to show something else happening later on. :( I am glad that Catherine knows Nick and didn't push it after that tho.

Anybody else worried about him while he was 'in' the shredder? :eek: I am so glad they showed him being very carefull. I was so worried about him taking a miss-step. :lol:

Nick, I'm free to talk about my feelings (to/about you) anytime. :angel: (even if I don't drink!)

That smile after the feelings line - Catherine, the whole lab knows more than you realize about you and Vartann! :lol:

Anybody else worried about him while he was 'in' the shredder? :eek: I am so glad they showed him being very carefull. I was so worried about him taking a miss-step. :lol:

Yes! I kept thinking about when my little paper shredder gets jammed and I have to clear it out - even unplugged, it makes me nervous, and those blades are sharp!
Anybody else worried about him while he was 'in' the shredder? :eek: I am so glad they showed him being very carefull. I was so worried about him taking a miss-step. :lol:

To be honest, my first thought was "I wonder if he'd feel it?" It might shred him so quick he wouldn't even notice that he was a plate of spaghetti, Texas style. :lol:

But then my second thought was along the lines of "Jeez, he's got balls. I wouldn't step in there..."
Anybody else worried about him while he was 'in' the shredder? :eek: I am so glad they showed him being very carefull. I was so worried about him taking a miss-step. :lol:


I did find it a little nerve wracking to watch Nick in the shredder :eek: I'm sure fuses were unplugged and all plugs were unplugged :) but what I found interesting was Nick's boots made it on camera. It was almost a safety message there that if you're going to climb in one of these suckers make sure you're at least wearing proper foot wear. Greg and his running shoes would not have been a good idea :D
Yes, I had a little moment when he was in the shredder, although I didn't really think they'd do anything to him at that point in the episode. :)

"We can talk about our feelings!" :lol: I must have watched that part a hundred times last night. And yes, the look on his face was so cute. I know he told Cath earlier that he isn't the type to sit in a room and talk about his feelings, but I'll bet this is leading up to something for later in the season. And I'll stop there before conversation strays into spoiler teritory. ;)

And I know people are digging the plaid, but I miss the dark shirts...the long sleeved ones. And the white button downs.
He looked like he was being very careful where he stepped, but all I kept thinking was that it was going to hurt big time if he lost his balance.

I like how Catherine looked like she is worried about Nicky's mental health. She didn't seem convinced that going to the gym, eating healthy and getting enough sleep was helping him with his issues.

I hope we get to see that all may not be well in Stokesville.
George was great last night, as always! :)

And, of course, he was just :drool:

I was worried about him when he was in that shredder.

That conversation between him and Catherine was interesting. I was wondering, like all of you, if that's a setup for something to come. Actually, it makes me worry that George is leaving the show and it's being setup and he hasn't made that announcement yet. (i'm sure that's not it, I hope).

Wonder what will happen with Nick toward the end of the season, because the continuity isn't usually done and now that it is, it's scary. :lol:

So Ctess found this video of George being interviewed at the George Lopez golf tournament. I keep forgetting to keep an eye on the GettyImages videos.

Here's the link. (god, he just looks so DAMN HOT in this video. The hair, the goatee, the sunglasses
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